Back to FY Dockets

Office of the City Clerk
September 15, 1999

There was a
Work Session at 6:00 p.m. in
the Council Workroom to Discuss the Virginia
Department of Transportation 2020 Transportation
Plan and Other Transportation Issues.

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 1999 - - 7:30 p.m.

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1. Calling the Roll.

Mayor Donley called the Meeting to Order, and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

The Invocation was pronounced by Ms. Xio Hong Liu, Member of The Alexandria Baha'i Local Spiritual Assembly.
2. Invocation. By:_________________________________________________________

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council:

(a) The Regular Meeting of June 22, 1999.

City Council approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 22, 1999, as submitted.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

4. Report of the City Clerk.

City Council received the report of the City Clerk.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

5. Special Presentation and Recognition from the Alexandria City Council to Marian Neal, a Former Alexandria Resident.

Vice Mayor Euille, on behalf of City Council, presented a Certificate of Recognition to Marian Neal who donated a kidney to a seven-year-old boy and provided the gift of life to him.

In addition, Vice Mayor Euille, on behalf of the Euille family and himself, presented Ms. Neal with a "Touched by an Angel Award" for being a good Samaritan.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________
OPENING (continued)

6. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Transportation and Environmental Services Director Tom O'Kane for His Service to the City.

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


CONSENT CALENDAR (7 - 15) (18 - 23)

7. Receipt of Resignations from Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Ad Hoc Alexandria Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee
Robert Buckley

(b) Alexandria Beautification Commission
Lisa Johnson

(c) Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee
John H. Stoody

(d) Alexandria Commission for the Arts
David L. Tipton

(e) Alexandria Commission on Women
Katherine L.J. Hoffman

(f) Alexandria Commission on Aging
Connie McKenna Madden

(g) Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities
Magnus T. Monson, Jr.
H. Rolf Noer

(h) Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association
Board of Governors
Balraj Bhasin

(i) Alexandria Task Force on AIDS
David M. Phillips

8. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Ad Hoc Alexandria Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee
1 Representative Nominated by the Alexandria Department of
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse

(b) Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission
1 Member Designated by the Alexandria Public Records Advisory



(c) Alexandria Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
1 Landlord

1 Representative From a Group Interested in the Promotion and
Maintenance of Affordable Housing in Alexandria

(d) Alexandria-Caen Exchange Committee
1 Representative From the Arts With Expertise in Music

(e) Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District
1 Architect

(f) Alexandria Beautification Commission
1 Citizen Member

(g) Alexandria Commission on Information Technology
1 Member From and Representing the Alexandria Budget and
Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee

(h) Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities
1 Citizen Member Who Has a Disability

(i) Alexandria Community Services Board
2 Citizen Members

(j) Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission
1 Member Representing a Local Consumer Action Organization

(k) Alexandria Emergency Medical Services Council
1 Representative of the Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations

(l) Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission
1 Health Care Professional

(m) Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board
1 Citizen Member

(n) Alexandria Task Force on AIDS
1 Representative From Hospice of Northern Virginia

1 Representative From the Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community

1 Representative From the Alexandria Community Services Board

(o) Alexandria Urban Design Advisory Committee
1 Representative of the Old Town North Business Community

(p) USS Alexandria Liaison Committee
1 Representative From the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce



9. Consideration of a Request to Add One Representative to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.

10. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for Funding for the City's Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP).

11. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Office on Women's Sexual Assault Response and Awareness (SARA) Program.

12. Consideration of a Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Hispanic Outreach and Services Project.

13. Receipt of the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority's Annual Report for the Period of July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999.

14. Receipt of the Annual Report of the Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department.

15. Receipt of Annual Committee Attendance Report for FY 1999.


City Council approved the consent calendar as presented with the exception of Docket Item Nos. 8 and 15 which were considered under separate motins. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:

7. City Council received the following resignations with regret: (a) Robert Buckley from the Ad Hoc Alexandria Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee; (b) Lisa Johnson from the Alexandria Beautification Commission; (c) John H. Stoody from the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee; (d) David L. Tipton from the Alexandria Commission for the Arts; (e) Katherine L.J. Hoffman from the Alexandria Commission on Women; (f) Connie McKenna Madden from the Alexandria Commission on Aging; (g) Magnus T. Monson, Jr. and H. Rolf Noer from the Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities; (h) Balraj Bhasin from the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board of Governors; and (i) David M. Phillips from the Alexandria Task Force on AIDS; and requested the Executive Secretary to send the appropriate letters of appreciation and to advertise the vacancies in the usual manner.

