News Release

Date:Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Contact:Angelita Plemmer, City Manager's Office, (703) 838-4300

Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities Announces Selection Of This Year's $1,000 Gerry Bertier Scholarship Award Recipient
JESSICA BLAIR BIGBY, an 18-year-old graduating senior attending St. Stephens and St. Agnes School, has been selected to receive a $1,000 Gerry Bertier Scholarship, given by the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities. The scholarship will be presented at the Commission’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Reception held on Tuesday, June 13, at 6:30 p.m., in Room 2000 of City Hall, located at 301 King Street.

Jessica is an exceptionally accomplished individual with an impressive record of achievements. She is a member of the National Spanish Honors Society and is listed in Who’s Who Among American High School Students. Her extracurricular activities include working as an Admissions Tour Guide at her school, serving as Team Manager for three varsity sports—basketball, volleyball, and lacrosse. She also is a member of the Student Development Committee and President of GUILD, a community service organization. Jessica is a member of her church choir, Acolyte, and FOCUS: Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools, where she is a Student Leader.
Jessica will begin her college career this fall at the University of Richmond.

The $1,000 Gerry Bertier Scholarships support Alexandria students with a disability who are graduating from high school and preparing to further their education. The scholarship is named for Gerry Bertier, a graduate of T. C. Williams High School. Gerry was an All-American Football Player in 1971 and Co-Captain of the 1971 T. C. Williams team that won the State Championship. On his way home from a football banquet at T. C. Williams, where he received the Most Valuable Player Award, Gerry was seriously injured in an automobile accident, making it necessary for him to use a wheelchair.

Following his accident, Gerry joined the U. S. Wheelchair Olympics basketball team and took the Gold Medal for shotput at the 1980 National Wheelchair Games competition. Off the athletic field, Gerry was a strong advocate for disability rights and was instrumental in the installation of wheelchair ramps throughout the City of Alexandria. Among his many awards was the national Volunteer of the Year Award in 1981, given by the President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Gerry died in 1981 when he was killed by a drunk driver.

The Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities is a 17-member citizen advisory board appointed by the Alexandria City Council. The Commission is charged with assuring that each citizen with a disability in the City is treated fairly, provided equal protection under the law, and afforded full and equal opportunity in society. The Commission, through an annual fundraiser, raises funds for the Bertier Scholarships.