Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 28, 1995 - - 7:30 pm
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Present: Mayor Patricia S. Ticer, Vice Mayor Kerry J. Donley, Members of Council William C. Cleveland, Redella S. Pepper, and Lonnie C. Rich.
Absent: Councilman William D. Euille and Council Member Lois L. Walker.
Also Present: Mrs. Lawson, City Manager; Mr. Sunderland, City Attorney; Ms. Evans, Assistant City Manager; Ms. Steele, Deputy City Manager; Ms. Boyd, Director of Citizen Assistance; Mr. Lynn, Director of Planning and Zoning; Mrs. Godwin, Director of Management and Budget; Mr. Gitajn, Director of Financial and Information Services; Mr. Caton, Director of Legislative Services; Mr. Cyphers, Director of Human Services; Mr. O'Kane, Director of Transportation and Environmental Services; Mr. Neckel, Director of Finance; Mr. Robinson, Director of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Mr. Brannan, Assistant City Manager; Ms. Barnett, Division Chief, Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Mr. Powers, Director, Division of Community Programs; Mr. Horowitz, Special Assistant to the Director of Human Services; Ms. Davis, Director of Housing; Mrs. Schmitt, Division Chief, Accounting; Mr. Pitzer, Purchasing Agent; Mr. Steindler, Acting Human Rights Director; Mr. McMahon, Deputy Director, General Services; Police Chief Samarra, and Lieutenant Kaluta, Police Department.
Recorded by: Susan K. Seagroves, Deputy City Clerk.
There was a City Council Work Session with Clarence Carter, Executive Director of the Governor's Employment and Training Department, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Workroom. Mayor Ticer made introductory remarks and City Manager Lawson introduced Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter made his presentation and then answered questions and participated in the discussion with the City Council and the City Manager.
The work session was concluded at approximately 7:45 p.m.
(A copy of the agenda relating to this work session is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ticer and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present except Councilman Euille and Council Member Walker.
The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend Rosemari G. Sullivan, Director of The Church of Saint Clement's.
3. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Councilwoman Pepper, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council approved the Minutes of the following Meeting of City Council (a) the Regular Meeting of November 14, 1995, as submitted. The voting was as follows:
Pepper "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille absent
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker absent
4. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Vice Mayor Donley, seconded simultaneously by Councilwoman Pepper and Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council received the report of the City Clerk dated November 22, 1995, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 4; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference. The voting was as follows:
Donley "aye" Ticer "aye"
Pepper "aye" Euille absent
Cleveland "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker absent
5. Presentation of a Proclamation Honoring the Ten-year Anniversary of the Chinquipin Park Recreation Center. (Councilwoman Pepper)
( (A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 5; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(Councilwoman Pepper presented the proclamation.)
An invitation was extended to all Alexandrians to attend the Ten-year Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, December 2, from 4 to 6 p.m., at the Center.
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Cleveland, seconded by Council Member Rich and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:
Cleveland "aye" Donley "aye"
Rich "aye" Euille absent
Ticer "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker absent
6. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming December 10, 1995, as Human Rights Day and the Month of December, 1995 as Human Rights Month in the City of Alexandria.
(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 6; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(Mayor Ticer presented the proclamation.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Council Member Rich, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:
Rich "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille absent
Ticer "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker absent
7 Presentation by the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Coordinator to brief the City Council on the Status of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Study. (Mayor Ticer)
(A copy of the two handouts, Woodrow Wilson Bridge Improvement Study Status Report (November 1995), and Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 7; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
David Keever, Coordinator of Woodrow Wilson Bridge Coordination Committee, briefed City Council. The Alexandria public hearing is scheduled for Saturday, January 27, 1996, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lyles-Crouch Elementary School.
(General Discussion. Mr. Keever responded to questions and participated in the discussion with Members of City Council.)
New Business Item No. 1: Without objection, Police Chief Samarra announced the apprehension of the suspect of the recent robberies in Eisenhower Valley and reported on the status of other cases. City Council commended Chief Samarra and the Police Force for their extraordinary hard work and dedication.
