OPENING 1. Calling the Roll. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 2. Invocation. By:_________________________________________________________ 3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council: (a) The Regular Meeting of June 10, 1997. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 4. Report of the City Clerk. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 5. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Donald Mela for His Outstanding Service to the City and Citizens of Alexandria. (Councilman Speck, Mayor Donley, Vice Mayor Pepper, Council Member Rich, Council Member Walker) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 6. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing The Reverend Donald H. Bown, Pastor, Downtown Baptist Church, Upon His Retirement After Thirty Years of Service to His Church and His Community. (Mayor Donley) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER CONSENT CALENDAR (7-21) 7. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Alexandria Commission for Women Melissa L. Robertson (b) Alexandria Industrial Development Authority Holly Weinstein-Bacal (c) Alexandria Task Force on AIDS Thomas Morrison 8. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission 1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Youth Services Commission 1 Member Representing the Fine Arts (b) Ad Hoc Old and Historic Alexandria District Newsrack Committee 1 Member From the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Old and Historic District 1 Representative of a Business Located in the Old and Historic District (c) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee 1 Representative From the Arts With Expertise in Music (d) Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District 1 Architect (e) Alexandria Early Childhood Commission 1 Representative From the Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission (f) Alexandria Waterfront Committee 1 Representative From the Founders Park Community Association 1 Representative From the Pleasure Boat Lease Holders at the Alexandria Marina 9. Consideration of a Contract Between the City of Alexandria and the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission Related to the Northern Virginia Single Family Regional Loan Fund. 10. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Litter Prevention and Recycling Program for Funding for the Adopt-A-Park Program. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 11. Consideration of a Renewal of a Grant Contract with the Virginia Community Action Re-Entry System, Inc. (VA. CARES) for FY 1998 Continuation Funding. 12. Consideration of a Renewal of a Grant Contract with Project Discovery for FY 1998 Continuation Funding. 13. Consideration of the Criteria for the Deputy Sheriff IV Career Ladder. 14. Consideration of the Career Ladder Special Pay Provisions for the Fire Department. 15. Consideration of an Application to Renew the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. 16. Consideration of an Application for One-Time Special State Funds for the Purchase of Equipment to Augment a Portable Two-Way Videoconferencing System for the Court Services Unit. 17. Consideration of Establishment of Two Community Integrated Service System (CISS) Grant-Funded Positions in the Alexandria Health Department to Support the Arlandria Health Center for Women and Children. 18. Consideration of Federal HOME Program and Matching Fund Assistance to Sheltered Homes of Alexandria for the Rehabilitation of Two of its Existing Group Homes and the Related HOME Program Amendment. 19. Receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending May 31, 1997. 20. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Department of Education for Funding for the Alexandria Detention Center's Educational Unit. 21. Consideration of Acceptance of the Donation of a Piano to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Activities. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) 22. Consideration of Composition of New Fair Share Task Force and Receipt of Follow-up Information from the April 12 Public Hearing on Council Member Rich's Proposal for Strict Enforcement of Fair Share. (Council Member Rich) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 23. Consideration of Request to Permit an Exception to the Major Events Policy to Allow the Addition of Venues East of Washington Street for First Night Alexandria, a Non-Alcoholic New Year's Eve Celebration. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (continued) 24. Consideration of the Early Childhood Commission and Commission Review Committee Recommendations for the Use of FY 1998 Children's Fund Monies. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 25. Consideration of the Establishment of a Task Force to Develop the Process to Set Priorities for the Human Services Contributory Budget Process for FY 1999. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 26. Consideration of Restoration of Funding for Camp Cora Kelly. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 27. Consideration of Loan of Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program Funds to the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA). Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 28. Consideration of Expanding the Potomac West Business Assistance Loan Program to Include the Ethiopian Community Development Council's Small Business Administration-Funded Micro Loan Program, and Allocating an Additional $24,528 in Community Development Block Grant Monies for that Purpose. (Councilman Euille and Council Member Walker) Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 29. Consideration of a Ten-Year Lease Agreement Between the City and George Spicer for the Property Located at 18-20 Roth Street. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 30. Receipt of the Report of the Ad Hoc Towing Advisory Board. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ 31. Consideration of an Agreement Between the City of Alexandria and the Owner of the Underground Parcel of Land that is Bounded by Thompson's Alley and North Lee, Queen and North Union Streets, Providing for the Owner to Construct an Underground Parking Garage, Consisting of 173-175 Spaces, within Such Parcel, and for the City, Following Construction of the Garage, to Acquire the Garage and Title to the Parcel. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 32. Consideration of an Amendment to the City Council Special Regulation on Administrative Aides to Provide for City Council Oversight of the Provisions of the Regulation that Address Political Campaign Activities by Administrative Aides. Council Action________________________________________________________________ 33. Consideration of a Memorandum from the City Attorney Regarding the Recodification of the City Code. Council Action:_______________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Planning Commission (continued) 34. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #97-0017 -- 2838 DUKE STREET -- DUKE STREET MOBIL -- Consideration of a review of a special use permit for an automobile service station; zoned CG/Commercial General. Applicant: Essam Danfora; Duke Street Mobil. (#23 5/17/97; #13 4/12/97)