For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 2, 2005
PIO# 187-05/bg
Patricia Ferrao, Env. Health, 703.838.4400 ext. 327
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Health Department Creates Mosquito Control Program
Resident Education on Mosquito-borne Illness Prevention First Priority

The Alexandria Health Department’s Environmental Health Division has created a mosquito control program to better serve the residents of Alexandria. Patricia Ferrao, a professional in the field of mosquito-borne disease control, has been selected to head the new program. Also added to staff are a full-time environmental health biologist, Holly Feltner, and two seasonal biologists. These new employees will eliminate the need for outside contractors to manage Alexandria’s mosquito control program.

According to Environmental Health Director Bob Custard, “By bringing all of our mosquito surveillance and control efforts ‘in-house,’ we are able to better serve the residents of Alexandria. Neighborhoods that experience an adult mosquito problem will be able to contact us directly. We can offer a more timely response to citizens and can develop workable strategies that help prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus.”

Human cases of West Nile virus were first diagnosed in Alexandria in 2002. Last year, there were no laboratory confirmed human cases of the West Nile virus in the City and just five cases statewide. However, there were seven mosquito pools (collections) that tested positive for the West Nile virus in the Alexandria. Health officials know that the disease is endemic in the region. Fortunately, there are ways of preventing the spread of diseases like West Nile. By eliminating mosquito-breeding areas, residents can play a large role in these efforts.

Alexandria Health Director Charles Konigsberg, Jr., MD, MPH, is looking forward to hearing input from residents about the new program. “We urge residents to call us with any questions or comments and to report mosquito breeding areas, such as poorly draining ditches, stagnant water sources, or other low lying areas that hold water for more than a few days,” Dr. Konigsberg said. The phone number is 703.838.4400 ext. 327.

Goals of the new program include:

q Increased public education and awareness regarding the importance of mosquito control efforts: working with different City agencies and neighborhood associations on collaborative mosquito control initiatives, and enlisting the aid of residents to help eliminate mosquito-breeding areas. Those interested should call 703.838.4400 ext. 326 or 327 for more information.

q Targeted surveillance efforts: while the Health Department no longer collects dead bird carcasses as a way to test for the West Nile virus in the community, health officials are interested in hearing from residents regarding dead bird sightings. This will aid in targeted mosquito surveillance efforts. Call 703.838.4400 ext. 326 or 327.

q Mosquito Surveillance and Control Services: to monitor the number and species of mosquitoes in Alexandria, biologists will begin setting mosquito traps in different areas of Alexandria beginning early this month. The information generated will aid in directing mosquito-control services based on the species type. Residents may see the well-marked light trap devices hanging in their neighborhood.

For more information on the new Alexandria Mosquito Control Program, contact Patricia Ferrao, at 703.838.4400 ext. 327, or Holly Feltner, 703.838.4400 ext 326. For more information on West Nile prevention, log on to the Virginia Department of Health’s web page, or the Alexandria Health Department’s web page