(General Discussion. Members of City Council and City Manager Lawson participated in the discussion and commended Chief Samarra and the Police Force on a job well done.)
(A copy of the Police Department Press Release dated November 28, 1995, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of New Business Item No. 1; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
8. Receipt of the Following Resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities
(A copy of the above resignation is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 8 (a) ; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
9. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Alexandria Commission on Aging
1 Citizen Member Who Is 60 Years or Older
(b) Alexandria Commission on Employment
1 Business Representative
(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item Nos. 9(a-b); 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
10. Consideration of Request to Vacate a Position on the Alexandria Commission for Persons With Disabilities.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 13, 1995, is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 10; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
11. Consideration of Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending October 31, 1995.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 16, 1995, is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 11; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
12. Receipt of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1995.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 10, 1995, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Council Member Rich, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:
8. City Council received the following resignation with regret: (a) Stephen P. Murphy from the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities; and requested the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to send the appropriate letter of recognition and to advertise the vacancy in the usual manner.
9. City Council (a) reappointed Donald Fowler as a Citizen Member Who Is 60 Years or Older to the Alexandria Commission on Aging; and (b) appointed Stefanie O'Rourke as a Business Representative to the Alexandria Commission on Employment.
10. City Council declared the position vacant and authorized the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commission to advertise the vacancy.
11. City Council: (1) received the Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 1995; (2) authorized the City Manager to award a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the following public improvement project: the dredging of the waterfront marinas from the Torpedo Factory to Founders Park; and (3) authorized the City Manager to issue requests for proposal and award contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for the following projects: Financial Institutions to provide Purchase Card Services; Consultants to provide Information and Retrieval Technology Services; Organizations to expand the availability of child care resources for children of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients.
12. Mayor Ticer thanked staff for the beautiful CAFR publication put out each year, which is extremely important to the retention of the City's AAA bond rating.
City Council received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1995.
The voting was as follows:
Rich "aye" Donley "aye"
Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Ticer "aye" Euille absent
Walker absent
13. Consideration of the Draft Citizen Participation Plan for Housing and Community Development Activities. (#20 11/18/95)
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 21, 1995, is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 13; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Cleveland, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council approved the Citizen Participation Plan for Housing and Community Development Activities. The voting was as follows:
Cleveland "aye" Donley "aye"
Pepper "aye" Euille absent
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker absent
(a) Councilwoman Pepper congratulated her former Aide, Ginnie Hines and her husband, Tom Parry, who returned from China on Thanksgiving Day with twin baby girls.
(b) Councilwoman Pepper congratulated Hopkins House on their very successful Thanksgiving Dinner. Instead of having people just come to Hopkins House, they had an innovative outreach effort into the neighborhoods to let people know that's where dinners could be picked up.
(c) Vice Mayor Donley spoke to the Police Department's newly initiated program to provide a simple, innovative, preventive technique to avoid auto thefts. The midnight shift inspects parked cars and leaves a yellow placard to let the owners know that their car was inspected and what the problems were. If the doors were unlocked, they will lock them. They will also let the owner know when the car appears to be secure. He commended the Department and urged the Chief of Police to expand this program, especially in the West End.
(d) Councilman Cleveland announced Warwick Village's annual luminaries show, on 13 streets, on Saturday, December 9, at 8 p.m. It is a beautiful thing to see.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 20, 1995, is on file in the office the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Pepper, seconded simultaneously by Council Member Rich and Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council received the updated Council calendar which includes the following changes: (1) City Council luncheon in honor of the Lord Provost of our sister city Dundee, Scotland, at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 2, at Gadsby's Tavern; (2) City Council dinner in honor of Mayor and State Senator-elect Patricia Ticer on Monday, December 4, at 5:30 p.m. at Portner's; (3) work session with our delegation to the Virginia General Assembly to discuss the City's 1996 legislative package at 6:00 p.m. before the Tuesday, December 12 Council meeting; and (4) work session to discuss two issues: staff recommendations regarding nonconforming uses in the Zoning Code and the proposed Cameron Station Community Development Authority on Wednesday, December 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Workroom. The voting was as follows:
Pepper "aye" Ticer "aye"
Rich "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille absent
Walker absent
It was noted that the work session on the Legislative Package will be on December 12, with adoption of the Legislative Package at the Saturday, December 16 Public Hearing Meeting.
