For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
February 2, 2006
PIO# 029-06/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Bar Association Accepts Nominations
For 2006 Beat the Odds Scholarship Awards
Program Helps Local Youth Achieve Academic, Career, or Life Goals

The Alexandria Bar Association is accepting nominations for the 2006 Beat the Odds Scholarship Awards. The Beat the Odds program annually provides financial awards, a plaque, and other recognition to local youth, ages 13 to 21, who have overcome difficult situations to achieve their educational or vocational goals. Nominations and applications for the awards must be submitted by Wednesday, March 15, to the Alexandria Bar Association, 520 King St., Room 202, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Last year, the Beat the Odds program awarded $19,000 in scholarships and grants to six Alexandria teens to assist them with their future academic, career, or life goals. The program will recognize recipients with the Beat the Odds Scholar Award of $5,000 to use towards educational goals; and the Phoenix Award of $3,000, Move Forward Award of $2,000, and Keep on Track Award of $1,000 to assist with advancement in academic, career, or life goals.

The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Bar Association annually co-sponsor the awards program.

An application can be obtained from the Alexandria Bar Association, the City’s Human Services and Juvenile Courts offices, and Alexandria City Public Schools.

The Alexandria Bar Association modeled the Beat the Odds program after the Children’s Defense Fund Program. The association created the Beat the Odds program as a way of engaging the community to recognize and value youth who are excelling despite adverse life situations.

For more information on the Alexandria Beat the Odds scholarship/grant program, or to nominate a youth or obtain an application, call Judith Boykin, Executive Director of the Alexandria Bar Association, at 703.548.1106; or Kimberly Y. Moore, a member of the program’s steering committee, at 703.795.3501.
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