News Release

Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999
Contact:Angelita Plemmer, City Manager's Office, (703) 838-4300Meg O'Regan, Director, Department of Human Services; (703) 838-0712 Suzanne Kratzok, Coordinator, Community YouthMapping Project; (703) 838-0915

Alexandria Teens Prepare to Take Inventory through Community Youth Mapping
Starting next week, the City of Alexandria will launch the first phase of its Community YouthMapping project, as 30 enthusiastic teenagers prepare to conduct a block-by-block inventory of the City's resources for youth.

On June 28th and 29th , participants will undergo two days of intensive training before they hit the streets and begin their surveys --- or phase II of their Community YouthMapping project, which starts July 6.

The June training sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the mini-auditorium of T.C. Williams High School, 3330 King Street, Alexandria.

Through group activities, students will learn how to conduct interviews, diffuse difficult situations, work as a productive team and handle inter-group conflict. Teens also will learn skills in geography, data entry, computer analysis and writing reports through practical, real-world applications.

During the project, students will walk from Four Mile Run to Cameron Run, and from Landmark to Old Town, visiting agencies, businesses, houses of worship and other facilities, to collect detailed information about community resources for young people. The information students gather will be entered into a computer database and made available to young people, their parents, policy makers and all other citizens of Alexandria. The program will end August 13.

Mayor Kerry J. Donley, chairman of the City's Youth Policy Commission, urges all Alexandrians to welcome the Mappers when they arrive at local businesses or agencies.

"The YouthMappers are the future leaders of our community," Donley said. "They can provide a unique and fresh perspective to our discussions regarding the needs of our young people.

"We know that this research will be a tremendous asset to the City and their findings will help shape future policies," Donley added.

There are 30 localities nationwide, including Baltimore, Md., New York, N.Y., Hampton, Va., and Newport News, Va., that are currently involved in various stages of YouthMapping. Many of these cities use the data gathered by youth participants to evaluate current community resources and create new opportunities for youth.

Community YouthMapping is a project of the Alexandria Youth Council and endorsed by the Alexandria City Council and the City's Youth Policy Commission. Funding is made possible through a public-private partnership, using existing City resources and community contributions. The Robert S. Rixse Foundation is the chief financial sponsor. Other sponsors include the William D. Euille Foundation, the Ripening to Vintage Foundation, the Advantor Holding Company, Simpson Development Company, Eakin/Youngentob and IDI Group Companies.

Note: If you would like to photograph or observe students during the June training sessions, please contact Suzanne Kratzok.