News Release

Date:Tuesday, January 28, 1997
Contact:Mark McLindon, Chairman, Alexandria Technology Award Committee, (703) 527-1451; Tom Brannan, Assistant City Manager, (703) 838-4300

Five Firms Named as Finalists For Alexandria Technology Achievement Award
Alexandria Mayor Kerry J. Donley and Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Chairman Mark McLindon today announced that five Alexandria businesses are finalists for the 1st Annual Alexandria Technology Achievement Award.
Mayor Donley and Chairman McLindon will announce the winner of the Technology Achievement Award at a luncheon on Monday, March 10, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria. The luncheon honoring the award winner and the finalists will kick off Alexandria Technology Achievement Week, March 10-14, which will showcase advances in technology by Alexandria-based businesses.

The five finalists (listed in alphabetical order) are Jones Communications of Alexandria; MPR Associates, Inc.; Society for Human Resource Management; UUcom Inc, and VSE Corporation. In addition, the judges gave special recognition to the Alexandria City Public Schools for the Schools’ Technology Initiative. (The chief executive officers of the five firms are listed on page 3.)

A panel of four judges selected the five finalists from among 26 Alexandria firms nominated for the award. The judges evaluated the nominations on the basis of technological achievement and the impact on business, industry, and/or the City of Alexandria. The judging panel consisted of George Gingerelli, President, GMG Enterprises, Inc; Esther Smith, Editor-at-large, Washington Technology; Dr. Fred Krimgold, Director, University Outreach and Economic Development; and Joseph Viar, Founder, Viar & Company.

The Technology Achievement Award originated with the City’s Ad Hoc Task Force on Information and Communication Technologies, which is co-chaired by Alexandria Vice Mayor Redella S. Pepper and Council Member Lois Walker. Alexandria Technology Achievement Week and the Technology Achievement Award are sponsored by the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc., to recognize local businesses that have developed new technology or incorporated advances in technology in their operations.

Alexandria is home to 157 high technology firms that employ over 8,800 full-time employees. In December, local business leaders joined with City, state and federal government officials to open the Alexandria Small Business Development Center for Entrepreneurial Resources and Technology at the George Washington University’s Alexandria Graduate Education Center on King Street. In addition, the City is also investing heavily in educational technology, including $8.6 million in the past two years for the Alexandria City Public Schools’ Technology Initiative.

"The City is working in partnership with our business community to lay the groundwork for an expanded technology sector. The Technology Achievement Award and Technology Achievement Week are part of our continuing efforts to attract new technology firms to Alexandria and to recognize the important contributions they make to the economic health of our City," said Mayor Donley.

The Alexandria City Public Schools will play a prominent role in Alexandria’s week-long celebration of achievements in technology. "Students and teachers will demonstrate how they use technology in the classroom and access the Internet to enhance learning," said School Superintendent Dr. Herbert Berg. "The City’s support for educational technology is an essential investment in our students," added Dr. Berg. "It sends a signal to technology companies that Alexandria’s schools are preparing our students to meet the future and the scientific and technological challenges it holds."

At the Monday, March 10 luncheon, Mayor Donley will introduce the chief executive officers of the winning firm and the four finalists to the luncheon audience. A press conference and photo opportunity will following the luncheon.

On Tuesday evening, March 11, City Council will honor the award winner and the finalists with a proclamation. The presentation will be televised live by Jones Communications on Channel 11.

On Wednesday, March 12, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., the Alexandria City Public Schools will sponsor "Technology Day," an in-school program hosted by School Superintendent Dr. Herbert Berg and students and teachers at Patrick Henry Elementary School, 4643 Taney Avenue. Patrick Henry Elementary is one of Alexandria’s newly "wired" schools. The audience will include representatives of the award winner and finalists, corporate and business partners, and members of City Council and the School Board. An expanded program will be presented beginning at 7 p.m. that evening for parents and guests. Members of the community are cordially invited to attend.

On Thursday morning, March 13, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce will recognize the award winner and the finalists at a Networking Breakfast at the Radisson Plaza Hotel beginning at 7:30 a.m..

On Friday evening, March 14, the chief executive officers of the winning companies will be guests of the Technology Achievement Week co-sponsors at a dinner in their honor at Potowmack Landing Restaurant. City Council will also attend.

Finalis Firms (1)Principal Officers
Jones Communications of AlexandriaGlen R. Jones, Chief Executive Officer
[Local contact: Beth Fujishije, (703) 461-4646]
MPR Associates, Inc.William Schmidt, Principal Officer
(703) 519-0200
Society for human Resource ManagementMichael Losey, Chief Executive Officer/
(703) 548-3440
UUcom, Inc.Lou Ann Scanlan, Chief Executive
(703) 461-1350
VSE CorporationDonal Ervine, Chairman of the Board
Richard McFarland, President
(703) 329-4602
Special Recognition
Alexandria City Public Schools'
"Technology Initiative"
Dr. Herbert Berg, Superintendent Alexandria City
Public Schools
Contact: Kitty Porterfield, (7030 824-6635
(1) Listed in alphabetical order

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