Office of the City Clerk
June 25, 1997
At 6:00 p.m. in the Council Workroom, There
was a City Council Work Session on the Red
Light Traffic Camera Technology Program, followed
by a Work Session on the Market Square Garage
Renovation Project.
There was an Executive Session at the Conclusion
of the Meeting. Please refer to Docket Item No. 55.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 24, 1997 - - 7:30 p.m.
* * * * *
1. Calling the Roll.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Donley, and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
The Invocation was provided by Reverend Donald H. Bowen, Pastor, Downtown Baptist Church.
2. Invocation. By:_________________________________________________________
3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council:
(a) The Regular Meeting of June 10, 1997.
City Council approved the Minutes for the Regular Meeting of June 10, 1997.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
4. Report of the City Clerk.
City Council received the report of the City Clerk.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
New Business Item No. 1: Councilman Euille presented a proclamation honoring Jerome "Buddie" Ford for his dedicated and loyal service to the City of Alexandria and recognizing him by renaming the Ramsay Nature Center to the "JEROME 'BUDDIE' FORD NATURE CENTER." Mr. Ford passed away on Sunday, June 22, 1997.
OPENING (continued)
5. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Donald Mela for His Outstanding Service to the City and Citizens of Alexandria. (Councilman Speck, Mayor Donley, Vice Mayor Pepper, Council Member Rich, Council Member Walker)
City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
Councilman Speck left the meeting at 7:55 p.m. He had cast his ballots for the pending appointments prior to his departure.
6. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing The Reverend Donald H. Bowen Pastor, Downtown Baptist Church, Upon His Retirement After Thirty Years of Service to His Church and His Community. (Mayor Donley)
City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council removed Docket Item Nos. 9 and 19 from the Consent Calendar.
7. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Alexandria Commission for Women
Melissa L. Robertson
(b) Alexandria Industrial Development Authority
Holly Weinstein-Bacal
(c) Alexandria Task Force on AIDS
Thomas Morrison
8. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(a) Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission
1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Youth Services Commission
1 Member Representing the Fine Arts
(b) Ad Hoc Old and Historic Alexandria District Newsrack Committee
1 Member From the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Old and Historic District
1 Representative of a Business Located in the Old and Historic District
(c) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee
1 Representative From the Arts With Expertise in Music
(d) Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District
1 Architect
(e) Alexandria Early Childhood Commission
1 Representative From the Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission
(f) Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Representative From the Founders Park Community Association
1 Representative From the Pleasure Boat Lease Holders at the Alexandria Marina
9. Consideration of a Contract Between the City of Alexandria and the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission Related to the Northern Virginia Single Family Regional Loan Fund.
10. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Litter Prevention and Recycling Program for Funding for the Adopt-A-Park Program.
11. Consideration of a Renewal of a Grant Contract with the Virginia Community Action Re-Entry System, Inc. (VA. CARES) for FY 1998 Continuation Funding.
12. Consideration of a Renewal of a Grant Contract with Project Discovery for FY 1998 Continuation Funding.
13. Consideration of the Criteria for the Deputy Sheriff IV Career Ladder.
14. Consideration of the Career Ladder Special Pay Provisions for the Fire Department.
15. Consideration of an Application to Renew the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program.
16. Consideration of an Application for One-Time Special State Funds for the Purchase of Equipment to Augment a Portable Two-Way Videoconferencing System for the Court Services Unit.
17. Consideration of Establishment of Two Community Integrated Service System (CISS) Grant-Funded Positions in the Alexandria Health Department to Support the Arlandria Health Center for Women and Children.
18. Consideration of Federal HOME Program and Matching Fund Assistance to Sheltered Homes of Alexandria for the Rehabilitation of Two of its Existing Group Homes and the Related HOME Program Amendment.
19. Receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending May 31, 1997.
20. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Department of Education for Funding for the Alexandria Detention Center's Educational Unit.
21. Consideration of Acceptance of the Donation of a Piano to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Activities.
City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented with the exception of Docket Item Nos. 9 and 19, which were considered under separate motions. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:
7. City Council received the resignations of (a) Melissa L. Robertson from the Alexandria Commission for Women; (b) Holly Weinstein-Bacal from the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority; and (c) Thomas Morrison from the Alexandria Task Force on AIDS, with regret, and requested the Executive Secretary to send the appropriate letters of appreciation and to advertise the vacancies in the usual manner.
8. City Council (a) reappointed David Sachs as a Member Designated by the Alexandria Youth Services Commission, and appointed Anne Edwards as a Member Representing the Fine Arts to the Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission; (b) appointed Thomas Hulfish as a Member from the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Old and Historic District, and Maria O'Leary as a Representative of a Business Located in the Old and Historic District to the Ad Hoc Old and Historic Alexandria District Newsrack Committee; (c) reappointed Ann Stephens as a Representative From the Arts with Expertise in Music to the Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee; (d) appointed David Zuckerkandel as an Architect to the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review Parker-Gray District; (e) appointed Arthur Mosley as a Representative From the Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission to the Alexandria Early Childhood Commission; and (f) appointed Charles Hamel as a Representative From the Founders Park Community Association, and reappointed Robert Roland as a Representative From the Pleasure Boat Lease Holders at the Alexandria Marina to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.
9. Mayor Donley directed questions to Office of Housing Director Davis. Staff was requested to provide Council with periodic updates with how this worked with the three households. Mayor Donley also requested staff to get more information from VHDA regarding the freeing up of these kinds of dollars for this program.
City Council (1) approved the City's participation in the Northern Virginia Single Family Regional Loan Fund; and (2) authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement and all other necessary documents.
10. City Council authorized the City Manager to (1) submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Litter Prevention and Recycling Program, for funding in the approximate amount of $9,000 for the Adopt-a-Park Program (the exact amount to be determined by the Department of Environmental Quality by August 1, 1997); and (2) execute all necessary documents that may be required.
11. City Council (1) approved the renewal of a grant contract for continuation funding, in the amount of $38,765, from the Virginia Community Action Re-entry System, Inc. (VA CARES) for provision of services to ex-offenders in Alexandria in FY 1998; (2) approved the continuation of one full-time grant-funded position, a Community Services Specialist, to provide the direct services for the ongoing VA CARES program. Continuation of the position is contingent upon receipt of funding from VA CARES, Inc. or other non-City sources, and the employee has been informed of this condition of employment; (3) approved acceptance of a contribution of $3,120 from the Alexandria Adult Probation and Parole Office for continued support and sponsorship of the Ex-offender Support Group in the Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Economic Opportunities (OEO); and (4) authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. It was noted that there are no monies available in the City budget to continue this program once the grant funds are expended.
12. City Council (1) approved the renewal of the grant contract for FY 1998 continuation funding from Project Discovery, Inc., in the amount of $70,901 to operate the Project Discovery program in the DHS Office of Economic Opportunities; (2) approved the continuation of two full-time grant-funded positions, the Project Discovery Coordinator and Program Aide II, to adminster the ongoing Project Discovery program. Continuation of these positions is contingent upon receipt of funding from Project Discovery, Inc., or other non-City sources, and the persons in these positions have been notified of this condition of employment; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. It was noted that there are no monies available in the City budget to continue the program once grant funds are expended.
13. City Council approved the criteria for promotion to the Deputy Sheriff IV level in the Office of Sheriff.
14. City Council approved the additional career ladder components for the Fire Department which include special pay for hazardous materials, technical rescue, and self-contained breathing apparatus specialty teams as discussed in the memorandum. The special duty pay requires maintaining the required training and certifications listed in Attachment I of the memorandum and would result in 3% in additional pay for the newly approved career ladder designations. This is the same amount provided for each of the levels in the Police and Sheriff career ladder programs.
15. City Council (1) approved submission of the grant application, in the amount of $186,198, of which 90 percent, or $167,578, will be federal funds, and 10 percent, or $18,620, will be provided from the FY 1998 Police Department operating budget for the required local match; (2) set the grant application for public hearing on September 13, 1997, to receive comments on the grant, as required by the Department of Justice; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute any documents that may be required.
It should be noted that the grant application was due to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for review on June 20, and it was submitted for review, contingent upon Council's approval of the grant submission at its June 24 legislative session.
The federal grant application also requires that a local advisory board review the proposed grant program. As was done last fall, the Alexandria Community Criminal Justice Board will be asked to review and endorse the application and provide non-binding recommendations to City Council concerning the use of grant funds at its September 9, 1997 meeting. The Board endorsed the City's proposal last fall and we anticipate similar support this year.
