For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 12, 2005
PIO# 260-05/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Restaurants Join “Proud To Be Smoke Free” Program

The Alexandria Health Department is encouraging local restaurants to be a part of its new “Proud To Be Smoke Free” program, which enables patrons to enjoy smoke free meals and provides establishment employees a healthier work environment. Since July 15, more than 50 Alexandria restaurants have signed on to this voluntary program.

Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing more than 53,000 non-smokers in the U.S. and approximately 1,700 in Virginia, according to Virginians For a Healthy Future. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has determined that an increased risk of heart disease is associated with exposure to secondhand smoke and has warned those with heart disease to avoid all indoor environments that permit smoking.

Program coordinator Denise Yeager, a former University-level health and physical education teacher for 30 years, is excited by the outpouring of support from local restaurant owners and staff. “In an unscientific survey at a recent employee benefits fair here in Alexandria, 89 out of 101 people asked said they would like to see more 100 percent smoke-free restaurants in our City,” Yeager said. “It is exciting to be part of a program that is doing so much to protect workers, as well as patrons, from the toxins that make up secondhand smoke.”

The Proud To Be Smoke-Free campaign is a voluntary program, funded by a grant from the CDC Tobacco Use Control Project. Postcards explaining the program have been mailed to all restaurants in the City, explaining the benefits of becoming a Smoke-Free Dining Facility, such as being listed in a brochure distributed in local hotels, libraries, recreation centers, and City agencies, as well as being listed on various local, regional, and statewide web sites. Diners are encouraged to look for establishments that have posted their new Smoke-Free status decals: smiling blue and yellow dinner plates emblazoned with the words “Proud To Be Smoke-Free.

Alexandria Health Director Charles Konigsberg Jr., MD, MPH, feels that residents of Alexandria are “increasingly health conscious” and have shown an increasing interest in protecting their own health, as well as that of their families.

“I hope residents will let us know how they feel about dining in smoke free establishments and that they will continue to support those that have stepped up to the plate and made their environments healthier places to relax and enjoy a nice meal,” said Dr. Konigsberg.

A listing of restaurants that have joined the Proud To be Smoke-Free program will be available on or soon. For more information about joining the program, smoke-free policies, or general questions, contact Denise Yeager, 703.838.4400, extension 320.
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