8. City Council (a) appointed Sandra Bowman as a Representative Nominated by the Alexandria Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse to the Ad Hoc Alexandria Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee; (b) reappointed Ruth Lincoln Kaye as a Member Designated by the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission to the Ad Hoc City of Alexandria 250th Anniversary Commission; (c) appointed Michael A. Martin as a Landlord and Maurye A. McCarthy as a Representative from a Group Interested in the Promotion and Maintenance of Affordable Housing in Alexandria to the Alexandria Affordable Housing Advisory Commission; (d) appointed Simone Fitzgibbon as a Representative from the Arts with Expertise in Music to the Alexandria-Caen


Exchange Committee; (e) Noted the withdrawal of Kristine Hesse's application; (f) appointed Sarah Costello as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Beautification Commission; (g) appointed Eileen Taylor as a Representative from and Representing the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee to the Alexandria Commission on Information Technology; (h) appointed Gerald Fico as a Citizen Member who has a Disability to the Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities; (i) appointed Erin Kraabel and reappointed Carlos Vega-Matos as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Community Services Board; (j) appointed Isabel Crocker as a Member Representing a Local Consumer Action Organization to the Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission; (k) appointed Agnes Jokl as a Representative of the Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations to the Alexandria Emergency Medical Services Council; (l) reappointed Fay Menacker as a Health Care Professional to the Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission; (m) appointed Timothy Ryan as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board; (n) appointed Elizabeth Maloney as a Representative from Hospice of Northern Virginia, David Tipton as a Representative from the Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association (AGLCA), and Nancy Turner as a Representative from the Alexandria Community Services Board to the Alexandria Task Force on AIDS; (o) reappointed Martin Meisel as a Representative of the Old Town North Business Community to the Alexandria Urban Design Advisory Committee; and (p) appointed Carol Robertson as a Representative from the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce to the USS Alexandria Liaison Committee. (Separate Motion)

9. City Council (1) approved the addition of a representative to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee who resides east of Washington Street and north of Pendleton Street as recommended by the Waterfront Committee; and (2) requested that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to the ordinance which establishes the Alexandria Waterfront Committee to increase its size from 14 representatives to 15 representatives.

10. City Council (1) approved the submission of the grant application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for funding in the amount of $79,437 for continued funding of the City's Domestic Violence Intervention Project; (2) approved the continuation of one full-time grant-funded Victim-Witness Specialist II position, and one part-time grant-funded Law Clerk position. The Office on Women and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office will directly supervise these positions; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required.

These grant-funded positions would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individuals who fill these positions would be notified of this condition of employment at the time that they are hired, and would sign an agreement of understanding with regard to this condition. It should be noted that there are no funds available in the City budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expired.



11. City Council approved the request, which will result in continuation of funding for one full-time Program Coordinator and 0.25 FTE Social Worker I for the Office on Women's Sexual Assault Response and Awareness (SARA) Program. These grant-funded positions would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individuals who fill these positions would be notified of this condition of employment at the time that they are hired. It should be noted that there are no funds available in the City budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expired. City Council (1) approved the submission of the grant application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for funding in the amount of $63,127 for continued funding for the Sexual Assault Response and Awareness (SARA) Program; (2) approved the continuation of one full-time grant-funded Program Coordinator and one 0.25 FTE Social Work I; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required.

12. City Council (1) approved the submission of the grant application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for funding in the amount of $47,507, for continued funding of the Office on Women's Hispanic Outreach Services Project; (2) approved the increase in program staffing from one part-time Hispanic Outreach Specialist position (24 hours per week) to one full-time (40 hours per week) grant-funded Outreach Prevention Specialist position, contingent upon an increased grant award; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required. It was noted that this grant-funded position would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individual who fills this position would be notified of this condition of employment at the time that he or she is hired, and would sign an agreement of understanding with regard to this condition. It should be noted that there are no funds available in the City budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expired.

13. City Council received the report.

14. City Council received the report from the Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and recognized the volunteers for their outstanding service and generous contribution to the City.

