Media Advisory

Date:Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Contact:Cheryl Anne Powalisz, Cultural Arts Administrator; Alexandria Commission for the Arts, (703) 838-6348; Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; 1108 Jefferson Street; Alexandria, Virginia 22314

On Saturday, November 11, a Veterans Day Ceremony is planned from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Mount Vernon Recreation Center, 2601 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia. The keynote speaker is Retired Brigadier General Peter M. Dawkins; Heather French, Miss America 2000, is a special-invited guest; a musical selection will be presented by the Mount Vernon Young Performing Artists; A. Scott Wood, Music Director of the Old Presbyterian Meeting House Orchestra, will play “Taps;” and an honor guard from The Old Guard at Fort Myer will be present. The event also includes the unveiling of the Captain Rocky Versace display case in the foyer of the Mount Vernon Recreation Center and the announcement of the recommended design and artist for the sculpture to be commissioned for the plaza. The sculpture is a memorial in honor of Captain Rocky Versace and the more than 60 Alexandrians who died in the Vietnam War.

Former Alexandrian, retired Brigadier General Peter M. Dawkins served two tours of combat duty in Vietnam in an infantry capacity and can thus credibly address the pain, loss and sacrifice of the 61 young Alexandrians who lost their lives. He will provide comments relating to his years of service to this country and insights in remembering the fallen heros of the Vietnam War. General Dawkins is known nationally as a man for all seasons--as a scholar, ranked seventh out of 499 in the West Point Class of 1959 and was one of our six Rhodes Scholars; as an athlete, Heisman Trophy winner for the 1958 season, an All-American half-back and Captain of the football team; as a soldier, he retired as a brigadier general of infantry after 24 years service; briefly a political aspirant, ran for senator from New Jersey; and is a successful businessman.

Heather Renee French, Miss America 2000, traveled the country advocating awareness, funding and volunteerism for homeless veterans’ programs. She spent much of her year of service as Miss America lobbying U.S. lawmakers for more support for homeless veterans. Ms. French is the recipient of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Advocate of the Year 2000 award, the American Legion National Commander’s Public Relations Award and the American Legion Auxiliary Public Spirit Award. Recently, Heather French married Lt. Governor of Kentucky, Stephen L. Henry, M.D.

For further information about the Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Competition call the Alexandria Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities’ Alexandria Commission for the Arts at (703) 838-6348.

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