Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 1996 - - 7:30 pm
* * * * *
Present: Mayor Kerry J. Donley, Vice Mayor Redella S. Pepper, Members of Council William C. Cleveland, William D. Euille, Lonnie C. Rich, David G. Speck, and Lois L. Walker.
Absent: None.
Also Present: Mrs. Lawson, City Manager; Ms. Steele, Deputy City Manager; Mr. Sunderland, City Attorney; Ms. Evans, Assistant City Manager; Mr. Lynn, Director of Planning and Zoning; Ms. Boyd, Director of Citizen Assistance; Mr. O'Kane, Director of Transportation and Environmental Services; Mr. Gitajn, Director of Financial and Information Technology Services; Mr. Neckel, Director of Finance; Mrs. Godwin, Director of Management and Budget; Ms. Davis, Director of Housing; Mr. McMahon, Deputy Director of General Services; Dr. Lipsman, Director of Health; Mr. Caton, Legislative Director; Mr. Simmons, Deputy Director of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Fire Chief Hawkins; Mr. Powers, Director of Division of Community Programs; Ms. Chis, Acting Director of Human Services; Mr. King, Director of Office of Employment Training; and Lieutenant Kaluta, Police Department.
Recorded by: Mrs. Beverly I. Jett, CMC, City Clerk and Clerk of Council.
* * * * *
There was a City Council Work Session at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Room, regarding a demonstration of the pilot docket storage and retrieval system.
Mayor Donley and City Manager Lawson made introductory remarks followed by a demonstration by Financial and Information Technology Services Director Gitajn. Members of City Council participated in the discussion and directed questions to Mr. Gitajn.
The Work Session was concluded at approximately 7:20 p.m.
(A copy of the Agenda and material pertaining to this Work Session are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk and Council, and are incorporated herewith as part of the record.)
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Donley, and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present.
The invocation was pronounced by Reverend Edna J. Banes, Associate Pastor, Old Presbyterian Meeting House.
3. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Councilman Cleveland, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council approved the Minutes of (a) the Special Public Hearing Meeting of October 19, 1996 [in lieu of the Regular Public Hearing Meeting of October 12, 1996], and (b) the Special Meeting of October 23, 1996 [in lieu of the Regular Meeting of October 22, 1996]. The voting was as follows:
Cleveland "aye" Euille "aye"
Pepper "aye" Rich "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
4. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Councilman Cleveland, seconded by Council Member Walker and carried unanimously, City Council received the report of the City Clerk dated November 6, 1996, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 4; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference. The voting was as follows:
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"
5. Presentation by the Senior Citizens Employment and Services of Its 1997 Calendar to the Members of City Council. (Councilman Speck)
Members of City Council were presented with the 1997 Calendar of the Senior Citizens Employment and Services. The calendars will be on sale at several places in Old Town, including the Senior Citizens Employment and Services Office, 121 North Saint Asaph Street.
6. Presentation of Proclamation Designating November 28, 1996, as Potomac West Turkey Trot Day in the City of Alexandria. (Vice Mayor Pepper)
(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 6; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Vice Mayor Pepper presented the proclamation.
To participate in the Turkey Trot there is a $5 entry fee plus 2 cans of food for ALIVE!, and it will begin at 10:00 a.m.
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Euille, seconded by Council Member Walker and carried unanimously, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:
Euille "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"
7. Recognition of Savage Fogarty Real Estate for the International Award that They Received for Canal Center. (Vice Mayor Pepper)
(Material pertaining to this item is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 7; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Vice Mayor Pepper recognized Savage Fogarty for receiving the Special Award Office/Industrial Properties Category presented by the FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation) for the Trans Potomac Canal Center.
Mayor Donley noted that Savage Fogarty also received an award from the Alexandria Beautification Commission for landscaping and design.
8. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing and Thanking the Northern Virginia Community College for Its Special Contribution to the Alexandria Works! Job Fair. (Councilman Euille and Vice Mayor Pepper)
(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 8; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Councilman Euille and Vice Mayor Pepper presented the proclamation.
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:
Pepper "aye" Euille "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Rich "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
CONSENT CALENDAR (9-12) (17-21)
WITHOUT OBJECTION, Council removed Docket Item No. 19 from the Consent Calendar.
