City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

For Immediate Release
October 28, 2004
PIO 258-04/rdo

Trees Planted in Two City Parks
Located in Resource Protection Areas

Several trees have been planted in two City parks that are located within Resource Protection Areas (RPA) —corridors of environmentally sensitive land that lie alongside or near the shorelines of streams, rivers and other waterways. A total of 21 native trees have been planted along Holmes Run in the All Veterans Park and five trees have been planted in Tarleton Park. The trees were planted as mitigation for trees removed during last winter’s flood control maintenance project.

The Division of Environmental Quality of the Department of Transportation & Environmental Services provided funding and oversight for the project. The Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities prepared the landscape design and coordinated the installation of the trees. The trees were planted in imported and amended topsoil with watering bags and beaver protection secured to the trunks to help ensure survivability.

The Division of Environmental Quality administers the City’s Chesapeake Bay Program, which regulates the kinds of development that can occur in RPA’s, sensitive areas along streams, that drain into the Potomac River and eventually into the Chesapeake Bay.

The trees that were planted will offer shade to pedestrians walking and biking along the trail as well as those who might stop along the banks to observe wildlife at Holmes Run.

The All Veterans Park is located near the intersection of Pickett Street and Holmes Run Parkway. Tarleton Park is located near the intersection of Jordan Street and Holmes Run Parkway.

For more information, call the Division of Environmental Quality at 703.838.4334.

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