For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
July 20, 2005
PIO# 234-05/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria, Allies in Prevention Coalition,
And SCAN of Northern Virginia Issue Heat Safety Warnings for Children

With the heat index over 100 degrees for the last several days, the City of Alexandria, the Allies in Prevention Coalition, and Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) of Northern Virginia are issuing safety warnings to parents and others who are traveling in the area with children.

No matter the time of year, it is never a wise decision to leave children in an automobile alone. During the summer months, even a quick stop can have serious or deadly consequences. Cracking a window does not reduce the heat building inside of a car. On a 95 degree day, the inside of a car can exceed 125 degrees in less than 30 minutes. Children’s body temperature increases three to five times faster than that of adults. Even if the temperature inside the car feels fine to adults, it may be fatally hot for children. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can occur in just minutes for infants and young children. Heat stroke can occur even faster in children who are ill or have health problems.

When someone has heat stroke, his or her skin will become red and dry and unable to produce sweat to cool the body’s temperature. The heart rate will quicken, and he or she will become confused and lose consciousness before the organ systems begin to fail.

Whenever children are accidentally locked in hot cars, 911 should be called immediately. To report concerns about the caring of children, call the Alexandria Child Protective Services at 703.838.0800.

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