News Release

Date:Wednesday, February 17, 1999
Contact:Jennifer H. Spofford, (703) 739-3820, or, Web:

Alexandria Technology Week Announced
Alexandria, Virginia. The week of March 8-12 is Technology Achievement Week in the City of Alexandria. It is an opportunity to highlight the City's exciting and unique technology community and to invite others to join this respected tradition. Alexandria is an important part of Northern Virginia's fast growing technology industry -- with approximately 300 technology firms and an employment base nearing 10,000. Alexandria Technology Achievement Week is a series of events designed to highlight our strong technology sector and to celebrate the successes of the City's companies.

Events include:

March 5th Two-page advertisement on technology in the Washington Business Journal.

March 8th Full page advertisement on technology in the Washington Post.

March 9th City Council proclamation of Technology Achievement Week and a reception for finalists with members of City Council, Alexandria Tech Council and/or the Alexandria Technology Commission.

March 11th Networking Breakfast, hosted by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, featuring presentations by the CEO's of each finalist company.

March 12th Alexandria Technology Achievement Week Awards Luncheon. The Honorable Kerry J. Donley, Mayor of Alexandria, will present the 1999 Alexandria Technology Achievement Award to the firm which represents the best in technological innovation and/or application in the City.

Don Upson, Secretary of Technology for the Commonwealth of Virginia is the guest luncheon speaker and will discuss the current cooperation between the State and its localities to improve productivity and efficiency in presenting a technology-savvy government. Secretary Upson is Virginia's first Secretary of Technology, appointed by Governor Gilmore in September 1998.

Alexandria Technology Achievement Week is a joint effort between the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. and, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce to highlight the City's technology business sector.

For general information on Technology Achievement Week, please call the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. (703)739-3820, or e-mail For more information on the planned events, please call the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce (703)549-1000, or e-mail

The AEDP is a public/private partnership, which plans, directs, manages and implements efforts to attract, expand and retain business operations in the City of Alexandria. AEDP has worked since 1981 as a facilitator to establish Alexandria as a nationally recognized community and business center. AEDP is located at 1055 North Fairfax Street, Suite 204, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. More information on its services is available by calling: (703)739-3820, faxing: (703)739-1384, e-mail:, or website: