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Office of the City Clerk
May 28, 1997

There Was An Executive Session
At The Conclusion Of The Meeting. Please
Refer To Docket Item No. 20.

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 1997 - - 7:30 p.m.

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1. Calling the Roll.

The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Donley, and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present with Council Member Rich arriving at 7:40 p.m.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend Columbus Watson, Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church.
2. Invocation. By:_________________________________________________________

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council:

(a) The Regular Meeting of May 13, 1997.

City Council approved the Minutes for (a) the Regular Meeting of May 13, 1997, as submitted.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

4. Report of the City Clerk.

City Council received the report of the City Clerk.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

5. Presentation of Proclamation in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of Alexandria. (Mayor Donley, Vice Mayor Pepper, Councilman Cleveland, Councilman Euille, Council Member Rich, Councilman Speck, and Council Member Walker.)

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

OPENING (continued)

6. Consideration of Proclamation Recognizing Camp Getaway and The Efforts of the Volunteers Who Make It Possible. (Mayor Donley)

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

7. Consideration of Proclamation Honoring Richard L. Jarvis, Music Director of Alexandria Chorale. (Vice Mayor Pepper)

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

8. Consideration of Proclamation Honoring J. Franklin Clark, Assistant Music Director of Alexandria Chorale. (Vice Mayor Pepper)

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________



WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council removed Docket Item No. 10 from the Consent Calendar.

9. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
1 Representative From a Civic Association

(b) Alexandria Commission on Employment
1 Representative From an Educational Agency As
Mandated in the Job Training Partnership Act

1 Business Representative From Among Recognized Area
Businesses Including Minority-Owned and Small Businesses

(c) Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities
1 Representative of the Business Community Designated
by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce

(d) Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission
1 Member From the Field of Ecology

(e) Alexandria Human Rights Commission
1 Representative From the Alexandria Commission for Women

(f) Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission
1 Representative From the Alexandria Medical Society

(g) Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Representative From the Alexandria Archaeological Commission


10. Receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending April 30, 1997.

11. Consideration of Submission of a Renewal Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for FY 1998 Pass-through Funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for the Alexandria Health Department Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ), Air Pollution Control Program.

12. Consideration of an Application to the Virginia Department of Forestry, Urban and Community Forestry Assistance, for Funding a Grant to Survey and Identify the Existing Trees in Fort Ward Park and Arboretum.

13. Consideration of the Renewal Application for FY 1998 Funding Under the Virginia Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act.


City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented except for Docket Item No. 10. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:

9. City Council (a) appointed Patricia Miller as a Representative From a Civic Association to the Alexandria Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; (b) reappointed Louise Rainis as a Representative From an Educational Agency as Mandated in the Job Training Act and James Shank as a Business Representative From Among Recognized Area Businesses Including Minority-Owned and Small Businesses to the Alexandria Commission on Employment; (c) reappointed George Caddy as a Representative of the Business Community Designated by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce to the Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities; (d) appointed Laurence Breaker as a Member From the Field of Ecology to the Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission; (e) appointed Patricia Schoeni as a Representative From the Alexandria Commission for Women to the Alexandria Human Rights Commission; (f) appointed Kenneth Kelleher, Jr. as a Representative From the Alexandria Medical Society to the Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission; and (g) reappointed Pete Petersen as a Representative From the Alexandria Archaeological Commission to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.

10. Members of City Council directed questions to Financial and Information Technology Services Director Gitajn and CJIS Coordinator McGrath with respect to the award of contracts for the Alexandria Justice Information System.

Councilman Euille directed questions to Financial and Information Technology Services Director Gitajn and Finance Director Neckel with respect to decline in business license taxes. He also asked questions regarding transient lodging taxes and restaurant meals taxes. Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities Director Robinson responded to Councilman Euille's questions concerning the status of the King Street Gardens project.

Councilman Cleveland noted that the Personal Property Tax revenue continues to increase.



