News Release

Date:Tuesday, September 30, 1997
Contact:Doreen Broderick, Alexandria Domestic Violence Program, (703) 838-4911

The Alexandria Office on Women Needs Caring Women and Men to Volunteer with Its Domestic Violence Program (DVP).
The DVP operates the battered women’s shelter, which provides emergency housing and counseling to battered women and their children. Volunteers may apply for any or all of the following:

Battered Women’s Shelter and Hotline: Sixteen hours per month providing hotline coverage and counseling in the battered women’s shelter.
Children’s Program and Parent Nurturing Program: Twelve hours per month providing child care and counseling to children in the shelter and in groups.
Court Advocacy: One morning per week (Monday through Friday) providing court accompaniment for victims of domestic violence.
Training begins November 1, 1997 and a one year commitment is required. Interested individuals should contact Doreen Broderick at the Alexandria Domestic Violence Program (703) 838-4911 no later than October 17, 1997.

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