Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 838-4636

JUNE 5, 2000

Detectives Focus on Possible Behavioral Changes in Murder Suspect as
Investigation into Kevin Shifflett’s Homicide Continues

With the belief that someone with pertinent information in the Kevin Shifflett homicide case has yet to come forward, Alexandria detectives are now releasing a list of possible behavioral characteristics the suspect may be exhibiting.

"We have received more than 1,500 tips from the public since we released a composite sketch of the suspect six weeks ago and we are grateful for that help. However, we believe someone who has not already contacted police may be able to help us identify the suspect and we need to hear from that person," says Chief of Police Charles E. Samarra.

Based on previous, similar investigations, it is possible that the offender in this case may have exhibited one or more of the following behaviors, especially since April 19, the day of the homicide:

While the exhibition of one or more of these behaviors does not necessarily indicate involvement in a crime, it is likely that the offender in this case is exhibiting similar-type behavior(s).

Police are releasing these characteristics so that the public will be more sensitive to them and seriously consider them in individuals close to them. It is possible that someone is unknowingly associated with the suspect and is in a position to observe changes in that person. They may have recognized these changes and even questioned the individual’s behavior, but they have not related these changes to that person’s involvement with a crime.

Anyone with information is asked to call Alexandria detectives at (703) 838-4711.

Special editorial note: To maximize the effectiveness of this message, police ask that the composite sketch of the suspect not be aired or printed in news coverage focusing on these potential behavioral changes. Thank you.