9. Receipt of the Following Resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee
Russell Bailey
(b) Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission
Margaret Sheila Clancy
(c) Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission
Roderick B. Williams
(d) Alexandria Waterfront Committee
Sean Kelly
(A copy of each of the above resignations is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 9 (a-d); 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
10. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee
1 Representative From the Business Community
(b) Alexandria Community Policy and Management Team
1 Parent Representative Who Is Not an Employee
of Any Public or Private Program Which Serves
Children and Families
(c) Alexandria Early Childhood Commission
1 Member-at-Large
1 Parent of a Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade
Three Child Eligible for a Free or a Reduced
Price Lunch
(d) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission
1 Representative From the Northern Virginia
Fine Arts Association
(e) Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission
1 High School Youth
(f) Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Representative From the Old Town Civic
(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 10 (a-f); 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
11. Receipt of the Supplemental Attendance Report of Boards and Commissions.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated October 28, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 11; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
12. Consideration of Application to the U.S. Department of Justice for the COPS More Program for the Alexandria Police Department.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 7, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
17. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to enable elderly or disabled taxpayers applying for an exemption or deferral from the City's real estate taxes (i) to file a written statement, in lieu of a formal affidavit, in support of their application, and (ii) to file a written statement or affidavit only once every three years.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 4, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 17; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council present received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 17; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of an Informal Memorandum explaining ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 3 of Item No. 17; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
18. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the City's regulations governing raffles and bingo to bring the regulations into conformity with state law, as recently amended.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 4, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 18; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council present received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 18; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of an Informal Memorandum explaining ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 3 of Item No. 18; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
20. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to authorize an encroachment into the public right-of-way of Jamieson Avenue, near its intersection with George's Lane, in the City of Alexandria.
(A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council present received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 20; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of an Informal Memorandum explaining ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 20; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
21. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE making provision for the support of the government of the City of Alexandria and for the payment of municipal expenditures, by providing supplemental appropriations of amounts required to defray certain expenditures and liabilities of the City for fiscal year 1997.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated October 28, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 21; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council present received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 21; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of an Informal Memorandum explaining ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 3 of Item No. 21; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Council Member Rich, seconded by Council Member Walker and carried unanimously, City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented, with the exception of Docket Item No. 19 which was considered under separate motion. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:
9. City Council received the following resignations with regret: (a) Russell Bailey from the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee; (b) Margaret Sheila Clancy from the Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission; (c) Roderick B. Williams from the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission; and (d) Sean Kelly from the Alexandria Waterfront Committee; and requested the Executive Secretary to send the appropriate letters of appreciation and to advertise the vacancies in the usual manner.
10. City Council (a) appointed Mary Radnofsky as a Representative from the Business Community to the Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee; (b) reappointed Juliet Choi as a Parent Representative who is not an employee of any public or private program which serves children and families to the Alexandria Community Policy and Management Team; (c) appointed Canda Smith as a Member-at-Large and Marsena Ware as a Parent of a Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Three Child eligible for a free or a reduced price lunch to the Alexandria Early Childhood Commission; (d) appointed Elaine Johnston as a Representative from the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association to the Historic Alexandria Resources Commission; (e) appointed William Dickinson as a High School Youth to the Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission; and (f) appointed William Kuehnle as a Representative from the Old Town Civic Association to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.
11. City Council received the supplemental report; vacated the positions listed on page two of the report; and authorized the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to advertise the vacancies.
12. City Council (1) authorized the City Manager to submit a grant application for the COPS MORE '96 program; and (2) approved the use of $69,288 from the Police Department's federal seized asset account to provide the required local match to the federal share of $207,862. There are no additional positions associated with this grant.
17. City Council introduced and passed the Ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, November 16, 1996.
18. City Council introduced and passed the Ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, November 16, 1996.
20. City Council introduced and passed the Ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, November 16, 1996.
21. City Council introduced and passed the Ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, November 16, 1996. The voting was as follows:
Rich "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Euille "aye"
Speck "aye"
19. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit massage establishments by special use permit in the CL zone.
(A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council present received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 19; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of an Informal Memorandum explaining ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 19; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(General Discussion. Councilman Cleveland directed questions to Police Chief Samarra and the City Attorney pertaining to enforcement of our current massage regulations and whether or not we would be creating any problems by passing this ordinance.
Members of City Council, Planning and Zoning Director Lynn and City Manager Lawson participated in the discussion.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Cleveland, seconded by Council Member Rich and carried unanimously, City Council introduced and passed the Ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, November 16, 1996. The voting was as follows:
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
13. Receipt of Report from the Interim Board of Directors for the Potomac West Alliance Pilot Project and Request for an Extension of Time to Complete the Pilot Project. (Council Member Walker)
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 7, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 13; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Council Member Walker spoke to this item. Councilman Euille also made comments.
