News Release

Date:Friday, October 16, 1998
Contact:William Skrabak, Office of Environmental Quality, (703) 838-4400, ext.265

Alexandria Environmental Summit Focuses on Quality of Life Oct. 31
Alexandria, Virginia-The Environmental Quality of Life Summit, hosted by the Alexandria City Council and coordinated by the Environmental Policy Commission, will bring together a cross-section of Alexandrians to address four key issue areas: Open Space, Urban Development, Water Resources, and Transportation.

The lead facilitator for the Summit is Catharine Gilliam, Executive Director of Community Strategies, her Charlottesville consulting firm that works with organizations and agencies to promote public understanding of conservation programs and environmental laws. Catharine Gilliam is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Architecture and Washington & Lee University School of Law. Participants will

The keynote address will be delivered by one of the country's foremost growth management, land-use law, and zoning experts: Christopher Duerksen. In addition to serving as managing director of the real estate development consulting firm, Clarion Associates of Colorado, Duerksen has authored many books and articles on land-use and conservation. His writings include: Takings Law in Plain English; Aesthetics and Land Use Control; and A Citizens Guide to River Conservation. In addition to the Keynote Address, the agenda for the Summit includes: a slide presentation of environmental themes, facilitator-led small group discussions, and open discussions by the entire group.

Mary Means and Associates, an Alexandria-based Community Planning, Heritage Development, and Public Involvement consulting firm, is planning and conducting the Summit for the City of Alexandria.

The Summit will take place Saturday, October 31, 1998 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Holiday Inn and Suites, 625 First Street, Alexandria. Seating for the Summit is limited to 200; attendees are encouraged to register early through the Office of the City Clerk at (703) 838-4500. Attendees may include citizens, developers, architects, land planners, environmental organizations, business owners, resource managers, and civic leaders.

The Summit is a key recommendation of the Environmental Policy Commissions's "Report on Environmental Quality of Life Issues," which is available from the Office of the City Clerk, Room 2300, City Hall. The report can also be viewed or downloaded from the City's Web Site (