For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
September 8, 2005
PIO# 279-05/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Health Department’s Mosquito Surveillance Program
Continues to Detect Positive West Nile Virus Mosquitoes in City

The Alexandria Health Department has detected, as of Sept. 8, a total of 22 West Nile Virus positive mosquito collections in the City. Residents are being asked to be proactive in their efforts to eliminate standing water sites and protect themselves against mosquito bites. “Increased mosquito control efforts are especially important among homeowners and residents in the City to decrease the risk of infection from mosquito-borne diseases,” said Patricia Ferrao, Vector-borne Illness Prevention Program Supervisor with the Environmental Health Division of the Alexandria Health Department.

People most at risk for developing symptoms of the West Nile Virus are those over age 50 and those with compromised immune systems. All residents, however, should continue to take measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

Some common measures to eliminating mosquito-breeding areas on your property as well as some tips to protect yourself against mosquito bites include:

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding on Your Property

- Empty birdbaths and other water-holding containers, such as trays
under flowerpots, at least once a week.
- Properly dispose of used tires.
- Clean roof gutters and downspouts. Check corrugated black drainpipes
for any water collection.
- Turn over wading pools, wheelbarrows, canoes, pails, trash can lids, children’s toys, and any other
object that can hold water, including items stored under decks and porches.
- Repair dripping outdoor water faucets.
- Drain water from tamps and grill covers.

Avoid Mosquito Bites

- Avoid outdoor activities, at dawn and dusk, in mosquito-infested areas
like marshes and wetlands.
- Use insect repellants, such as DEEDED (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), Picardin (KBR 3023), or Oil
of Lemon eucalyptus (p-menthane 3,8-diol - PMD), as per label directions.
- Wear loose, long and light-colored clothing when outdoors.
- Check window and door screens for holes and repair, if necessary,
with a fine-mesh screen.

For more information on West Nile virus, visit the following web sites:

Virginia Department of Health:

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

For additional questions or concerns regarding mosquitoes or mosquito-borne illness, please call
Patricia Ferrao, at 703.838.4400, extension 327, or Holly Feltner at extension 326.

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