Public Information Office

2003 Mill Road

Alexandria, Virginia 22314

(703) 838-4636


OCTOBER 12, 1999 #99-050


City of Alexandria Encourages Daytime Trick-or-Treating,
Police Remind Children and Adults of Halloween Safety Tips

The City of Alexandria would like to remind citizens that Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, and trick-or-treaters are encouraged to celebrate it on that day (October 31). Because Halloween is on a weekend day, children and adults are asked to take advantage of the daylight by trick-or-treating between noon and 5 p.m.

Chief of Police Charles E. Samarra would like to offer the following suggestions to ensure that both children and adults experience a safe and enjoyable Halloween:

1. Motorists should exercise caution as children often become careless from excitement and may run into the roadway.

2. Children's costumes should be light in color or have reflective strips to increase visibility after dark. Costumes should be non-flammable and practical in design. Make-up or masks should not obscure the child's vision, and the treat bag should be small enough so that it will not cause the child to stumble or fall.

3. Parents should know their child's route and young children should be accompanied by an adult or a responsible older child. Children should be reminded to cross the street only at intersections and only after looking in all directions.

4. Keep homes safe for trick-or-treaters by leaving a front light on and greeting them at the door, but not encouraging them to come inside. Remove any obstacles from the steps, sidewalk, or lawns so children will not trip and fall.

5. Parents should also insist that all treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten. Any unwrapped candy, or candy with a partially opened wrapper, should be discarded. If parents observe any foreign matter in children's treats, they should call the Alexandria Police Department at 838-4444 to report the incident.

6. Adult celebrants who drink alcohol are encouraged to designate a driver or call SoberRide at 1-800-200-TAXI.