10. (continued)

City Council (1) received the Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 1997; (2) authorized the City Manager to issue requests for proposals and award contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for an automated paratransit management system that will improve communications between all operating agencies involved in the DOT paratransit system; eliminate existing redundant manual procedures; and provide procedures for implementing cost efficiencies and improving service to the public; (3) authorized the City Manager to award contracts for the design, development, and implementation of the Alexandria Justice Information System (AJIS) to Software Development and Services Corporation (SDSC) and Booz-Allen & Hamilton. This contract award is discussed in greater detail in the planned capital expenditures section of this Monthly Financial Report (Attachment 4); and (4) approved the requested capital project expenditures detailed in the Capital Improvement Program Planned Expenditures summary (Attachment 4). (Separate Motion)

11. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit a renewal grant application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for FY 1998 pass-through funding from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the amount of $40,870 for the Alexandria Health Department Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ) Air Pollution Control Program; and (2) execute all necessary documents that may be required.

The City has been receiving the EPA Air Pollution Grant since the early 1970s. It should be noted that there are no additional monies available in the City budget to continue the grant-funded activities after the grant funds expire.

12. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Forestry, Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Program, for funding in the amount of $7,500 for surveying the locations of existing trees in Fort Ward Park and Arboretum; and (2) execute all necessary documents that may be required.

13. City Council (1) authorized the City Manager, through the Department of Human Services, Office on Youth Services, to submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice for FY 1998 funding, in the amount of $64,505, for the continuation of services under the Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act; (2) approved the continuation of two full-time grant-funded positions, a Youth Services Program Specialist and a Secretary I, to administer these on-going services. Continuation of these positions is contingent upon FY 1998 renewal funding from the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice or other non-City sources. These grant-funded positions terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individuals in these positions have been notified of this condition of employment; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents that may be required.

Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


14. Consideration of The Proposed Compensation Pay Philosophy for The City of Alexandria. (#22 5/17/97)

Mayor Donley gave an overview of this issue.

In June, City Manager Lawson will report back with a suggested date for Council's fall retreat.

City Manager Lawson will work with Council Member Walker over the summer regarding Mrs. Walker's concerns and suggestions about the pay philosophy.

Council Member Rich indicated that he will keep an open mind and will listen; however, at this time, he is not ready to go back to a fixed pay scale. He wants to wait for information from neighboring jurisdictions and experts before making his decisions regarding a fixed pay scale.

Councilman Speck has been a little disconcerted by the interaction that Council has had with the new organization (ACE) that has been created. He stated that if Council is going to continue to be dealing with an organization that is representing general employees, he thinks, to some extent, it would be helpful if Council knew more precisely with whom they are dealing. If there is some way that staff can address that, he would certainly find that helpful.

City Manager Lawson stated that this new group has designated two persons to come to her labor/management meetings. She stated that she will speak to them and ask them to reply to Councilman Speck's suggestion.

Councilman Speck stated that if we are going to create some legitimacy to an organization that represents general employees, he thinks it is important to make certain that we know that we are, in fact, dealing with an organization that does represent general employees. He indicated that he thinks that it is reasonable to expect to know who they are.

City Manager Lawson will come back with a report on that.

Mayor Donley suggested that Council and the Manager might want to give some consideration to formalizing some ground rules in terms of how we are meeting with various employee groups, what's being said and what's being discussed. He stated that there is not a tone of consistency that transcends all of the various meetings. He indicated that this is a plot for Council to ponder on a little bit and make any recommendations to improve this situation.

City Council adopted the proposed City Employee Compensation Philosophy as amended.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


15. Consideration of Proposed Policy for Placement of Plaques in City Buildings. (# 15 3/11/97; #14 2/11/97) (Councilman Speck)

City Council approved the City Manager's recommendation that the use of City Hall be limited to the types of permanent plaques described in the City Manager's memorandum, and that other types of plaques be located at City facilities such as the Lee Center or the Human Services Building. It was recommended that a plaque such as the one suggested by the Ripening to Vintage Fund be displayed temporarily (six months) in City Hall with an appropriate ceremony to recognize the donors, but that the permanent location should be in one of the City buildings that provides office and meeting space for our programs for the elderly, such as the Lee Center or the Human Services Building.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

16. Consideration of Authorizing the Issuance of a Request for Proposals for a Needs Assessment Study of the City's Recreation Programs and Facilities.

Members of City Council and City Manager Lawson participated in the discussion on this item.

Councilman Euille requested that we also take advantage of the expertise that the City has in-house from its own professional staff in the Recreation and Parks Department.

Council Member Walker requested staff to look at creative ideas and balance the needs of the City. Staff to use some of the demographic information from Planning and the Schools.

