For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 11, 2007
PIO# PIO 148-07/sjm
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Commission for the Arts Invites Alexandria Teachers to
Exhibit Work at the Alexandria Festival of the Arts: Local Color Arts Show

The Alexandria Commission for the Arts invites Alexandria teachers, in public and private schools, to exhibit their artwork in the Local Color Show at the Alexandria Festival of the Arts, scheduled for Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9 in Historic Old Town Alexandria. The teachers' exhibition will complement the two days of the Festival, which showcases 200 artists from around the country and attracts over 60,000 people to the City.

The Alexandria Commission for the Arts wants to showcase the work of a special group of Alexandria artists – the teachers in our schools. The Commission wants to provide an opportunity to exhibit their work and support their efforts to encourage an interest in the arts among Alexandria’s young people. Local Color will be located on King Street at the foot of the stairs to Market Square. Following the festival, exhibitors will have the opportunity to show their works in Alexandria City Hall.

All teachers in Alexandria schools, public and private, are invited to submit one (1) artistic work to be exhibited at the Festival. The first 50 entries received will be exhibited. Entries chosen for Local Color will be notified by August 15, 2007.

Additional information and entry forms are available on the Commission’s website The Commission must receive entries no later than July 30, 2007.

The City of Alexandria is committed to compliance with the City’s Human Rights Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation or to request materials in an alternative format, call Cheryl Anne Colton, Cultural Arts Administrator, of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities at 703-838-6348 or e-mail

For additional information about other programs and services of the Alexandria Commission for the Arts, visit or call 703-838-6348.
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