News Release

Date:Wednesday, November 27, 1996
Contact:Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Nominations for Alexandria Technology Achievement Award Due December 5
There is still time to nominate an Alexandria business for the first annual Alexandria Technology Achievement Award. The award, which will be presented in March 1997, will recognize an Alexandria business that has developed new technology or innovative uses of existing technology. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, December 5, 1996.
The nomination process is simple: nominations should include the name and address of the business being nominated, along with the name of the firm's chief executive officer; the name, title and telephone number for a contact person; and a brief description of the firm's technological achievement and its impact on its business, industry, and/or the City of Alexandria. The award is open to Alexandria businesses.

Nominations should be sent to Arthur Gitajn, F&ITS Director, City of Alexandria, City Hall, 301 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, or by fax to Mr. Gitajn at 838-6343, or by e-mail (

Joining with the City of Alexandria to sponsor the award are the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership. All three are the principal sponsors of Alexandria Technology Week, March 10-14, 1997, to celebrate the growth of the City's technology sector.

High technology firms represent one of the major employment sectors in Alexandria's economy. There are currently 157 high technology firms residing in the City with over 8,800 full-time employees. By comparison, the more than 300 national trade and professional associations with headquarters in Alexandria have just over 7,500 full-time employees.

Alexandria Mayor Kerry J. Donley, 838-3069 (W) or 838-4500 (O)
Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Kathleen Snyder, 739-3802 (O)
Richard Flaherty, Executive Director, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, 739-3820 (O)

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Copyright 1995: George Mason University
Last Modified: 12/30/96