For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 15, 2007
PIO# 197-07/sjm
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Mentoring Partnership to Host Free Information Session on August 29

Have you ever thought about how you can make a difference in others’ lives right here in the Alexandria community? Mentoring is a great way to be a positive influence on Alexandria youth, and both youth and adults have expressed their desire to see more available mentors in the community. The Alexandria Mentoring Partnership, through the support of the City of Alexandria, is sponsoring a free information session on August 29, 2007, from 6 – 8:30 pm at the Lyceum, 201 South Washington Street, in order to recruit at least 200 new mentors.

The Partnership will kick off the event by serving a light dinner from 6 – 7pm, and the information session is scheduled from 7 – 8:30 pm. Current mentors, youth, parents, and staff who are involved in local mentoring programs will discuss opportunities for the community to participate. No prior experience as a mentor is necessary! The Partnership will provide the training for you to become a mentor.

The Alexandria Mentoring Partnership is a collaborative partnership of 15 mentor programs, volunteers and staff working together to recruit, train and support adults so that every child desiring a mentor can be offered one. The Partnership was formed as a result of feedback received from the community through initiatives of the Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force, the Alexandria Community Services Board, and community outreach. The Partnership prioritized mentoring programs because they have been identified as a research-based best practice in preventing crime, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, poor school performance, and gang involvement.
Please RSVP to attend by calling 703.838.4180, ext. 261, or by emailing If you cannot attend this session but would like more information on how to become involved in Alexandria’s mentoring programs, please visit the web site at