News Release

Date:Thursday, August 7, 1997
Contact:Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Alexandria City Manager Vola Lawson Appoints Margaret A. O’Regan as Director of the Department of Human Services
Alexandria City Manager Vola Lawson announced today the appointment of Margaret A. O’Regan as Director of the City’s Department of Human Services. Ms. O’Regan has extensive human services senior management experience with the City of New York and Suffolk County, N.Y. She will start her new job in Alexandria on August 18.

Ms. O’Regan, who is an attorney, has served as Executive Deputy Commissioner of New York City’s Family Support Administration and as Acting Commissioner, Chief Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel of the Suffolk County, N.Y., Department of Social Services. In these positions, she has overseen an array of human services programs, including Medicaid, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Child Support, Day Care, Employment Services, Head Start, AIDS Services, Domestic Violence, Protective Services to Adults, and Pre-School Handicapped Children’s programs. She was also responsible for administering Medicaid Managed Care Programs in New York City and Suffolk County, and initiated and administered welfare cost reduction programs in both jurisdictions.

Prior to working as a human services administrator, Ms. O’Regan served as Deputy Suffolk County Attorney and Chief of the Suffolk County Family Law Bureau. Her previous experience also includes serving as Managing Attorney and Executive Director of the Center for Women’s Rights, Inc., in Mineola, N.Y. She has been an adjunct professor at Long Island University and C.W. Post College. Ms. O’Regan is a graduate of Marywood College, Scranton, Pa., and received her law degree from St. John’s University, Jamaica, N.Y.

As Director of Alexandria’s Department of Human Services (DHS), Ms. O’Regan will administer a department with 197 full-time employees and an annual budget of $30.9 million. The Department, which is headquartered at 2525 Mt. Vernon Avenue, serves the diverse human service needs of Alexandria citizens by promoting economic and social independence and self-sufficiency. DHS is the lead agency in the City’s public-private welfare reform initiative Alexandria Works!, early childhood development programs, and Jobs for Alexandria Youth. DHS also played a major supportive role in the City-wide Youth Services Study, which will go before City Council in September. DHS also operates programs for seniors through the Office on Aging, the Alexandria Community Policy and Management Team for at-risk youth and their families, and child and adult protective services, among others.

Ms. O’Regan has three grown children.

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