Federal rules also require that a public hearing be held on the proposed use of the grant funds prior to the obligation of, but not the application for, the funds. To comply with this requirement, the grant submission will be set for public hearing on September 13.
16. City Council authorized the application for a $5,000 one-time special State grant from the State Department of Criminal Justice Services to purchase supporting equipment including a fax machine, a laptop computer and a 19" television monitor to augment a State-provided videoconference system for the Court Service Unit. There is no requirement for the City to provide a cash or in-kind match for these funds and it should be noted that there are no monies included in the City's budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expended.
17. City Council approved the transfer of $71,363 in Community Integrated Service System (CISS) carry-over grant monies from the Virginia Department of Health (Alexandria Health Department) to the City to establish and fully fund one full-time public health nurse position and one part-time (up to 30 hours per week) public health nutritionist position in the Alexandria Health Department to support the Arlandria Health Center for Women and Children. These positions are required to provide bilingual case management services and nutrition follow-up for clients receiving services at the Arlandria Health Center.
These positions would terminate upon expiration of the grant. Any persons who fill these positions will be notified of this condition of employment.
18. City Council (1) approved a conditional grant of $80,100 in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 1995 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program monies and the required $20,025 in matching General Fund monies for a total of $100,125 to Sheltered Homes of Alexandria for repairs and improvements to two existing group homes located at 3 West Linden Street and 4525 Peacock Avenue; (2) approved the amendment to the City's FFY 1995 HOME Program; and (3) authorized the City Manager, in the event these funds are not fully used at these two properties, to approve the use of any unused monies for identified repair or renovation needs for other existing group homes.
19. Councilman Cleveland spoke to the increased amount received in personal property tax.
City Council (1) received the Financial Report for the period ending May 31, 1997; (2) approved the use of $280,000 from the net proceeds from the sale of City-owned land for the Eisenhower Avenue Interchange and the widening of Braddock Road near Mt. Vernon Avenue for the construction of a left turn lane at Bellefonte Avenue and U.S. Route 1; (3) authorized the City Manager to issue a request for proposals and award contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders to procure:
- the professional services of a consultant to assist with establishing a transit store in the Landmark area, which will provide better access for residents living in the City's west end to purchase transit fare media and to receive transit and ridesharing information;
- the professional services of a market survey research firm to assist with the implementation of a survey of City residents related to commuter needs, the results of which will be used to assist the Office of Transit Services and Programs in the design of transit and ridesharing services;
- the professional services of a consultant in connection with the replacement of the City's existing payroll/personnel system with a Local Area Network (LAN) based client/server system; and
- the professional services of a consultant to assist with the implementation of the Geographic Information System (GIS) Base Map;
(4) authorized the City Manager to award contracts:
- for the replacement of the Courthouse roof; and
- to provide architectural and design services for the renovation of Fire Station 54, located at 900 Second Street; and
(5) approved the requested capital project expenditures detailed in the Capital Improvement Program Planned Expenditures Summary (Attachment 4). (Separate Motion)
20. City Council (1) approved the submission of the grant application and authorized the establishment of one grant-funded, full-time position Program Coordinator position. The person would be working with the Office of Sheriff to provide services proposed under this grant proposal. This grant-funded position would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individual who is to fill this position would be notified of this condition of employment; and (2) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required.
It should be noted that staff received notice of this grant availability on May 16, and the grant application was due on June 2, 1997. Staff submitted the grant application, contingent upon City Council's approval at its June 24 legislative session.
21. City Council accepted the donation of a piano from Mr. Paslawski, and thanked him for his generous donation to the citizens of Alexandria.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
22. Consideration of Composition of New Fair Share Task Force and Receipt of Follow-up Information from the April 12 Public Hearing on Council Member Rich's Proposal for Strict Enforcement of Fair Share. (Council Member Rich)
City Council (1) approved, as amended, the establishment of a Fair Share Task Force to be composed as listed on page 2 of the report, and by increasing the membership to a total of 14, with one additional Non-profit Housing Provider (non-ARHA), for a total of 3, and requested the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to advertise the positions in August and docket the appointments for the first meeting in September; and (2) received the follow-up information contained in this memorandum.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
23. Consideration of Request to Permit an Exception to the Major Events Policy to Allow the Addition of Venues East of Washington Street for First Night Alexandria, a Non-Alcoholic New Year's Eve Celebration.
City Council permitted an exception to the Major Events Policy to allow for the addition of First Night Alexandria venues at Crestar Bank at 515 King Street; the first floor of the Alexandria Courthouse at 520 King Street; Gadsby's Tavern Museum at 134 North Royal Street; and Market Square at 301 King Street, each of which is located east of Washington Street.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
24. Consideration of the Early Childhood Commission and Commission Review Committee Recommendations for the Use of FY 1998 Children's Fund Monies.
City Council approved the following recommendations for the use of the Children's Fund: (1) a $50,000 set-aside to partially fund the costs of child care for families in the Virginia Preschool Initiative as a portion of the local match required to draw down $110,160 in State funds; (2) a $51,710 set-aside to fund a training and scholarship budget for family child care providers and center-based child care programs that serve at-risk children; and (3) the remaining $530,290 be designated to fund eight projects that provide high quality child care services and comprehensive services, such as child abuse prevention, family support, speech and language services, support services to teen mothers, prenatal services to high risk pregnant women and psychological services to at-risk preschool age children, detailed in Attachment 3 to the memorandum; and (4) a policy for unexpended funds be approved that states: "If any funds are unexpended from the Children's Fund programs in FY 1997 or FY 1998, due to the inability of a project to achieve a local match or due to position vacancies, for example, those funds shall be reallocated to the crisis aid child care fund or the child day care subsidy program."
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
25. Consideration of the Establishment of a Task Force to Develop the Process to Set Priorities for the Human Services Contributory Budget Process for FY 1999.
Mayor Donley requested that the Task Force go out of its way to make sure that the other non-profits are notified, involved and engaged in this whole process.
Glenn Hopkins assured Council that they will do that.
City Council (A) adopted the recommendations of the Human Services Committee to: (1) affirm the change to the human services contributory budget process adopted by City Council on February 22, 1997, effective for the FY 1999 budget cycle; (2) extend contributory funding for the existing FY 1998 Human Services contributions agencies for a three-month period, from July 1, 1998 through September 30, 1998, as part of a first-year transition period prior to the competitive request for grant proposal budget process, which is recommended to follow an October 1 to September 30 grant award period; (3) requested that the City Manager convene an 18-member ad hoc Task Force on City contributions to non-profit human services agencies, with the recommended membership as discussed on page 3 of the memorandum; and (4) requested that the ad hoc Task Force meet over the summer and return to City Council with a report to be docketed for City Council consideration at the first legislative meeting in October, including recommendations on the ten issues discussed on page 4 of the memorandum; and (B) approved the funding timetable for the City's contributions to non-profit human services agencies (Attachment 1 to the memorandum).
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
26. Consideration of Restoration of Funding for Camp Cora Kelly.
Council Member Rich stated that the fee schedule needs to be reviewed.
City Council approved the transfer of $24,500 from the Contingent Reserves Account to the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities' budget to restore funding for Camp Cora Kelly operations.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
27. Consideration of Loan of Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program Funds to the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA).
