News Release

Date:Monday, June 1, 1998
Contact:Meg O'Regan, Director, Department of Human Services, (703) 838-0860; Suzanne Kratzok, Project Manager, ; (703) 838-0915

Alexandria Youth Policy Commission to Sponsor Community Forum on June 20
Alexandria Mayor Kerry J. Donley has invited all Alexandrians to participate in a Community Forum, Families Facing the Future: A Community Focus on Prevention. The Forum will be held on Saturday, June 20, 1998, from 8:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. at the Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria.

The Forum is sponsored by the City's recently formed Youth Policy Commission, chaired by Mayor Donley. Its members are appointed by City Council to make recommendations on City policy and services for young people. The Commission has been working for several months on innovative approaches to address the needs of youth, prenatal through 21 years of age, and is focusing on programs to prevent adolescent pregnancy, delinquency, truancy and other problems and pressures facing youth today.

Mayor Donley explained that "the Forum is an opportunity for citizens, family members and those who work in the field of youth and family services to discuss how we can build on the strengths of existing youth programs to prepare our children for healthy and productive lives. Those of us who serve and advocate for youth will learn more about the importance of prevention and hear about successful program models. The Forum will also provide an opportunity for all of us to exchange ideas and look to the future."

The program features nationally-recognized experts on prevention programs for youth, including Dr. Joe Galano, Department of Psychology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA; Dr. Lee Huntington, Huntington Associates, Richmond, VA; Betsy Dew, The Family Institute, Springfield, VA; and Tammy Mann, Early Head Start National Research Center, Washington, D.C. Mayor Donley and Council Member Lois Walker will talk about the City's goals and vision for effective services for Alexandria's young people.

Individuals and representatives of groups and organizations who provide services for youth are urged to attend and to bring materials to share with the community. Please call 838-0860 (TTY 836-1493) to pre-register or to reserve a display space.