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Council Member Walker, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council (1) received the Report from the Interim Board of Directors for the Potomac West Alliance Pilot Project and approved the extension of the Pilot Project through the end of February 1997; (2) amended Resolution 1777 to extend the appointments of the members of the Interim Board of Directors to the end of February 1997; (3) requested that the final report of the Interim Board of Directors be docketed for the February 25, 1997 legislative meeting of City Council and scheduled a work session with the Interim Board for 6 p.m., February 25, to discuss the final report; and (4) approved extending the consultant contract with Artemel and Associates, Inc., through the end of February 1997, and approved the use of $6,000 to cover the contract extension. Monies for the extension will come from the $2,527 in unexpended monies remaining from the original Council allocation of $14,999 for the initial Interim Executive Director consultant contract and $3,473 from the $14,999 earmarked for a design consultant. None of the design consultant funds have been expended to date. The voting was as follows:
Walker "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"
14. Presentation of the 1997 City of Alexandria Legislative Package and Setting for Public Hearing on Saturday, December 14, 1996.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 8, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.
A copy of Council Member Rich's proposal dated November 12, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 14; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(General Discussion. Council Member Rich requested that a bill that would authorize same sex marriages be added to our legislative package for public hearing and consideration on Saturday, December 14, 1996.
Mayor Donley requested staff to report on what sections of the Code might need amending and include some explanation prior to the public hearing.
Council Member Walker wanted to include in the discussion in December some information on what the current State law is. Her concerns deal with seeing if we can come up with some actions which are possible. She indicated that some really basic concerns may be able to be addressed immediately, i.e., some kind of benefit policies (life and/or health insurance) or survivor policies or things that make domestic relationships equal for people. We could figure out what the State has now and what kind of incremental steps we could start taking that might be suitable for the General Assembly to pass.
Council Member Rich stated that Arlington has proposed some sort of domestic partners legislation either to amend their charter or maybe it is general law. He suggested that maybe staff could work with them.
Vice Mayor Pepper suggested that staff involve the Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Association to help us with this.
Council Member Rich stated that he would propose a general law which basically authorizes same sex marriages.
Councilman Speck stated that what is being proposed is that a recommendation be made for our Delegation to carry this forward as a matter to be introduced as general law, not specifically on behalf of Alexandria.
Councilman Speck stated that he will be bringing forward a docket item regarding staggered terms for City Council members which will not be a part of the legislative package, but submitted to the voters as a referendum for the May 1997 Council election.
Mayor Donley noted that he and Council Member Walker will continue to serve on Council's legislative committee.
Council Member Rich spoke to an item he had raised at the Retreat concerning nuisance activities. He indicated that staff is working with some of the landlords to see if we can get voluntary action from the landlords.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Council Member Rich, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council (1) received the proposals for the City's 1997 legislative package; (2) scheduled the proposed legislative package, together with same sex marriage proposal submitted by Council Member Rich, for public hearing and adoption on Saturday, December 14; and (3) scheduled Council's work session with the General Assembly delegation during the lunch break at the December 14 public hearing meeting. The voting was as follows:
Rich "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
15. Consideration of Establishment of a Grant-funded Position to Support the Arlandria Health Center.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 4, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 15; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Euille, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried on a vote of 6-to-0, City Council approved the transfer of $55,000 in Community Integrated Service System (CISS) grant monies from the Virginia Department of Health (Alexandria Health Department) to the City to establish and fully fund one full-time project administrator position in the Alexandria Health Department to support the Arlandria Health Center for Women and Children. This position is required to integrate the Arlandria Health Center into the broader Alexandria community, to increase and stabilize its funding base, and assist the Center with institutionalizing relationships with community agencies. This position would terminate upon expiration of the grant. Any person who fills this position will be notified of this condition. The voting was as follows:
Euille "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Rich "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck out of room
Walker "aye"
16. Consideration of Proposal by Cameron Associates Regarding Payment for Cameron Station Park Improvements.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 7, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 16; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(Councilman Cleveland directed questions to Financial and Information Services Director Gitajn relating to the transfer of land.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Council Member Walker and carried on a vote of 6-to-0, City Council approved this request. The Cameron Associates proposal reflects terms and conditions recommended by staff to hold the City harmless for any foregone interest or administrative expense. The voting was as follows:
Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Walker "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich out of room
Speck "aye"
(a) Councilman Euille noted that the Habitat for Humanity had a groundbreaking ceremony recently for another house in the City that will be rehabilitated located at 1116-1/2 Princess Street. He indicated that the two sponsoring churches are from outside the City. One is Trinity Presbyterian Church of Arlington, and the second is St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Burke, Virginia. He encouraged the churches in our community to take heed to participate in this program.