City Council (1) approved a no-interest deferred-payment loan of $330,000 under the HOME Program's HOME Preservation Program to the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), for site work and renovation of the Hopkins-Tancil Community to be provided from the following sources:
 | HOME | Required
Match | Additional
Monies | TOTAL |
HOME Preservation | $159,900 |  |  | $159,900 |
HOME Administration | $ 87,960 |  |  | $ 87,960 |
Rental Rehabilitation
Program Income |  | $ 35,303 |  | $ 35,303 |
General Fund | _________ | $ 26,662 | $ 20,175 | $ 46,837 |
TOTAL | $247,860 | $ 61.965 | $ 20,175 | $330,000 |
(2) required that the loan be repaid by ARHA no later than 30 days following the date ARHA receives sufficient proceeds from its next redevelopment project which exceed the development and operating cost of required replacement housing, all other necessary expenses connected with the redevelopment, and the amount needed to repay the 1992 City loan of $275,590 (of which $273,309 has been disbursed to date) and 1996 City loan of $500,000 (of which no funds have been distributed to date), or sooner if financially feasible. ARHA will also provide to the City each year, on the anniversary date of the loan, an assessment of its ability to repay the loan; (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all relevant documents in relation to this loan; and (4) approved the transfer of HOME monies from HOME Administration to HOME Preservation, and the designation of an additional $42,165 in Office of Housing General Fund monies to be used for the activity.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
28. Consideration of Expanding the Potomac West Business Assistance Loan Program to Include the Ethiopian Community Development Council's Small Business Administration-Funded Micro Loan Program, and Allocating an Additional $24,528 in Community Development Block Grant Monies for that Purpose. (Councilman Euille and Council Member Walker)
City Council (1) approved the expansion of the Potomac West Business Assistance Loan Program to include a Small Business Administration microenterprise loan component administered by the Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC); (2) allocated $24,528 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies to the Ethiopian Community Development Council to serve as a required $20,250 loan loss reserve fund and $4,278 in associated administrative costs to leverage $135,000 in federal Small Business Administration loan funds that will be reserved for loans to Alexandria businesses; and (3) approved a budget transfer of $24,528 from the CDBG Home Rehabilitation Loan Program to the Potomac West Business Assistance Loan Program for this purpose.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
29. Consideration of a Ten-Year Lease Agreement Between the City and George Spicer for the Property Located at 18-20 Roth Street.
Staff to report back in the fall with suggested use(s) of 115 North Patrick Street since the City owns it.
City Council approved a ten-year lease from October 1, 1997 to September 30, 2007, for 11,000 square feet at 18-20 Roth Street; and authorized the City Manager to execute the lease. The lease terms include a base rent of $156,000 a year for ten years for a total $1,560,000. In addition, beginning in the fifth year, there will be a rental adjustment of up to 4 percent annually. Assuming a 4 percent annual increase beginning in the fifth year, the total lease payment over the ten-year period would be approximately $1.7 million.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
30. Receipt of the Report of the Ad Hoc Towing Advisory Board.
City Council (1) received the report of the Ad Hoc Towing Services Contract Advisory Board; (2) accepted the recommendations of the report summarized as follows: (i) The City's towing contract should require certification of light duty operators within 6 months of contract execution; (ii) The contract specifications for routine towing services and specialized towing services should be simplified; (iii) The City should not impose additional regulations on the private towing industry beyond those specified in the City Code; and (iv) The City's contract would describe equipment needs for towing services as determined by City staff; (3) thanked the Board members for their service; and (4) authorized the City Manager to issue a new bid for towing services.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
31. Consideration of an Agreement Between the City of Alexandria and the Owner of the Underground Parcel of Land that is Bounded by Thompson's Alley and North Lee, Queen and North Union Streets, Providing for the Owner to Construct an Underground Parking Garage, Consisting of 173-175 Spaces, within Such Parcel, and for the City, Following Construction of the Garage, to Acquire the Garage and Title to the Parcel.
City Council (1) approved the agreement that was placed before Council tonight with the check in the upper right corner; (2) authorized the City Manager and the City Attorney, prior to the execution of the agreement, to make editorial, stylistic and minor substantive revisions to the agreement that are consistent with its basic terms and conditions, as summarized in the City Attorney's memorandum; and (3) authorized the City Manager, on behalf of the City, to execute the final agreement and to undertake whatever other actions are necessary or desirable to implement the agreement.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
32. Consideration of an Amendment to the City Council Special Regulation on Administrative Aides to Provide for City Council Oversight of the Provisions of the Regulation that Address Political Campaign Activities by Administrative Aides.
City Council approved the proposed amendment to the special regulation which governs the appointment and service of Council Aides.
Council Action________________________________________________________________
33. Consideration of a Memorandum from the City Attorney Regarding the Recodification of the City Code.
City Council authorized the City Attorney to move forward with recodification of the City Code.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
Planning Commission
34. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #97-0017 -- 2838 DUKE STREET -- DUKE STREET MOBIL -- Consideration of a review of a special use permit for an automobile service station; zoned CG/Commercial General. Applicant: Essam Danfora; Duke Street Mobil. (#23 5/17/97; #13 4/12/97)
COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Revocation 6-0
City Council overturned the decision of the Planning Commission and approved the special use permit, subject to compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and staff recommendations.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
(a) Vice Mayor Pepper spoke to President Clinton's speech at the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Conference with respect to the housing program for police
officers and low-income families. She requested staff to look into this program, as well as the others that were mentioned in The President's speech.
