News Release

Date:Friday, August 2, 1996
Contact:John Noelle, City Arborist, (703) 838-4999

Alexandria Sets Saturday,August 10 For Special Curbside Pick-up of Large Tree Limbs
Alexandria residents will have one last opportunity -- on Saturday,
August 10 -- for free City collection and disposal of large tree limbs
downed in the heavy storms that hit Alexandria in late June.

Most of the storm debris has already been collected by City crews,
but residents who still have tree limbs in their yards are encouraged to
take advantage of this final special curb-side pickup. Tree limbs should
be placed at the curb by 6 a.m. on Saturday, August 10, and residents are
requested to call the City Arborist at 838-4999 in the Department of
Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities before August 10 and provide
their street address.

After August 10, tree limbs must be cut to four-foot lengths,
bundled, and placed at curbside on the regular neighborhood trash
collection day. Tree limbs picked up by regular trash collection crews
may not be larger than two inches in diameter.

For removal of tree limbs larger than two inches in diameter, tree
trunks, stumps, and excessively large amounts of brush, residents must
make arrangements with private trash haulers.

City residents with questions about solid waste disposal and
recycling may call the Department of Transportation and Environmental
Services' Solid Waste Division at 751-5130. Questions about storm damage
and City trees should be directed to the City Arborist at 838-4999.

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