(b) Vice Mayor Pepper thanked Randy Kell for arranging the Council tour of National Airport.
(c) Vice Mayor Pepper requested staff to look into Mayor Barry's proposal regarding regulation of panhandlers.
(d) Councilman Cleveland encouraged people to go visit the Black History Resource Center's exhibit on blacks who participated in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Viet-Nam War. He also requested black Alexandrians who served in the Korean and Viet-Nam Wars to provide any pictures or memorabilia for display. Items will be returned.
(e) Mayor Donley spoke to the Fire Department's give away program for smoke detectors.
(f) Mayor Donley requested staff to follow up on a request from the Eisenhower Partnership regarding signage on the Beltway identifying Eisenhower Valley as a destination point.
Transportation and Environmental Services Director O'Kane will draft a letter to VDOT for the Mayor's signature.
(g) Councilman Speck spoke to an e-mail he received from a Rosemont resident concerning a number of bicycle thefts. Staff was requested to contact the citizen to explain the statistics. Staff was requested to review the current regulations regarding registration requirements and to report back to Council as to how they can become more effective.
(h) Councilman Speck suggested that a community meeting be held at Landmark Mall Shopping Center in the second half of the fiscal year. He suggested possibly in early June.
(i) Councilman Speck discussed and gave Council copies of An Overview of the Commonwealth's Budget.
(j) Councilman Speck spoke to a recent local cable show whose participants criticized a recent action by Council. He indicated that the things that he heard were deplorable.
22. Consideration of a Resolution Providing Local Governing Body Approval of ARHA Issuance of Tax-Exempt Bonds to Finance the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Fort Henry Gardens in Arlington County. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated October 31, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 22; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Euille and carried on a unanimous ROLL-CALL vote, City Council (1) adopted the resolution approving the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) issuance of up to $3.2 million in tax-exempt bonds to FHG Limited Partnership for the acquisition and rehabilitation of Fort Henry Gardens, an 84-unit townhouse rental complex in Arlington County; and (2) authorized the Clerk of the Council to complete the Certificate of Resolution. The voting was as follows:
Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Euille "aye" Rich "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, pursuant to and in accordance with a duly adopted Bond Inducement Resolution, has agreed to use its best efforts to assist FHG Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership (or any successor thereto or any other similar entity as may be formed by Arlington Housing Corporation and Landex Corporation, or by affiliates thereof, respectively, as joint venture partners in connection with the below-described Project) (the "Owner"), in connection with the acquisition of 84 rental apartment units, four of which units will be converted into two, larger dwelling units, and the conversion, rehabilitation, and equipping of 82 rental apartment units, all (100%) of which will be reserved for occupancy by, and designated as affordable to, households with incomes at or below 60% of area median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which project is now and thereafter will be known as the Fort Henry Gardens (the "Project"), and, in particular, to undertake the issuance of its Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000, upon terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon by and between the Authority and the Owner (the "Bonds"), and to loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Owner for the purpose of financing the project, pursuant to a loan agreement which will provide for the repayment of the Loan in amounts sufficient to pay the principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds (the "Loan"); and
WHEREAS, the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (the "Authority") is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, duly created pursuant to the Virginia Housing Authorities Law, Chapter 1, Title 36, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of bonds shall approve the issuance of such bonds; and
WHEREAS, the Authority operates within the jurisdiction of the City of Alexandria, Virginia (the "City"), and the Alexandria City Council (the "City Council") constitutes the highest elected governmental body of the City; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with federal law, a public hearing was duly noticed at least fourteen days in advance of, and conducted on, October 28, 1996, for consideration of the proposed financing of the Project; and
WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's Bond Inducement Resolution, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Authority at a public hearing held on October 28, 1996, and approving the issuance of the Bonds, has been filed with the City Council;
1. The City Council hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority, and the loan of the net proceeds therefrom, after the costs of issuance, to the Owner, to the extent such approval is required by Section 147(f) of the Code and the Act, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project.
