Media Advisory

Date:Thursday, March 4, 1999
Contact:Richard Reno, Human Rights Commission, (703) 812-3156; Robert M. Steindler, Human Rights Office, (703) 838-6390

Alexandria Human Rights Commission Announces Outreach Program
A new Outreach Program being undertaken by the City of Alexandria's Human Rights Commission was announced today by Commission Chairman Richard Reno. The Program was developed to deter discriminatory practices by educating citizens and employers about their rights and responsibilities under the City's Human Rights Ordinance.

The Human Rights Commission, composed of 14 volunteer members appointed by City Council, recommends policies and goals to prevent discrimination and assists the City in its enforcement of the Human Rights Ordinance. The Human Rights Ordinance, which went into effect in 1975, prohibits discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, familial status, age, sexual orientation and disability in housing, commercial real estate, employment, public accommodations, health and social services, education, credit and City contracts.

"Although the City has accomplished much in preventing housing and employment discrimination, we need to increase awareness about the City's ordinance by better educating those it was enacted to protect," stated Chairman Reno. Through the Outreach Program, the Commission will publicize its speakers bureau of Commissioners who are available to explain the Human Rights Ordinance coverage and protections. The new program also calls for literature on the City's proactive stance on human rights to be expanded and given targeted distribution.

As part of the Outreach Program, the Commission will meet with key community and civic organizations to explain the Human Rights Office's process of investigating complaints of human rights violations. During this process, complainants are informed about their rights and protections and respondents are informed about their obligations under the City's ordinance and under Federal laws and regulations.

"Due to limited knowledge about the ordinance or about the function of the Human Rights Office, some members of the community do not avail themselves of existing remedies to address concerns of human rights violations," stated Chairman Reno. "The Commissioners feel strongly that any efforts we make to heighten awareness of human rights will make our City a better place in which to live and work."