15. Mayor Donley stated that City Council received a letter from Doris Spencer, who was representing the Alexandria Branch of the NAACP on the Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee, and when she resigned her position at the NAACP, since this was a non-profit position, she felt that her participation on the Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee was no longer valid. He requested that her name not be included on the vacated appointments list and requested that the non-profit slot on the Year 2000 Census Complete Count Committee be readvertised, and to accept her resignation.

Vice Mayor Euille noted that Thomas Lee, who attended 70 percent of the meetings of the Historic Alexandria Resources Commission, and Brenda Shaw, who attended 64 percent of the meetings of the Social Services Advisory Board, are on the list for positions to be vacated. He stated that perhaps in the future as appointments letters are sent out that staff might want to note and clarify that if citizens would like to question their attendance that they should pursue that with the chairs of the respective boards and commissions on which they serve.



Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions Boyd stated that she would do this and also would suggest that they review the minutes of their particular board which normally indicate who is excused and who isn't excused and to address the attendance at that point.

City Council: (1) received the report, as amended; (2) vacated the 17 16 positions listed on pages one and two of the report; and (3) authorized the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to advertise the vacancies, and removed Doris Spencer's name from that list, accepted her resignation and advertise the position. (Separate Motion)

18. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.

19. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.

20. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.

21. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.

22. City Council received the Viewers' Report.

23. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.

Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


16. Discussion of Land Trusts as a Possible Item for the City Council's Retreat. (Councilman Speck)

Councilman Speck spoke to this item. Members of Council and City Manager Lawson participated in the discussion.

City Manager Lawson suggested that if Council wants to discuss this at the retreat perhaps Mayor Donley, Councilman Speck, City Attorney Sunderland, Planning Director Lynn and she try to sit down to give some shape to this issue, and discuss the pros and the cons of it. We will find out if we have the legal authority to do it. Staff will check to see what other communities have experienced.


Council Member Walker stated that Elliott Rhodeside had actually looked at open space in Boston and had come up with far more pieces of open space in Boston than he ever thought he would. By identifying them and sort of setting a hierarchy of what you wanted to do with it, give people goals to work towards. It maybe could be a combination of a public/private thing in which we could get donations. This is really something we should look at.

Mayor Donley requested that staff go ahead and do a little research on this and discuss it, indicated that it would be placed on the retreat agenda, and that the City Manager and City Attorney contact Councilman Speck and him to discuss the issue.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

17. Consideration of a Request for a Study of the Zoning Ordinance Provisions Relating to Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs).

Mayor Donley recused himself from participation on this matter because of his employment with Virginia Commerce Bank.

City Council requested staff to: (1) conduct a study of possible modifications to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the size of ATMs in the historic districts to determine if the size requirements should be modified to accommodate larger full-service ATMs as opposed to cash-only ATMs which are smaller; and (2) obtain input from the Old and Historic and Parker Gray Boards of Architectural Review, the Commission on Persons with Disabilities and the Planning Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________




(a) Councilman Cleveland noted that the water rate has increased and will probably do so for the next three years before it will level off because of improvements that are being made and the sale of bonds.

(b) Councilwoman Pepper spoke to a living wage ordinance.

Members of City Council and the City Attorney participated in the discussion.

City Council requested that our legislative delegation ask the Attorney General for an opinion regarding the City's legal authority to implement a living wage ordinance.


(c) Vice Mayor Euille noted that citizens have approached him about an abundance of mosquitoes in the City.

City Manager Lawson stated that she will speak with the Health Director regarding the type of mosquito that is prevalent in Alexandria and whether or not it is the same type as those in New York City. Is there a reason why there is an overabundance in the City?

(d) Vice Mayor Euille spoke to the Children's Medical and Security Insurance Plan. He indicated that this is a program that provides assistance for health coverage for children through the age of 18 who currently do not have any health insurance coverage.

(e) Councilman Speck spoke to trying to preserve the Old Town Theater.
City Manager Lawson will work with Economic Development Director Riley and a firm in Boston to see what can be done to preserve it.

(f) Councilman Speck brought up the determination that Ford's Landing is located in Residential Permit Parking District 1 and that the residents are eligible to acquire residential parking permits. He spoke to the Council's discussion regarding parking at the April 1996 public hearing meeting when the development was considered.

Members of City Council, City Attorney Sunderland, Planning and Zoning Director Lynn and City Manager Lawson participated in the discussion.

Staff was requested to ask for recommendations or opinions from Old Town Civic Association, Yates Gardens Citizens Association and other neighborhood groups in the area, to request them to take up the matter and give Council some feedback. Staff was requested to report back with the results.

