Media Advisory

Date:Thursday, March 25, 1999
Contact:Angelita Plemmer, City Manager's Office, (703) 838-4300

Council Names City Hall Lobby in Honor of Alexandria City Manager
The Alexandria City Council voted unanimously Tuesday, March 23, to name City Hall's historic Cameron Street lobby ---- the Vola Lawson Lobby.

The City Council's action recognizes Mrs. Lawson for nearly three decades of public service and names a prominent location in Alexandria's City Hall to acknowledge her continuing contributions to the City.

"Vola Lawson has had and will continue to have a profound impact on this City," Alexandria Mayor Kerry Donley said. "She has had a very distinguished career and this is one small way of saying how much we appreciate all that she has given to this City and continues to give as Alexandria City Manager."

Mrs. Lawson has served as City Manager of Alexandria since 1985 and is in her 28th year of service with the City Government. During her 14-year tenure as City Manager, the City secured and had reaffirmed triple-A bond ratings from both of Wall Street's major credit rating agencies and the City's debt ratio decreased from almost $1,000 per capita in 1985 to $245 per capita this year.

"The City is celebrating its 250th birthday, which is an opportunity for the City to recognize its history and the contributions of its citizens," Councilman David Speck said. "This is our tribute to Vola Lawson for her outstanding leadership in this community."

A special plaque will be displayed and a ceremony will be held at a later date in honor of the new nomenclature.

"I am honored and touched by the City Council's thoughtful recognition," Mrs. Lawson said. "I will continue to dedicate myself to the people of Alexandria and look forward to working with the City Council as we bring Alexandria into the new millennium."

Prior to her appointment as City Manager by the City Council, Mrs. Lawson was the Assistant City Manager for Housing. As a founder of the Northern Virginia Housing Coalition, Mrs. Lawson helped to secure increased state funding for affordable housing throughout Virginia.

"Vola has done so many wonderful things for the City," Councilwoman Redella Pepper said. "How appropriate it is that this well deserved honor is being given to her and being announced during National Women's History Month.

"Of course, the naming of the lobby for Vola should not preclude our naming other things for her in the future," Councilwoman Pepper said.

Mrs. Lawson currently serves as President of the Alexandria Transit Company, which operates the City's DASH bus system. She also serves on the Alexandria Economic Development and Tourism Board.

In addition, former Virginia governors Charles Robb and Gerald Baliles appointed Mrs. Lawson to serve on advisory boards to address intergovernmental finance issues.

Mrs. Lawson was honored in 1997 by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) with its National Award for Innovative Leadership and Accomplished Professionalism. The Virginia Chapters of ASPA, of which she is a founding member and former president, previously named Mrs. Lawson as the outstanding public administrator in Virginia. In 1993, she was inducted into the Virginia Women's Hall of Fame.

"This tribute is in accordance with National Women's Month," Vice Mayor William D. Euille explained. "Vola Lawson is certainly deserving of this honor as a leader and a visionary for this city."

In 1989, the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) presented National Program Excellence Awards to Mrs. Lawson and to the City for Alexandria's Community Shelter/Substance Abuse Services Center and again, in 1993, for the City's innovative Community Policing Program.

Locally, Mrs. Lawson has received a number of service awards including:

the Campagna Center's Elizabeth Ann Campagna Award for efforts throughout her career to improve child care and early childhood education in Alexandria;

the Community Service Award from the Northern Virginia Urban League;

the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce's George Washington Leadership Medal;

the Alexandria Commission for Women's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Housing;

the Alexandria Olympic Boys and Girls Club's distinguished Service Award;

the Alexandria-Washington Masonic Lodge's Community Builders Award;

the Old Dominion Commandery NO. 11 Knights Templar "Inner Light Award."

"I am so proud that we can name a lobby in her honor," said Councilman William Cleveland, "but my hope is that someday, we can honor her with something even bigger."

Mrs. Lawson and her husband, David, have been residents of Alexandria's North Ridge neighborhood for nearly 25 years. They have two sons, David and Peter, and two grandchildren, Rachel and David.