Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 838-4636

FEBRUARY 4, 2000
Serious Crime in Alexandria Drops for Fourth Consecutive Year,
Violent Crime Hits 38 Year Low

Alexandria Police Chief Charles E. Samarra is very proud to announce that in 1999 serious crime in the City decreased for the fourth year in a row to its lowest rate since 1966. The number of crimes in each Part I category (Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny and Auto Theft) decreased from 1998 to 1999, and overall violent crime fell to its lowest point since 1961.
Part I Crime Statistics January 1 - December 31

Offense 1998 1999 Change
Homicide 7 2 -71.4%
Rape 39 22 -43.4%
Robbery 202 158 -21.8%
Aggravated Assault 241 206 -14.5%
Burglary 790 556 -29.6%
Larceny 4,038 4,036 -0.0%
Auto Theft 743 702 -5.5%
Total 6,060 5,682 -6.2%

In 1999, Alexandria experienced the fewest number of robberies in 33 years, the fewest aggravated assaults in 40 years, and the fewest burglaries in 36 years.

Says Chief Samarra, “Alexandria, like much of the region and nation, is enjoying a steady drop in serious crime. With an increasing population and significant retail expansion, the opportunity for crime grows. Yet despite this potential for higher crime, a person in Alexandria today is less likely to be a victim of crime than any other time in the past 50 years.”

Chief Samarra acknowledges police partnerships with civic associations, the business community and the schools as key factors in crime reduction. “I would like to also recognize the support of our Mayor and City Council, the City Manager's Office and the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office, as well as the exceptional ability and dedication of our officers, civilian employees and volunteers.”