For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
November 16, 2006
PIO# 246-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Programs Brighten Holiday Season For Disadvantaged Residents

The Alexandria Department of Human Services invites the public to help make the 2006 holiday season brighter for disadvantaged families, foster children, and seniors by participating in the City’s Holiday Sharing Programs. Individuals and groups take part in the program by purchasing gifts or certificates for a designated Alexandria family, foster child or senior citizen. Gifts may be delivered directly to recipients or brought to the City’s Human Services Center for distribution by staff.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for Alexandria residents to show their compassion by sponsoring a family, senior, teen, or foster child who would otherwise not be able to enjoy the holiday season to the fullest,” said Debra Collins, Director of the Department of Human Services. “Alexandria is a caring and generous community and we encourage all those more fortunate to open their hearts as they have in the past.”

In 2005, the Holiday Sharing Programs assisted 472 families, 118 seniors and disabled persons, and 198 teenagers and foster children. In addition to thousands of gift items distributed through Sponsor-a-Family, Sponsor-a-Senior Citizen and Sponsor-a-Foster Child, sponsors also gave a total of $16,000 in gift certificates through the Sponsor-a-Teen program.

The Department of Human Services is also seeking volunteers to help sort and deliver gifts at the Human Services Center on Dec. 13, 14 and 15 from 9 am to 8 pm.

Individuals, families and groups can request more information or enroll in the program by contacting Suzanne Kratzok at 703-519-3318, extension 206, or by email to

Persons interested in donating toys alone should call Community Partners for Children at 703-683-1012.
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