News Release

Date:Wednesday, May 29, 1996
Contact:Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300; Harry Alford or Kay DeBow,National Black Chamber of Commerce, (202) 416-1622

City of Alexandria Tops Rankings of Best Cities for Black Business Development
Alexandria, Virginia, ranks among the best cities in America for
black business development, according to a recent analysis by the National
Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC).

Alexandria ranks first among 100 cities as measured by the trend in
dollar sales posted by black businesses between 1987 and 1992. On a
separate scale, Alexandria ranks second among American cities in terms of
dollar sales volume by black businesseson a per capita basis (dollar sales
divided by the city's black population). The analysis by NBCC is based on
U.S. Census Bureau information.

According to NBCC, sales growth by black businesses throughout the
nation averaged 162.9 percent from 1987 to 1992. Alexandria's 434.3
percent increase in sales growth led the nation, followed by Los Angeles,
California (364.1%); Portland, Oregon (3 49.3%); Colorado Springs,
Colorado (328.1%); and Huntsville, Alabama (306.8%). The national average
for black per capita dollar sales was $972 in 1992. Alexandria, with
$4,547 per black resident, ranks second among major U.S. cities after the
City of Lo s Angeles ($5,388).

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Note to Editors: Alexandria Mayor Kerry J. Donley (703/ 838-4500) is
acquainted with this issue, as is Councilman William D. Euille (703/
751-7970), who operates a minority-owned business in the City.