Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

NOVEMBER 20, 2006, 3:30 P.M.

Alexandria Police Step Up Presence and Offer Tips to
Prevent Robberies During Holiday Season

Winter holidays are not just busy times for shoppers but for robbers as well. Alexandria police have launched a robbery suppression task force in an effort to prevent robberies through the end of the holiday season. Using both high-visibility and low-profile patrols, police have increased their presence in shopping areas and areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

Alexandria police are also encouraging people to take these precautions to protect themselves:

• Be aware of your surroundings at all times, whether shopping in the mall, walking through a parking lot or going to a party.

• Remain alert and avoid distractions. Don’t talk on cell phones or listen to devices with earphones as you walk.

• Park in well-lighted areas, and don't carry so many packages that you are unable to easily move and view your surroundings.

• As you walk to your car, have your key in your hand, ready to unlock your car door. As you approach your car, look around to see if anyone is lurking about. If you see someone or something suspicious, return to the store and alert their staff.

• When possible, shop in the daytime and with a friend. Try to leave small children at home so they don't add to your holiday shopping distraction.

• Use ATMs in well-lighted areas or even better, get cash at indoor locations.