Public Service Announcement

Date:Monday, November 29, 1999
Contact:Angelita Plemmer, City Manager's Office, (703) 838-4300

250th Anniversary Commission and Alexandria Youth Council Decorate Holiday Trees
Members of the City's 250th Anniversary Commission will decorate a holiday tree in the Vola Lawson Lobby of Alexandria City Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 30 at 9 a.m. Commission members will adorn the tree with ornaments depicting activities and events that celebrate the City's 250th anniversary, in addition to recognizing all of the Commission's volunteers and supporters.

The Alexandria Youth Council also will decorate a holiday tree in the Market Square Lobby of Alexandria City Hall on Nov. 30 from 4:45 p.m.-6 p.m.

Approximately 25 students made decorations representing a number of faith traditions, including Islam, Kwanzaa, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity, to hang on the 9-foot tree.

The City's Youth Policy Commission established the Alexandria Youth Council last year to provide a "youth view" and a "youth voice" to the Commission. It is comprised of young people, ages 13 to 18, and includes a broad cross-section of youth from across the City.

As its mission, the Youth Council works "to improve our communities by voicing our opinions and by leaving an indelible mark on generations to come."
