News Release

Date:Monday, April 3, 2000
Contact:Vicki Clark, Alexandria City Office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H, (703) 519-3325

Demonstration Gardens Open House April 8 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
The Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia welcome the public to special tours of their Demonstration Gardens during "Open House in the Garden" on Saturday, April 8, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Bon Air Park, situated in Arlington at the intersection of Wilson Boulevard and Lexington Street, between Ballston and Seven Corners, is home to both Demonstration Gardens --- the Shady and the Sunny perennial gardens. The Shady
Garden should be at peak spring bloom. Among other blooming things you should see are primulas, epimediums, bluebells and forget-me-notes, foam flowers, and lungworts. In the Sunny Garden euphorbias, tulips and Spanish bluebells should be colorful. Species in both gardens have been selected for their hardiness in this area. An extensive rose garden, maintained by the county, is also adjacent.

Other Demonstration Gardens managed by the Master Gardeners in this area are located at Simpson Park in Alexandria, off Leslie Avenue, adjacent to the Monroe Avenue YMCA building, one block south of Route 1. These comprise an extensive Waterwise (low maintenance) Garden, as well as Flagstone, Butterfly and Tufa gardens. The Butterfly Garden features both nectar-providing flowering plants and food plants for caterpillars. Tufa is a volcanic stone, and the centerpiece of that garden features miniature plants. The Waterwise garden answers the need for drought-resistant but
attractive plant varieties adaptable to City conditions.

Master Gardeners will be present at all these sites in order to interpret the plantings, share plant lists, speak to their garden favorites, and answer horticultural questions. They look forward to sharing these demo gardens with you, and hope you will return to explore them through their other seasons as well.