(g) Mayor Donley wished City Manager Lawson and Councilman Speck a happy birthday.

(h) Mayor Donley reported on the recent Y2K preparedness exercise.

(i) Mayor Donley announced that a public information meeting will be held on the 2020 Transportation Plan, on Tuesday, September 21, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2000, City Hall.

(j) Mayor Donley noted that the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship's "Rays of Hope" Second Annual National Candlelight Vigil will be held on Saturday, September 25, 1999, at the Lincoln Memorial from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

(k) Mayor Donley announced that a community forum presented by the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Adolescent Pregnancy and the Interagency Consortium on Adolescent Pregnancy will be held on Thursday, September 23, from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. at the T.C. Williams Career Center Auditorium. It will be a problem solving session to reduce adolescent pregnancy in Alexandria.

(l) Mayor Donley directed questions to Deputy Director of Transportation and Environmental Services Ruller concerning our policy during a drought.


(m) Mayor Donley spoke to the expected weather conditions due to Hurricane Floyd.

Fire Chief Hawkins went through the preparedness procedures.

It was the consensus of Council for staff to assess the storm situation on Wednesday and to make a recommendation to the Mayor with respect to canceling the reception on Thursday night at the Torpedo Factory honoring board and commission members.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________



18. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the city code to require owners of buildings that have been continuously vacant for more than 12 months to annually register the building with the city, to impose an annual $25 registration fee on such owners, to impose a civil penalty of $250 on any owner who fails to register such a building which is located in a conservation or rehabilitation district or in an area designated as blighted by city council, and, in all other instances, to impose a civil penalty of $50.

19. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the city code to provide recovery of administrative costs incurred by the city in the collection of nuisance abatement liens, and for the recovery of reasonable attorney’s fees or collection agency’s fees incurred by the city in the collection of delinquent taxes and nuisance abatement liens.

20. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the Braddock Road Metro Station Small Area Plan Chapter of the 1992 Master Plan to change the land use designation for 309 North Patrick Street from RM/Residential Medium to CL/Commercial Low with proffer.

21. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to amend the zoning ordinance to rezone the property at 309 North Patrick Street from RB/ Residential to CL/Commercial Low.

22. Receipt of Viewers' Report regarding request to vacate the public street rights-of-way of East Campus Drive and West Campus Drive located on the campus of the Northern Virginia Community College. [VACATION #99-0001] (#20 6/12/99)



23. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of AN ORDINANCE to vacate the public street rights-of-way of East Campus Drive and West Campus Drive on the campus of Northern Virginia Community College.


City Council introduced and passed the ordinances on First Reading; set them for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, September 18, 1999.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


24. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds by the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority for Educational Facilities at Episcopal High School. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

Councilman Speck disclosed that his employer would likely be an underwriter of these bonds. He stated that he has no direct or indirect financial interest in that decision and feel qualified to vote.

City Council adopted the resolution as recommended by the AIDA at its Meeting on August 10, 1999. RES. NO. 1932
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

25. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds by the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority for Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

Councilman Speck disclosed that his employer would likely be an underwriter of these bonds. He stated that he has no direct or indirect financial interest in that decision and feel qualified to vote.

City Council adopted the resolution as recommended by the AIDA at its Meeting on August 10, 1999. RES. NO. 1933
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


26. Consideration of City Council Schedule.

City Council: (1) adopted, as amended, the schedule of City Council meetings for September 1999 - June 2000; (2) scheduled budget adoption for the FY 2001 Budget for Thursday, April 27, 2000, and adopted Budget-related meetings and work sessions; (3) scheduled a work session with the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee to discuss its Fiscal Year 2000 work plan at 6:00 p.m. before Council's Tuesday, October 26, legislative meeting; (4) scheduled a work session with the Community Services Board to discuss the Board's plans for service enhancements at 6:00 p.m. before Council's Tuesday, November 23 legislative meeting; and (5) added to the Council Calendar: (a) the
OTHER (continued)

