News Release

Date:Tuesday, December 22, 1998
Contact:Claire Dunn, Domestic Violence Program Coordinator

Alexandria Office on Women;Alexandria Domestic Violence Program Counselors Offer Tips on Coping with Holiday Stress
Alexandria, Virginia - Counselors at the Domestic Violence Program in the Alexandria Office on Women and at the Alexandria Mental Health Services Office offer counseling services on handling stress during the holiday season. If stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness become overwhelming during the holidays, it may be helpful to consult a professional for help. Local programs offering professional assistance 24 hours a day are:

Alexandria Office on Women/Domestic Violence Program 838-4911

Alexandria Mental Health Services 838-6400

"It is not uncommon to experience difficulty handling conflict with family members, friends, and co-workers, especially during the holidays," advises Claire Dunn, Domestic Violence Program Coordinator. "Differences between family members especially can become uncomfortable and emotionally charged during times of stress. I urge everyone to take steps to make the holiday season violence free."

What do you want the holidays to be like this year?

Where will it be spent?

With whom?

What can you do to avoid holiday stress?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, conflicts arise. Conflicts can be resolved by using the following problem-solving method offered by counselors:

1. Identify and define the conflict

2. Suggest possible solutions

3. Discuss and evaluate the choices

4. Decide on the best solution

5. Implement the decision

6. Follow-up with discussion and feedback

Keep the holidays and 1999 violence-free. Take positive steps to lessen stress in relationships and seek professional assistance when needed.