News Release

Date:Monday, December 15, 1997
Contact:Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Alexandria City Hall is All Dressed Up for the Holidays; White Lights Along King Street Welcome Visitors to Old Town Garden Club Hangs Festive Holiday Wreaths; Alexandria Jaycees, Ho Ho HO, and Naughty Knitters of Montebello Decorate Christmas Trees

Alexandria's City Hall, at 301 King Street in Old Town Alexandria, is all dressed up for the holidays, thanks to the creative efforts of local service organizations.

"No City in America is more beautiful than Alexandria during December," said City Manager Vola Lawson. "I hope that everyone will come downtown and see the holiday decorations that have been put up for their enjoyment," she said.

In addition, a cascade of white tree lights strung by City crews along King Street from the King Street Metro Station to the waterfront adds a festive air at night to the downtown shopping district. The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities is sponsoring a series of evening outdoor concerts through December 21 at Market Square (which adjoins City Hall at 301 King Street), at Portside (in the 100 block of King Street), and at the King Street Gardens Park (1806 King Street across from the King Street Metro Station). For concert schedule information, please call (703) 883-4686. (Note to photo editors: a copy of the schedule is attached.)

Members of the Beverly Hills Garden Club decorated the exterior of City Hall with festive wreaths that hang above the building's six doorways. The City Hall decorations, as well as the City‚s own illuminated Christmas tree in Market Square, will remain on display through January 5, 1998.

The boxwood wreaths and evergreen garlands that adorn the exterior of City Hall are the project of long-time Alexandria resident Gloria Houser, a member of the City's

Beautification Commission who coordinated the wreath-making efforts of the Beverly Hills Garden Club. Assisting Mrs. Houser this year in assembling the wreaths were Betty Dols, Mary Nash, Imogene Carter, Lynne Winter, Greta Stovall, and Barbara Poole. The Alexandria Council of Garden Clubs provided major funding for the project.

"Eleven years ago, I asked Mrs. Houser if the garden clubs could lend a hand in decorating City Hall for the December holidays," said Mrs. Lawson. "She and the other garden club members responded that year and every year since with imaginative wreaths and greenery that have set the standard for holiday decorations in Old Town," said Mrs. Lawson.

Christmas trees in the lobbies of City Hall also greet hundreds of daily visitors. The tree in the King Street lobby was trimmed with colorful decorations made by volunteers from the Alexandria Jaycees (including Jaycees president Donna Teabo, Kristie Kehoe, David Correia, and Doug Hunter).

The Christmas tree in the Cameron Street lobby was decorated by members of HO HO HO (including president Jan Taylor and founder Margaret Connor). HO HO HO is a volunteer organization dedicated to assisting needy children. Assisting HO HO HO were volunteers from Naughty Knitters of Montebello, a local knitting club (including members Ellen Ewell, Phoebe Lazarus, Florence Powell, founder Gladys Seisler, Maxine Ginsburg, and Ann Patrick). The Naughty Knitters knit and crochet hats, booties and other clothing items that are donated to HO HO HO for needy children.

City Hall is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.