1999 Project Discovery Walk for the Future Walkathon on Saturday, September 25 (rain or shine). Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., and the walk begins at 10:00 a.m. in the lower parking lot of Minnie Howard School and ends at Fort Ward Park; (b) canceled the cornerstone laying ceremony for the Charles E. Beatley Jr. Alexandria Library which was to be held by the Masons at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 2; (c) the dedication of the new library, which has been changed to Sunday, January 9, in order to accommodate the Beatley family, some of whom live on the west coast and would like to be present for the dedication;
(d) the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ramsay Recreation Center at 8:30 a.m. before Council's public hearing on Saturday, October 16; (e) the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities reception to present the ACPD business awards before Council's regular meeting on Tuesday, October 12, at 6:30 p.m., in Room 2000; (f) the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities festival to celebrate the Commission's 25th Anniversary on Saturday, October 23 on Market Square from noon to 4:00 p.m.; (g) a Y2K Community Conversation, sponsored by the Commission on Information Technology, on Thursday, October 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the Minnie Howard Auditorium; (h) the Annual Senior Citizen Employment and Services Inc. reception at 6 p.m. before Council's Tuesday, November 9 legislative meeting in Room 2000; and (i) the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cameron Station Parks at 8:30 a.m. before Council's public hearing on Saturday, November 13, and added the work session with our legislative delegation on Tuesday, December 14, at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Council Meeting.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


27. Alexandria Archaeological Commission
1 Member From the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce

City Council waived the residency requirement and reappointed Mark Fields as a Member from the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce to the Alexandria Archaeological Commission.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

28. Alexandria Commission for the Arts
1 Member Who Has Expertise in the Arts, Either as a
Practitioner of Various Art Disciplines or as a Professional
Administrator Working in the Field

City Council waived the residency requirement and appointed Taylor Wells as a Member who has expertise in the Arts, either as a practitioner of various art disciplines or as a professional administrator working in the field to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

29. Alexandria Commission on Aging
1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Scott Frey as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Commission on Aging.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


30. Alexandria George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee
1 Member Nominated by the American Legion

City Council waived the residency requirement and appointed William H. Snyder as a Member nominated by the American Legion to the Alexandria George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

31. Alexandria Industrial Development Authority
2 Citizen Members

City Council reappointed Linda Gilday and Scott Humphrey as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

32. Alexandria Law Library Board
1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Margo Chisholm as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Law Library Board.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

33. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board of
1 Citizen Member

Vice Mayor Euille directed questions to Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions Boyd.

These three applications will be brought forward with any additional ones received.

City Council deferred these appointments and requested the Executive Secretary to re-advertise.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

34. Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Representative From the Alexandria Convention and Visitors
Association Board of Governors

1 Citizen-at-Large

City Council waived the residency requirement and reappointed Charlotte Hall as a Representative from the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board of Governors, and reappointed Myra Halpin as a Citizen-at-Large to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________


35. Retirement Announcement of City Manager Vola T. Lawson to be Effective March 1, 2000, and Discussion of the Process and Timetable for the Selection of a New City Manager.

Council Member Rich asked who was going to select an executive search firm? He suggested that the Mayor and Vice Mayor be involved with selecting the firm since it is ultimately Council's choice to select the City Manager. He felt that it is certainly appropriate for the Mayor and Vice Mayor to do it.

Vice Mayor Euille suggested that Council Members submit names for the citizen members to the Mayor.

City Council adopted the process and schedule for the selection of a new City Manager as outlined in the Mayor's memorandum dated September 13, 1999, and added an additional citizen member to make a total of three citizen members.
Council Action:_______________________________________________________________

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

This docket is subject to change.

* * * * *

Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council. Meeting materials are also available on-line at
* * * * *

Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
* * * * *


As of 9/07/99



September 7, Planning Commission Meeting, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 8, City Council Special Meeting, (Special Public Hearing on Potomac Yard/Potomac Greens), 6:00 p.m. - Live

September 9, School Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 10, Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District, 6:00 p.m. - Replay of the Sept. 8 Meeting

September 13, Board of Zoning Appeals, 6:00 p.m., Replay of the Sept. 9 Meeting

September 14, City Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 15, Board of Architectural Review - Old & Historic District, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 16, City Council Meeting, 6:00 p.m. - Replay of the Sept. 14 Meeting

September 18, City Council Public Hearing, 9:30 a.m. - Live

September 22, Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 23, School Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Live

September 25, City Council Public Hearing, 9:30 a.m. - Replay of the Sept. 18 Meeting

September 28, City Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m. - Live

September 29, City Council Meeting, 6:00 p.m. - Replay of the Sept. 28 Meeting