News Release

Date:Friday, February 7, 1997
Contact:Audrey Davis, Curator/Lillian Patterson, Museum Specialist, (703) 838-4356 Fax: (703) 706-3999

Dr. Schroeder Cherry Back by Popular Demand!
Dr. Schroeder Cherry will present a puppet show entitled "Underground Railroad: Not a Subway." This show tells the story of ordinary people who were committed to the anti-slavery movement. Rather than focusing on great heroes or heroines, this is a story of a young African-American boy who decides to escape slavery. He encounters people, both black and white, who assist him on his way north. The puppet show will take place at the Alexandria Black History Resource Center on Saturday, February 22, 1997, at 12:00p.m. The show will be appropriate for ages eight through adult.

This 45-minute presentation will be done with a variety of puppets Dr. Cherry constructed including: rod puppets, hand puppets, and wood cut-outs. The show will end with a participatory chant done with the audience.

Dr. Cherry's love of puppetry goes back to his childhood, which led to his fine arts degree in puppetry from the University of Michigan. Dr. Cherry, a well-known art educator, has received degrees from George Washington and Columbia Universities.

This performance is free and open to the public. The Center complies with the conditions of the ADA. For special needs please notify the Center a week in advance of the scheduled event. The Alexandria Black History Resource Center is open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00a.m. until 4:00p.m.

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