OPENING 1. Calling the Roll. Council Action:____________________________________ 2. Invocation. By:_______________________________ 3. Reading and Acting upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council: (a) the Special Public Hearing Meeting of September 7, 1996; and (b) the Regular Meeting of September 10, 1996. Council Action:____________________________________ 4. Report of the City Clerk. Council Action:____________________________________ 5. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of October as Alexandria United Way Campaign Month. (Mayor Donley) Council Action:____________________________________ 6. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Barbara Barton for Her Service as Executive Director of the Alexandria Tourist Council from 1978 to 1988, and its Successor, the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Bureau, from 1988 to July 1996. (Councilman Speck) Council Action:____________________________________ 7. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Alexandria. (Vice Mayor Pepper) Council Action:____________________________________ 8. Acceptance of the 1996 International Association of Fire Chief's Award of Merit for the City's Fire Station Management Program. Council Action:____________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER CONSENT CALENDAR (9-13) 9. Receipt of the Following Resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee Virginia Allen Maureen Dowling Brigitte Lever Annette Pruss (b) Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission Gail Landgraff (c) Alexandria Human Rights Commission Norman R. Briere (d) Alexandria Waterfront Committee Timothy Sullivan 10. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission 1 Representative From Planning District I 1 Representative From Planning District III 11. Consideration of Submission of a Grant Application to The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Litter Prevention and Recycling Program for Funding for The Adopt-A-Park Program. 12. Consideration of Approval of Fiscal Year 1997 Plan for Aging Services and the Submission of Grant Applications to The Virginia Department for the Aging: The Governor's Employment and Training Department and The U.S. Department of Agriculture. 13. Receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for Period Ending August 31, 1996. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:____________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) 14. Receipt of Status Report on the Implementation of a Red Light Camera Monitoring Program in Alexandria. (Councilman Speck) Council Action:____________________________________ 15. Consideration of Report on the Status of Monticello Park Repairs. (Council Member Rich) Council Action:____________________________________ 16. Consideration of Submission of a Grant Application to The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for Funding for The City's Domestic Violence Intervention Project. Council Action:____________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) 17. Receipt of Report by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Regarding Corner Lot Fences. Council Action:____________________________________ 18. Consideration of a Request to Establish Two Part-time Positions at Gadsby's Tavern Museum for a Period of One Year. Council Action:____________________________________ 19. Presentation of a Listing of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes for the Period of 1991 Through 1995. Council Action:____________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES None. ORAL PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Council Action:____________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 20. Consideration of Submission of Grant Applications and Resolution to The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for Funding Under The State Homeless Housing Assistance Resources Program and Approval of State Homeless Housing Assistance Resources Program Applications from Alexandria Non-Profit Organizations. (ROLL-CALL VOTE) Council Action:____________________________________ 21. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Virginia Educational Facility Revenue Bonds by the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority for St. Colletta's School. (ROLL-CALL VOTE) Council Action:____________________________________ OTHER 22. Consideration of City Council Schedule. Council Action:____________________________________ CONTESTED APPOINTMENTS 23. Alexandria Commission for the Arts 1 Member Who Has Expertise in the Arts Either as a Practitioner or Professional Administrator Working In the Field Council Action:____________________________________ 24. Alexandria Commission for Women 2 Citizen Members Council Action:____________________________________ CONTESTED APPOINTMENTS (continued) 25. Alexandria Early Childhood Commission 1 Member-at-Large Council Action:____________________________________ 26. Historic Alexandria Resources Commission 1 Representative From Planning District II Council Action:____________________________________ 27. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners 2 Citizen Members Council Action:____________________________________ EXECUTIVE SESSION 28. Convening of an Executive Session for the Purpose of Consulting with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation Involving the City and Receiving Legal Advice Concerning a Specific Legal Matter, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7) Council Action:____________________________________ OPENING (continued) 29. Consideration of a Proclamation Designating the Month of October as National Arts and Humanities Month and Inviting Alexandria Residents To Participate and Celebrate In the Cultural Riches the City Has To Offer Through the "Arts Safari." Council Action:____________________________________