OPENING 1. Calling the Roll. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 2. Invocation. By:_________________________________________________________ 3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council: (a) the Special Meeting of April 29, 1997 [in lieu of the Regular Meeting of April 22, 1997]; and (b) the Special Meeting of May 1, 1997 [Budget Adoption]. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 4. Report of the City Clerk. Council Action;_______________________________________________________________ 5. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of May as the Kick-off for the Summer Jobs for Alexandria Campaign. (Councilman Euille) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 6. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Ellyn Williams Chisley Carpenter for Her Outstanding Service to the City and Citizens of Alexandria. (Council Member Walker) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 7. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of May as Older Americans Month in the City of Alexandria. (Vice Mayor Pepper) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ OPENING (continued) 8. Presentation of Proclamation Declaring May 12-16, 1997, as "TRY TRANSIT WEEK" in the City of Alexandria. (Council Member Walker) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 9. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Week of May 11-17, 1997, as Historic Preservation Week in the City of Alexandria. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 10. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Week of May 18-24, 1997, as Emergency Medical Services Week in the City of Alexandria. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 11. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming Saturday, May 17, 1997, as Earth Day and Arbor Day in the City of Alexandria. (Vice Mayor Pepper) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER CONSENT CALENDAR (12-18; 21) 12. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Alexandria Commission for Women Katherine Connelly (b) Alexandria Industrial Development Authority Ronald F. Cornelison 13. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria School Board 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Archaeological Commission 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Society for the Preservation of Black Heritage 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission 1 Member Designated by the George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Waterfront Committee REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 1 Student Member Designated by the Alexandria Youth Services Commission 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Friendship Fire Engine Association 1 Member From the Retail Business Community With Background in Product Design and Retail Sales (b) Alexandria Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 1 Employer Member (c) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee 1 Representative From the Business Community (d) Alexandria-Gyumri Sister City Committee 1 Citizen Member (e) Alexandria Archaeological Commission 1 Member From the Alexandria Historical Society (f) Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board of Governors 1 Representative of the Chairman of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce 1 Representative of the Old Town Civic Association (g) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission 1 Representative From Planning District I (h) Alexandria Potomac West Alliance Board of Directors 2 Representatives Nominated by Potomac West Civic Associations 14. Consideration of Request to Vacate a Position on the Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities. 15. Consideration of Application to the Federal Administration for Children and Families for Continuation of the Alexandria Head Start Program for Fiscal Year 1998. 16. Consideration of Application to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles for a Highway Safety Project Grant. 17. Consideration of Application to the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Office on Women's Domestic Violence Program. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 18. Consideration of Submission of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services for Funding to Provide Additional Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services at the Alexandria Detention Center and to Provide Services for Adolescents at the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) 19. Receipt of the Status Report on Nuisance Abatement Activities in the Arlandria West Area. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 20. Consideration of Bicycle Transportation and Multi-Use Trail Master Plan. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES None ORAL PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS CONSENT CALENDAR (21) 21. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to authorize an encroachment into the public right-of-way along the south side of the 600 block of Pendleton Street for a gate and screening of a transformer. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) 22. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First and Second Readings of AN ORDINANCE to adopt Supplement 51 of the Alexandria City Code. [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) 23. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First and Second Readings of AN ORDINANCE to adopt Supplement 13 of the City of Alexandria Zoning Ordinance. [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 24. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Formation of the Regional Partnership of Northern Virginia. [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ OTHER 25. Consideration of City Council Schedule. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ CONTESTED APPOINTMENT 26. Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities 1 Representative of the Business Community Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SESSION 27. Consideration of Convening of an Executive Session to Consult with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation that Involves the City of Alexandria, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7). Council Action:_______________________________________________________________