Mayor Donley gave a brief overview of the speech.
(b) Vice Mayor Pepper requested staff to look into Bill Gates' 200 million dollar grant program for libraries to see if the City could qualify for some of these funds.
(c) Councilman Cleveland congratulated Transportation and Environmental Services for removing the graffiti under the Duke Street Bridge at Carlyle.
(d) Council Member Rich spoke to Council's action on the First Baptist Church parking lot specifically with respect to the waiver of the Chesapeake Bay provisions regarding the bridge whether it's a one-lane or two-lane bridge. He received no Council support for reconsidering Council's action taken on Saturday, June 14.
WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council permitted Lisa Miller, 61 East Taylor Run Parkway, to address this issue. Ms. Miller requested Council to suspend the special use permit until the Master Plan is approved.
Council took no additional action with respect to the First Baptist Church special use permit or waiver of the Chesapeake Bay Protection Act.
(e) Mayor Donley announced that Councilman Speck was present earlier this evening to cast his votes for the pending appointments. He left the meeting to be with his wife, Marcia, who is recuperating at home. Council wished her good luck and hopes she will be feeling better soon.
(f) Councilman Euille announced that this Saturday, June 28, from 10:00 a.m. to noon, at the Charles Houston Recreation Center, Councilman Cleveland and he, in conjunction with the local NAACP Chapter, will be holding its first seminar for 1997 of the Community Political Leadership Institute. All citizens are invited to attend.
(g) Vice Mayor Pepper announced that Ben Brenman was out of Intensive Care and holding his own.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
35. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of AN ORDINANCE authorizing and empowering the issuance, sale and delivery of bonds not to exceed $45 million to finance various public improvements. (#32 6/10/97) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council finally passed the ordinance upon its Second Reading.
ORD. NO. 3943
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
36. Receipt of Viewers' Report for a request for vacation of public rights-of-way for construction of residential townhomes and underground parking structure for the site located at the corner of North Lee and Queen Streets, and North Union and Queen Streets; zoned CD/Commercial Downtown. Applicant: Lawrence N. Brandt, Inc., by J. Howard Middleton, Jr., attorney. (#22 6/14/97)
City Council received the Viewers' Report.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
37. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of AN ORDINANCE to vacate two small portions of the public right-of-way at the corners of Queen and North Lee Streets and Queen and North Union Streets, in order to facilitate development of the property that is bounded by Thompson's Alley, North Lee Street, Queen Street and North Union Street. (#25 6/14/97) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council finally passed the ordinance upon its Second Reading.
ORD. NO. 3944
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
38. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of AN ORDINANCE authorizing the owner of the real property bounded by Thompson's Alley, North Lee Street, Queen Street and North Union Street, and the owner's successors, to establish and maintain several encroachments into the public right-of-way of North Lee, Queen and North Union Streets, in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. (#23 6/14/97) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council finally passed the ordinance upon its Second Reading.
ORD. NO. 3945
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
39. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of AN ORDINANCE to amend the City Zoning Ordinance to allow bakeries of up to 10,000 square feet in several commercial zones within the City. (#4(b) 6/14/97) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council finally passed the ordinance upon its Second Reading.
ORD. NO. 3946
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
40. Consideration of the Balancing Resolution for the FY 1997 Operating Budget.[ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council adopted the resolution which adjusts the various departmental accounts to projected final expenditure patterns and the Approved FY 1997 revenue estimates to final revenues, as projected in the City's Financial Report for the period ending May 31, 1997. RES. NO. 1835.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
41. Consideration of a Resolution Providing Local Governing Body Approval of $48 Million in Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) Multifamily Housing Refunding Bonds for Lenox Club Apartments in Arlington County. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council (1) adopted, by a roll-call vote, the resolution approving the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) issuance of $48 million in ARHA multifamily Refunding bonds to Lenox Club Limited Partnership for Lenox Club Apartments, a rental complex in Arlington County; and (2) authorized the Clerk of Council to complete the proposed Certificate of Resolution.
