News Release

Date:Friday, September 18, 1998
Contact:William Skrabak, Office of Environmental Quality, (703) 838-4400, ext.265

Alexandria City Council Sponsors Environmental Summit Oct. 31
Alexandria, Virginia-The Alexandria City Council will host an Environmental Quality of Life Summit on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Holiday Inn and Suites, 625 First Street, Alexandria.

The Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission, a citizen advisory group appointed by City Council, is coordinating the Summit. The Commission is encouraging Alexandrians to consider land and resource management as important elements in the land use decision-making process. Topics to be discussed include: open space, water resources, transportation, and urban development.

Seating for the Summit is limited to 200; attendees are encouraged to register early through the Office of the City Clerk at (703) 838-4500. Attendees may include citizens, developers, architects, land planners, environmental organizations, business owners, resource managers, and civic leaders.

The Summit is a key recommendation of the Environmental Policy Commissions's "Report on Environmental Quality of Life Issues," which is available from the Office of the City Clerk, Room 2300, City Hall. The report can also be viewed or downloaded from the City's Web Site (