Community Meeting
Wednesday, February 24, 1993 - - 4:30 pm
Community Forum on Instructional Grouping
Cora Kelly Recreation Center
(4:30 - 6:30 pm)
I. Opening Remarks & Overview of February 17 Planning Subcommittee Meeting
Patricia S. Ticer, Mayor
Angie Godfrey, School Board Chair
II. Review of Forum Goals
a) To provide an understanding of the theoretical framework for grouping and information from the national perspective.
b) To provide detailed information about the Instructional Grouping Policy and Regulations of the Alexandria City Public Schools.
c) To provide information about the implementation of the instructional grouping policy in specific Alexandria City Public Schools.
d) To provide an opportunity for community dialogue on matters related to instructional grouping.
III. Discussion of the Revised Proposed Forum Agendas - Attached
IV. Discussion of Forum Logistics - the smaller planning committee met on February 17 and developed the following recommended tasks and responsibilities
• Publicity - Schools will send letters to all school families
Kitty Porterfield prepare a press release
PTA's will get out information at each school
• Request Registration - Schools Publicity letters to families
will provide a telephone number for registration and/or
an electronic mailbox number; letters may also include
a registration form which may be returned to schools
• Location - Schools will make arrangements to secure
school - Hammond or George Washington (Lee Center -
last option)
• Facilitator - City will arrange for and pay the forum
moderator - Paul Tilley
- Keynote Speaker - Schools will arrange for and pay Keynote speaker
Paul George; John Goodlad; Robert Slavin; or Jeanie Oates
- Materials for Distribution - City will pay for copies of: forum agenda, policy and administrative procedures; Paul George's pamphlet; and
evaluation/feedback forms
- Lunch/Refreshments - We need a citizens group to coordinate; perhaps brown bag, with beverages provided; possible use of commercial vendor and/or student groups desiring to raise money could hold a bake sale
If no-lunch schedule option is selected coffee, tea and doughnuts will be provided
- · Transportation - City and Schools will explore the best way to pick-up and return people from several pre-determined sites (school buses; Aging buses; DASH)
- · On-site Registration - We need volunteers from the planning committee to assist with the on-site registration and distribution of forum packets
V. Discussion of Afternoon Workshops and Closing/Summary Session - Attached
- clarify focus of workshops (City and Schools Staff Group on Youth members can facilitate workshops; also need a recorder for each group)
- focus of Closing/Summary Session
VI. Other Issues
VII. Next Steps and Further Assignments
VIII. Closing
(Option Without Lunch)
March 27, 1993
9:00 OPENING SESSION - Auditorium
Opening Remarks
Patricia Ticer, Mayor
Angie Godfrey, Alexandria School Board Chair
Presentation of Forum Goals & Overview of the
Proposed Agenda
Paul L. Tilley, The Cooper Management
Institute, Moderator
Profile of the Alexandria City Public Schools
Paul Masem, Superintendent of Schools
9:25 "Perspectives on Instructional Grouping"
National Perspective
Keynote Address
(Possible Speakers - Paul George
University of Florida
Robert Slavin
John Hopkins University
John Goodlad
University of Washington
Jeanie Oates)
9:45 District Perspective
Overview of the Policy, the Regulations and
10:00 Question and Answer Period - Paul Tilley
10:20 BREAK
School Perspective & Open Dialogue - (Mini-
Sessions with Principals and Staff Representa-
10:30 Session I (Concurrent Workshops)**
11:30 Session II (Repeat of Concurrent Workshops)
Paul Tilley
Presentation of Workshop Feedback by
Next Steps
1:00 P.M. Closing Remarks
* Designated rooms to be announced.
** Participants will be allowed to attend two sessions.
(Option Including Lunch Period)
March 27, 1993
9:30 MORNING SESSION - Auditorium
Opening Remarks
Patricia Ticer, Mayor
Angie Godfrey, Alexandria School Board Chair
Presentation of Forum Goals & Overview of the
Proposed Agenda
Paul L. Tilley, The Cooper Management
Institute, Moderator
Profile of the Alexandria City Public Schools
Paul Masem, Superintendent of Schools
10:00 "Perspectives on Instructional Grouping"
National Perspective
Keynote Address
(Possible Speakers - Paul George
University of Florida
Robert Slavin
John Hopkins University
John Goodlad
University of Washington
Jeanie Oates)
10:25 District Perspective
Overview of the Policy, the Regulations and
10:40 Question and Answer Period - Paul Tilley
School Perspective & Open Dialogue - (Mini-Sessions with Principals and Staff Representatives) Workshops*
11:00 Session I (Concurrent Workshops)**
(Arrangements unconfirmed)
Workshops (Continued)
12:30 P.M. Session II (Repeat of Concurrent Workshops)
1:30 Closing/Summary Session - Auditorium
Paul Tilley
Presentation of Workshop Feedback by Recorders
Next Steps
2:00 Closing Remarks
* Designated rooms to be announced.
**Participants will be allowed to attend two sessions.
Focus of the Workshops
Afternoon workshops will feature:
a. School by School Presentations - to provide general information on the implementation of the grouping policy in the elementary, middle, 9th Grade Center and high schools; and to allow participants the opportunity to ask general questions about the workshop presenta-tions (which should feature examples of what's working by principals and teachers); and
b. Participant Feedback - to provide opportunities for discussion of participants concerns, suggestions and recommendations, as well as indicate positive areas.
Participants will be allowed to attend two sessions in order to accommodate persons with children in more than one school.
Closing Session
The closing session will be used to provide closure to the forum.
Workshop recorders or group spokespersons will share their group's top three concerns and top three positive issues. (They will be asked not to repeat things which may have been stated by other groups.)
Participants will also be encouraged to complete evalua-tions. They will also have an opportunity to request further information by completing separate feedback sheets which School staff will follow-up with responses.