RES. NO. 1836
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
42. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Metricom, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company, to Place, and to Maintain for a Five-Year Period, up to 250 Radio Transmitters on Existing Street Light Poles Owned by Virginia Electric and Power Company and Located within the Public Rights-of-way of the City, to be Used by Metricom in the Delivery of Its Wireless Data Communication Service. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]
City Council approved the license agreement with Metricom, and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City and to take other actions that are necessary or desirable to implement the agreement.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
43. Consideration of City Council Schedule.
City Council approved the City Council calendar and changed the date of the October public hearing meeting from Saturday, October 18 to Saturday, October 25; there was no change in the date of the first legislative meeting in September; Council will hold Tuesday, October 14 for a possible work session with the Chamber Land Use Committee and others on non-conforming uses.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
44. Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Old and Historic District
2 Citizen Members
City Council reappointed Oscar Fitzgerald and appointed Lynn Neihardt as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Old and Historic District.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
45. Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District
2 Citizen Members
City Council reappointed William Cromley and Kevin Sneed as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
46. Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee
3 Citizen Members
City Council reappointed Robert Russell Bailey, Lisa Chimento and James McIntyre as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
47. Alexandria Community Services Board
6 Citizen Members
City Council reappointed K. Robert Krupicka, and appointed Phillip Bradbury, Florine Greenberg, Harry Hart, Mellenie Runion and Carlos Vega-Matos as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Community Services Board.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
48. Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission
1 Member From the Field of Environmental Sciences
City Council reappointed Nancy Pomerleau as a Member from the Field of Environmental Sciences to the Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
49. Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission
1 Citizen Member
City Council reappointed Robert Montague, III as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
50. Alexandria Law Library Board
1 Citizen Member
City Council reappointed Sheila Sinclair as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Law Library Board.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
51. Northern Virginia Planning District Commission
1 Citizen Member
City Council appointed Dale Medearis as a Citizen Member to the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
52. Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission
1 Member From Planning District II
City Council appointed Lynette Robinson-Hart as a Member from Planning District II to the Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
53. Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission
4 Citizen Members
City Council reappointed Robert Denison, Ruth Kaye and Maida Loescher and appointed Robert Smith as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
54. Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Citizen Representative Who Resides East of Washington Street and North of King Street
1 Citizen Representative Who Resides East of Washington Street and South of King Street
City Council reappointed James Dorsch as a Citizen Representative Who Resides East of Washington Street and North of King Street and appointed Christine Niedermeir as a Citizen Representative Who Resides East of Washington Street and South of King Street to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council considered Docket Item No. 56 at this time.
56. Consideration of an Application for Grant Funding for School Resource
Officers in the City's Middle Schools.
City Council (1) approved the grant application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for a total of $104,661, of which $95,146 would be grant funding from the State, and $9,515 would be the local match, which is available within the FY 1998 Police Department budget; (2) approved the establishment of two full-time grant-funded Police Officer positions, contingent upon receipt of grant funding. Continuation of these positions beyond the grant year is contingent upon the continuation of funding from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services or other Non-City sources, and the individuals who fill these positions are notified of this condition of employment; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. It should be noted that there are no additional monies available in the City's budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expended.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
55. Consideration of Convening of an Executive Session to Consult with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation that Involves the City of Alexandria, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7); to Consult with Legal Counsel and Receiving a Briefing from Staff Members, Consultants or Attorneys Pertaining to Specific Legal Matters Requiring the Provision of Legal Advice by Counsel, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7); and the Performance of Certain Public Officials Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344 (A)(1).
At 10:07 p.m., City Council convened an Executive Session for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel pertaining to the following litigation involving the City pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7): Seminary Hills Limited Partnership v. the City of Alexandria, case pending in the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria which involves a challenge to the real estate assessments of the Seminary Hills Apartments for tax years 93-96; and a discussion on the performance of specific appointees pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344 (A)(1).
At 11:20 p.m., City Council reconvened the meeting.
City Council authorized the City attorney to settle the suit identified in the motion to convene this evening's executive session in accordance with the terms and conditions recommended by the City Attorney in executive session.
City Council adopted the resolution pertaining to the executive session.
RES. NO. 1837.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 p.m.
This docket is subject to change.
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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council. Meeting materials are also available on-line at
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