News Release

Date:Friday, February 18, 2000
Contact:Viki Clark, Extension Agent, (703) 519-3325; E-mail:; Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H; Alexandria City Office

4-H Happenings!
An intergenerational computer project has begun! The project matches the students in the George Washington Middle School Power-Up Project with seniors at the Ladrey Seniors high-rise in Old Town Alexandria City. The program happens once every other week. Cathy Clark, director of the GW Power-Up Project, states, "This is an opportunity for students and seniors to interact in a positive way. The students of GW are sharing their computer knowledge in exchange for the wisdom and life experience stories the seniors give in return."

Another exciting GW Power-Up activity is the fall and spring art class sponsored by the Torpedo factory. A Power-Up student won a scholarship to attend an art class at the Torpedo Factory.

Concerned Black Men has set up a mentoring program for 30 boys with a curriculum based on responsibility.

Other programs at GW Power-Up include a dance class, recreational sports and a homework center for tutoring. Thirty students in the program participated in the 4-H Smart Choices Nutrition Education Program (SCNEP) called Chew to Move. The program stresses the importance of nutrition.

The Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia worked with Power-Up students in planning and planting the "Power-Up Seeds of Hope Community Garden" that exists in back of GW Middle School. This year, the garden will be the focal point of a real life project that graduate students at Virginia Tech's School of Architecture will work on. Landscaping plans will be made for the grounds of GW that will include an outdoor classroom, a wildlife habitat, a "feed the hungry" garden and a community garden. This project will include input from community members as well as the students and staff of GW. Sponsoring partners are Virginia Tech, Cooperative Extension-4H, the Master Gardeners, the National Wildlife Federation and Sam and Harry's Steak House.

With 265 students involved, the GW Power-Up Project at the George Washington Middle School is the center of a great deal of positive energy. The Power-Up Project at GW Middle School is open Monday through Friday from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. Transportation is provided by Alexandria City Public Schools. Any GW student can participate. Volunteers are still needed. For further information call Cathy Clark at (703) 519-3494 or (703) 519-3325.

Future after school Power-Up sites at other schools are being discussed.

In other projects of the Alexandria Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H, 20 students use eight computers at the Charles Houston Recreation Center. The students use the computers to help with their homework. Some of the funding for the computers came from Best Buys.

4-H clubs are active at six Alexandria City elementary schools. The club at Lyles-Crouch does a school yearbook. At George Mason, grants from Home Depot and the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Commission make possible a woodworking club. The Jefferson Houston Club does astronomy projects. At William Ramsay, the program addresses the problems students and their parents face due to language barriers. A grant through the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association has enabled students at Ramsay to participate in Creative Writing and Dance Clubs.