2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and the Act, does not constitute an endorsement to any prospective purchaser of the Bonds as to the creditworthiness of the Project, the Owner, or the Bonds. As required by Section 36-39 of the Act, the Bonds shall provide that they shall not be or constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia or any political subdivision thereof, including the City of Alexandria or the Authority. Neither the Commonwealth of Virginia nor any political subdivision thereof, including but not limited to the City of Alexandria or the Authority, shall be liable for any payment of principal, premium thereon, if any, and/or interest which may be due on the Bonds, and in no event shall the Bonds be payable out of any funds or properties of the Commonwealth of Virginia or any political subdivision thereof, including but not limited to any funds or properties of the City of Alexandria or the Authority, and the Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction; provided, however, that repayment of the Bonds, including principal, premium thereon, if any, and/or interest, may be secured by a pledge or pledges by the Authority of such of its property as it may expressly designate and pledge for the purpose of securing payment of the Bonds.
3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council.
1. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Alexandria, Virginia (the "Council"), was held on November 12, 1996, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present or absent:
PRESENT: Mayor Kerry J. Donley
Vice Mayor Redella S. Pepper
Councilman William C. Cleveland
Councilman William D. Euille
Council Member Lonnie C. Rich
Councilman David G. Speck
Council Member Lois L. Walker
Such members constituted all of the members of the Council on the date of such meeting.
2. Attached hereto is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at such meeting by the following vote:
AYES: Pepper, Euille, Donley, Cleveland,
Rich, Speck, Walker
NAYS: None
3. The resolution referred to above has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended and is in full force and effect on this date and constitutes the only resolution adopted by the Council relating to the issuance by the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority of its revenue bonds for the benefit of FHG Limited Partnership.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Alexandria, Virginia, this 12th day of November 1996.
/s/Beverly I. Jett, CMC City Clerk
* * * * *
23. Consideration of City Council Schedule.
(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 8, 1996, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1, of Item No. 23; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Euille, seconded by Council Member Rich and carried unanimously, City Council (1) scheduled a work session with the General Assembly delegation to discuss the City's 1997 legislative package at the lunch break at the Saturday, December 14 public hearing meeting; (2) scheduled a work session with the Interim Board of Directors for the Potomac West Alliance Pilot Project at 6 p.m. before the Tuesday, February 25 Council meeting; (3) added to the Council calendar the Friday, January 10 WMATA Regional Mobility Conference, an all-day meeting on WMATA funding (as requested by Council Member Walker). The exact time and location will be provided once they are established; and (4) noted that the City Schools Reflections Art Exhibition reception will be held in City Hall at 6:30 p.m. before the Tuesday, January 28 Council meeting as requested by Councilman Cleveland. The voting was as follows:
Euille "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Speck "aye"
Walker "aye"
24. Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee
1 Citizen Member
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Committee:)
Robert Russell Bailey
Michael Brookbank
Michael Brown
Matthew Clementz
David Foote
Steven Nearman
James Norcross
Thomas O'Brien
Mary Petrus
Kevin Stephens
Kevin Sutherland
Tamir Waser
Margaret Whelan
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 24; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Robert Russell Bailey as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Brown
Pepper - Bailey
Cleveland - Bailey
Euille - Bailey
Rich - Bailey
Speck - Bailey
Walker - Brown
25. Alexandria Commission for the Arts
1 Member-at-Large
(The following persons volunteered or were recommended for appointment to the above Commission:)
Amy Bruins
Robert Carrell
Anne Dawson
Karen Gibbs
John Mays Commission for the Arts
Jill Norcross
Scott Schwartz
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 25; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed John Mays as a Member-at-Large to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Mays
Pepper - Mays
Cleveland - Mays
Euille - Gibbs
Rich - Mays
Speck - Gibbs
Walker - Gibbs
* * * * *
26. Alexandria Commission for Women
1 Citizen Member
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)
Susan Butler
Georgia Dimitras
Kindra Gromelski
Kathy Holmes
Kathryn Lynch
Melissa Robertson
Patricia Schoeni*
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 26; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council reappointed Patricia Schoeni as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Commission for Women. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Robertson
Pepper - Schoeni
Cleveland - Schoeni
Euille - Schoeni
Rich - Robertson
Speck - Schoeni
Walker - Schoeni
* * * * *
27. Alexandria Commission on Employment
1 Representative From the Public Employment
Service as Mandated in the Job Training
Partnership Act
(The following person volunteered or was recommended for appointment to the above Commission:)
Shelby Robinson* Dolores A. Esser, Director, Field Operations, Virginia Employment Commission
*Residency Waiver Required
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 27; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council waived the residency requirement and appointed Shelby Robinson as a Representative from the Public Employment Service as Mandated in the Job Training Partnership Act to the Alexandria Commission on Employment. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Robinson
