Public Information Office

2003 Mill Road

Alexandria, Virginia 22314

(703) 838-4636


AUGUST 16, 1999

Alexandria Police Target Violators of Parking Spaces Reserved for Persons with Disabilities
Chief of Police Charles E. Samarra wants to inform citizens that the Alexandria Police Department will soon begin its quarterly crackdown on vehicles illegally parked in spaces reserved for motorists with disabilities.

Parking enforcement officers and patrol officers will give special attention to violators who park in spaces reserved for drivers with disabilities starting on Monday, August 23, and continuing through Friday, August 27.

Drivers are reminded that only vehicles bearing special license tags or windshield placards issued by the motor vehicle departments of Virginia, Maryland or the District of Columbia, are permitted to park in spaces designated for motorists with disabilities. The penalty is $178 for violating the disabled parking restrictions, but costs could go higher with possible towing and storage charges.

Chief Samarra would also like to remind drivers that the Alexandria Police Department enforces spaces reserved for motorists with disabilities in privately-owned shopping centers.

For further information, please contact the Public Information Office.