News Release

Date:Tuesday, December 17, 1996
Contact:Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Alexandria Garden Clubs Decorate City Hall With Festive Holiday Wreaths; Alexandria YMCA and Ahead Trim City Hall Christmas Trees
Alexandria's City Hall, at 301 King Street, is all dressed up for the Christmas holidays, thanks to members of the Beverly Hills Garden Club who designed and assembled the festive wreaths that hang above the building's doorways. The City Hall decorations will be on display through January 6, 1997.
"No City is more beautiful than Alexandria during December," said City Manager Vola Lawson. "I hope that everyone will come downtown and see the holiday decorations that have been put up for their enjoyment," she said.

The nine boxwood wreaths and evergreen garlands that adorn the exterior of City Hall are the project of long-time Alexandria resident Gloria Houser, a member of the City's Beautification Commission who coordinated the wreath-making efforts of the Beverly Hills Garden Club. Betty Dols, Joan Boudrou, Lynn Winter, Greta Stovall, Senie Oglesby, and Barbara Poole assisted Houser in assembling the wreaths, which include nandina berries, pine cones, okra and lotis pods, wheat yarrow, dried artichokes, palm fans, and eymbrionic dates. The project receives major funding from the Alexandria Council of Garden Clubs.

"Ten years ago, I asked Mrs. Houser if the Alexandria garden clubs could lend a hand in dressing up City Hall for the December holidays," said Mrs. Lawson. "She and the other garden club members responded that year and every year since then with imaginative wreaths and greenery that have set the standard for holiday decorations in Old Town," said Mrs. Lawson.

The City Hall decorations are illuminated at night. City staff from the Department of General Services and the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities mount the wreaths on City Hall.

Two holiday trees in the King Street and Cameron Street lobbies of City Hall also greet visitors to the City's historic municipal building. The trees were trimmed by volunteers from the Alexandria YMCA and the Alexandria HIV Education and Advertising (AHEAD), a coalition of community groups seeking to increasing awareness of the HIV epidemic and the needs of those living with the disease. City Hall is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Nighttime visitors to Alexandria will also notice the thousands of white lights illuminating the street trees on King Street from the waterfront to the George Washington Masonic Temple near the King Street Metro Station. The mile-long strands of light lend a festive air to the City's downtown shopping district. The City's outdoor Christmas tree is located at Market Square in the 300 block of King Street.

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Last Modified: 12/30/96