City Council (1) approved the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant study to assist staff with the development of a needs assessment of City-wide recreation programs and facilities; and (2) authorized the City Manager to award a contract to the most responsive and responsible bidder.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________




(a) Vice Mayor Pepper announced that Ben Brenman was rushed to Alexandria Hospital today with chest pains. He will receive some tests. City Council wished him well.

(b) Vice Mayor Pepper spoke to the canceled flag-raising ceremony at James Marx Veteran's Park. She requested the protocol for flying the flag. Staff will report back. The flag-raising ceremony has been rescheduled for June 14, 1997, at 8:30 a.m.


(c) Council Member Walker announced that on June 4, 1997, at 5:30 p.m. in Richmond, VA, Delegate Marian VanLandingham will be receiving the "Legislator of the Year Award" for her efforts in the Virginia Transit Association.

(d) Councilman Speck reminded citizens that the City Council Community Meeting at Landmark Mall will be on Wednesday, June 4, 1997, at 7:30 p.m.

(e) Councilman Speck spoke to the discussion on the budget memo concerning health insurance costs.

City Manager Lawson stated that a report will come back to City Council at its Retreat, or, if Council desires, at a legislative meeting for Council to receive it. She suggested that there be a work session before the Council meeting for which it is docketed.

(f) Councilman Speck asked questions regarding the letter that Council received from the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities dated May 20, 1997, concerning the changes in the State Parking Regulations for Persons with Disabilities.

City Manager Lawson, Assistant City Manager Evans and Legislative Director Caton spoke to this issue.

Senator Whipple and Mr. O'Leary from Arlington County will be meeting with a subcommittee of the ACPD regarding the issues raised in its letter. Staff also asked representatives of other boards that have an interest in this to send people when the meeting is scheduled. Staff will report back to Council after the meeting is held. Councilman Speck requested that Council be notified when this meeting is scheduled.

(g) Mayor Donley spoke to public forums to be held by The Regional Mobility Panel requesting the public's opinions on the following: "How should public transit services in the region be funded? Should there be standard fares among all the region's bus services? Should there be a single number to call for information on all the region's bus and rail services?" The first public forum will be hosted by Mayor Donley on Tuesday, June 3, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2000, City Hall.

(h) Councilman Cleveland spoke to his participation in a memorial ceremony held last Saturday at the Black Freemen's Cemetery.

(i) Councilman Cleveland announced that the Fourth Police Academy will be graduating tomorrow night. The ceremony will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Police Department. Mrs. Cleveland will be graduating from this class.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________




17. Consideration of the City Council Schedule.

City Council scheduled a brief discussion of the Market Square Garage capital project immediately after the 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 24 work session on the Red Light Traffic Camera Pilot Program. City Council noted the June 10 City Council Work Session with the Alexandria Commission on Employment, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Council Workroom, and the Tuesday, July 1 City Council Installation at T. C. Williams High School at 7:30 p.m.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


18. Alexandria Commission for Women
1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Melissa Robertson as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Commission for Women.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

19. Alexandria Human Rights Commission
1 Citizen Member

City Council reappointed Jim McClellan as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Human Rights Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


20. Convening of an Executive Session for the Purpose of Consulting with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation and Discussion of Acquisition or Use of Real Property for Public Purposes, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7).

At 9:25 p.m., City Council convened an executive session at this time for the purpose of discussing and considering the condition and acquisition of real property for public purpose, pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(3), and consulting with legal counsel and receiving a briefing by staff members, pertaining to actual litigation and to specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by counsel, pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7).

At 10:12 p.m., City Council reconvened the meeting.

City Council adopted the resolution pertaining to the executive session.
RES. NO. 1828
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 p.m.

This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council. Meeting materials are also available on-line at
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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On June 14, 1997, the Alexandria City Council will hold a public hearing on the posting of political signs to receive comments on the present regulations. A copy of the current regulations is available in the City Clerk's office.

All persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing to express their concerns with the present regulations, and offer any recommendations that they may have concerning this issue.

If you would like to speak on this issue, you may call the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council to register to speak. The telephone number is 838-4500.
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City Council will be participating in a tour of the City's Archives and Record Center, located at 801 South Payne Street, on Thursday, May 29, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. The Council will join the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission for a short time at the Commission's meeting.
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