News Release

Date:Monday, March 2, 1998
Contact:Mark McLindon, Chairman, Alexandria Technology Achievement Award Committee, (703) 527-1451; Councilwoman Redella Pepper, (703) 751-0770; Council Member Lois Walker, (703) 549-3360; Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Alexandria to Showcase High Tech Business During March 9-13 Technology Achievement Week
Alexandria's expanding technology sector will be in the spotlight for Technology Achievement Week, March 9-13, when Alexandria-based businesses will showcase innovations in technology.

The announcement of the winner of the 1998 Alexandria Technology Achievement Award on Friday, March 13, will highlight a week of events devoted to recognizing achievements in technology by Alexandria businesses. Alexandria Mayor Kerry J, Donley and Alexandria Technology Council Chairman Mark McLindon, who also chairs the Technology Achievement Award Committee, will present the Technology Achievement Award on Friday, March 13, at a luncheon honoring the award winner and the finalists.

Alexandria's Technology Achievement Week and the Technology Achievement Award are sponsored by the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc., to recognize local businesses that have developed new technology or innovative uses for existing technology . The award originated in 1997 with the Ad Hoc Task Force on Information and Communication Technologies, co-chaired by Alexandria Councilwoman Redella S. Pepper and Council Member Lois Walker.

The five local finalists competing for the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award were selected from 26 Alexandria firms nominated for the award. A panel of judges representing the technology industry evaluated each firm's nomination on the basis of technological achievement and its impact on the business, its industry, and/or the City of Alexandria. The finalists are:

Advanced Solutions International, Inc. - developer of leading edge association software for membership organizations, enabling them to efficiently manage information relating to membership, publications, meetings, receipts, and billings;

Advanced Television Technology Center - developer of a state-of-the-art facility for the testing, evaluation and development of digital high definition television;

The Motley Fool, Inc. - educate, amuse, and enrich the individual on-line investor through one of the most popular web sites in cyberspace;

Redmon Group, Inc. - developers of new media products, such as innovative web sites, cd-roms, computer-based training, multimedia presentations, and touch-screen kiosk systems; and

UUcom, Inc. - responsible for the design, development and implementation of cutting edge Internet infrastructure integrating wireless, fiber optic, microwave and ATM technologies.
In addition, the judges voted to give special recognition to the Alexandria Campus of the Northern Virginia Community College for its comprehensive state-of-the-art technology plan.

The events of Technology Achievement Week include:

On Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., City Council will honor the finalists with a proclamation. The presentation will be televised live by Jones Communications on Channel 11. There will be a reception for the finalists at 6:45 p.m. in room 2000 of City Hall.

On Thursday, March 12, at 7:30 a.m., the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce will recognize the finalists in the Technology Achievement Award competition at a Networking Breakfast at the Radisson Plaza Hotel.

The winner of the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award will be announced at a luncheon on Friday, March 13, at 12 noon, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center Old Town, 901 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria. In addition to the award presentation, an economic development video highlighting the technological achievements of the five finalists and the advantages offered by Alexandria as a location for technology firms will be shown. Representatives of the companies will be available following the luncheon for photographs and interviews.
Alexandria is currently home to 167 technology firms, employing more than 9,000 workers in Alexandria.

Call Kathy Snyder at the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce at (703)549-1000 to register for any of the events of Technology Week.