Mayor Ticer announced that she will be unable to attend the December 12 Council Meeting because of an orientation meeting scheduled in Richmond at that time.
15. Alexandria Beautification Commission
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)
Rosemary Hurkamp
Mary DeMinter
James Dolezal
Christrose Von Schoening
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 15; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: Since no candidate received the required four votes, a second ballot was required between Hurkamp and Von Schoening. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Hurkamp
Donley - Hurkamp
Cleveland - DeMinter
Euille - absent
Pepper - Von Schoening
Rich - Von Schoening
Walker - absent
Thereupon, ballots were again distributed, tellers were again appointed, and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Christrose Von Schoening as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Beautification Commission. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Hurkamp
Donley - Von Schoening
Cleveland - Von Schoening
Euille - absent
Pepper - Von Schoening
Rich - Von Schoening
Walker - absent
16. Alexandria Commission for the Arts
1 Member Who Represents the Public-at-Large
As Arts Consumer
3 Members Who Have Expertise in the Arts
Either As A Practitioner or Professional Administrator
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)
1 Member Who Represents the Public-at-Large as Arts Consumer
Jennifer Archer*
Charles Brandi
Michael Carrasco
David Harris
3 Members Who Have Expertise in
the Arts Either As A Practitioner
or Professional Administrator
Anne De Dios
Michael McGoffin
William Monahan
Twig Murray*
Tamu White-Fitzgerald
(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 16; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Jennifer Archer as a Member Who Represents the Public-at-Large as Arts Consumer and reappointed Twig Murray and appointed William Monahan and Tamu White-Fitzgerald as Members Who Have Expertise in the Arts Either As A Practitioner or Professional
Administrator to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Archer, Monahan, Murray, Fitzgerald
Donley - Archer, Monahan, Murray, Fitzgerald
Cleveland - Archer, de Dios, McGoffin, Murray
Euille - absent
Pepper - Archer, Monahan, Murray,Fitzgerald
Rich - Archer, Monahan, Murray, Fitzgerald
Walker - absent
17. Alexandria Early Childhood Commission
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above commission:)
Alice Barnes
Elsie Mosqueda
Susan Riedinger
Mary Ann Way
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 17; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Elsie Mosqueda as a Member-at-Large to the Alexandria Early Childhood Commission. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Mosqueda
Donley - Mosqueda
Cleveland - Barnes
Euille - absent
Pepper - Mosqueda
Rich - Mosqueda
Walker - absent
18. Alexandria Task Force on AIDS
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Task Force:)
Amy Gotwals
Albert Pierce
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 18; 11/28/95, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: Since no candidate received the required four votes, a second ballot was required. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Pierce
Donley - Gotwals
Cleveland - Gotwals
Euille - absent
Pepper - Pierce
Rich - Pierce
Walker - absent
Thereupon, ballots were again distributed, tellers were again appointed, and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Albert Pierce as a Citizen-at-Large to the Alexandria Task Force on AIDS. The voting was as follows:
Ticer - Pierce
Donley - Gotwals
Cleveland - Pierce
Euille - absent
Pepper - Pierce
Rich - Pierce
Walker - absent
THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED, upon motion by Vice Mayor Donley, seconded simultaneously by Councilwoman Pepper and Council Member Rich, and carried unanimously by all those present, at 8:40 p.m., the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, November 28, 1995, was adjourned. The voting was as follows:
Donley "aye" Ticer "aye"
Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Rich "aye" Euille absent
Walker absent
Beverly I. Jett, CMC, City Clerk
This docket is subject to change.
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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council.
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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Original Author: Anonymous
Date Entered: 12/30/1996 11:44:44 AM
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