Pepper - Robinson
Cleveland - Robinson
Euille - Robinson
Rich - Robinson
Speck - Robinson
Walker - Robinson
* * * * *
28. Alexandria Early Childhood Commission
1 Member-at-Large
(The following person volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)
Megan Marquier*
*Residency Waiver Required
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 28; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council waived the residency requirement and appointed Megan Marquier as a Member-at-Large to the Alexandria Early Childhood Commission. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Marquier
Pepper - Marquier
Cleveland - Marquier
Euille - Marquier
Rich - Marquier
Speck - Marquier
Walker - Marquier
* * * * *
29. Alexandria Library Board
1 Citizen Member
(The following persons volunteered or were recommended for appointment to the above Board:)
Barbara Barger
Alice Falk
Marjorie Posner* Library Board
Ann Williams
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 29; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council reappointed Marjorie Posner as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Library Board. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Posner
Pepper - Posner
Cleveland - Posner
Euille - Posner
Rich - Posner
Speck - Posner
Walker - Posner
* * * * *
30. Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission
1 Citizen Member
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)
Clarence Henley
Walter Van Dorn, Jr.
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 30; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Clarence Henley as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Henley
Pepper - Henley
Cleveland - Van Dorn
Euille - Henley
Rich - Henley
Speck - Henley
Walker - Henley
* * * * *
31. Alexandria Traffic and Parking Board
1 Citizen Member
(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Board:)
James Beall
Harold Curry
Betty Hickey
* * * * *
(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 31; 11/12/96, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Harold Curry as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Traffic and Parking Board. The voting was as follows:
Donley - Curry
Pepper - Curry
Cleveland - Beall
Euille - Curry
Rich - Curry
Speck - Curry
Walker - Curry
* * * * *
32. Convening of an Executive Session for the Purpose of Consulting with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation Involving the City and Receiving a Briefing from Staff Members, Consultants or Attorneys Pertaining to Specific Legal Matters Requiring the Provision of Legal Advice by Counsel, Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.1-344(A)(7).
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously, at 9:30 p.m., City Council convened an executive session for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel and receiving a briefing by staff members pertaining to specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by counsel, pursuant to Virginia Code section 2.1-344(A)(7), and consulting with legal counsel pertaining to the following litigation involving the City, pursuant to Virginia Code section 2.1-344(A)(7): Mantech International Corporation v. City of Alexandria, a case pending in the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria, which involves a challenge to the 1989 through 1992 personal property amounts on plaintiff's computer equipment. The voting was as follows:
Speck "aye" Pepper "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker "aye"
THEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Euille, seconded by Council Member Walker and carried unanimously, at 9:55 p.m., City Council reconvened the meeting. The voting was as follows:
Euille "aye" Pepper "aye"
Walker "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"
WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried unanimously, City Council authorized the City Attorney to settle the suit identified in the motion to convene this evening's executive session in accordance with the terms and conditions recommended by the City Attorney in the executive session. The voting was as follows:
Speck "aye" Pepper "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker "aye"
THEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Councilman Cleveland and carried on a unanimous ROLL-CALL vote, City Council adopted the resolution pertaining to the executive session. The voting was as follows:
Speck "aye" Pepper "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Euille "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker "aye"
The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, on this 12th day of November, 1996, the Alexandria City Council did recess into executive session pursuant to a motion made and adopted in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by City Council that such executive session was conducted in accordance with Virginia law;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that city council does hereby certify that, to the best of each member's knowledge, only public business matters that were identified in the motion by which the executive session was convened, and that are lawfully exempted by the Freedom of Information Act from the Act's open meeting requirements, were heard, discussed or considered by council during the executive session.
* * * * *
THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED, upon motion by Councilman Euille, seconded by Councilman Speck and carried unanimously, at 9:58 p.m., the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, November 12, 1996, was adjourned. The voting as follows:
Euille "aye" Pepper "aye"
Speck "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Rich "aye"
Walker "aye"
* * * * *
Beverly I. Jett, CMC City Clerk
This docket is subject to change.
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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council.
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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