News Release

Date:Friday, February 7, 1997
Contact:Audrey Davis, Curator/Lillian Patterson, Museum Specialist ; Telephone: (703) 838-4356 Fax: (703) 706-3999

Traveling the Long Road to Freedom, One Step at a Time
On Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 12:00p.m. at the Alexandria Black History Resource Center local historian Anthony Cohen will present a lecture on the "The Underground Railroad Walk to Canada." He will talk about his experiences retracing the route once use by runaway slaves as they sought refuge in Canada.

Anthony Cohen's research focuses on antebellum history and the slavery period. Mr. Cohen's knowledge of the National Archives, Library of Congress, DAR, federal, state and local archives and historical society collections in the United States and Canada is extensive. Mr. Cohen is a regular speaker at schools and colleges in the region and has developed interpretive programs for the Historic Oakley Cabin site. He is an expert genealogist and currently engaged in documenting oral and living history about the Underground Railroad.

Anthony Cohen, a historian and author, and graduate of the American University in Washington, D.C. holds a B.A. in American Studies with a concentration on history. In the Spring of 1997, Mr. Cohen will publish a book on his "Underground Railroad" journey and will do a documentary film.





The Underground Railroad Walk to Canada

Saturday, February 15, 1997

The Alexandria Black History Resource Center
638 North Alfred Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

(For more information call (703) 838-4356. This performance is free and open to the public)

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