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Office of the City Clerk
November 30, 2000

City Council had a Work Session with
the City's General Assembly Delegation to
discuss the City's 2001 Virginia General
Assembly package at 6:00 p.m. in the Council

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - - 7:30 p.m.

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1. Calling the Roll.

The Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Donley, and the Deputy City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

Councilman Speck pronounced the invocation.
2. Invocation. By:___________________________________________________

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council:

(a) The Regular Meeting of November 14, 2000.

City Council approved the Minutes for the Regular Meeting of November 14, 2000, as submitted.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

4. Report of the City Clerk.

City Council received the report of the City Clerk.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

5. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming December 2, 2000 as Scottish Christmas Walk Day in the City of Alexandria.

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

New Business Item No. 1. By Unanimous Consent, Claudia Waller, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, brought City Council up to date on the activities of the Scholarship Fund and thanked Council for its support. Gwen Mullen, Executive Director of the Scholarship Fund, publically thanked Councilman Euille for his leadership in the "Remember the Titans" events and his life-long dedication to young people. On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Scholarship Fund, she presented him with a poster of the 1971 championship team signed by many of the members and the coaches as a token of the Board's appreciation.



Without Objection, City Council removed docket item nos. 6 and 8 from the Consent Calendar and considered them under separate motions.

6. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Sanitation Authority
Henry A. Thomas

7. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Community Services Board
1 Citizen Member

(b) Alexandria Early Childhood Commission
1 Member-at-Large

(c) Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission

1 Member From Among the High School Youth in the City

8. Receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending October 31, 2000.

9. City Council Authorization of Recommended Capital Project Allocations and Planned Expenditures.

10. Receipt of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000.

11. Consideration of Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Fire Programs to Renovate a Third Training Room at the Fire Department's Burn Building.


City Council approved the consent calendar as presented with the exception of docket item nos. 6 and 8 which were considered under separate motions. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:



6. City Council received with regret the resignation of Henry A. Thomas from the Alexandria Sanitation Authority; requested the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to send a certificate and a very nice letter that recognizes Mr. Thomas' service to the Sanitation Authority and some of the other things he has done, and to advertise the vacancy in the usual manner. (Separate Motion)

7. City Council (a) appointed Matthew Berg as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Community Services Board; (b) reappointed Cynthia Maloney as a Member-at-Large to the Alexandria Early Childhood Commission; and (c) appointed Todd Knisley as a Member from among the High School Youth in the City to the Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission.

8. City Council received the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2000. (Separate Motion)

9. City Council (1) authorized the capital project allocations and planned expenditures for the capital projects as detailed in the Capital Improvement Expenditure Summary; and (2) delegated to the City Manager, or his designee, authority to award contracts to the lowest responsible bidder for Duncan Library ceiling renovations and HVAC replacement.

10. City Council received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2000.

11. City Council approved the submission of this Mini-Grant application in the amount of $10,000 to the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required.

Council Action:_________________________________________________________


12. Consideration of the Proposed City Legislative Package for the 2001 General Assembly Session. (# 11 11/18/00; #17 10/24/00)

Councilman Cleveland explained that under Transportation Funding, the one thing that he has a problem with is (3) that talked about the enhancement of regional transportation decision-making and planning and funding decisions that are in there. That is a matter of semantics because it says nothing in it about taxing authority, but there are a lot of people out there that really feel as if this is just the beginning of something.

Mayor Donley repeated, as he had at the work session and the public hearing, there is nothing in the legislation that remotely relates to creation of an authority or any kind of regional body that would have taxing authority regarding transportation, but actually tries to bring more decision-making on the local level. As Councilwoman Eberwein pointed out in the work session, he feels strongly that if a project gets pulled, the funding that is associated with that project should not go back to Richmond -- we should keep it up here. That's why we need to have much more local control.


12. (continued) City Council adopted items 1 through 27 as the positions in the City's Legislative Package for the 2001 General Assembly Session (note that items 23 through 27 have been added since the meeting at which the package was introduced) with the following changes to those items: (1) Item 1. Notification Prior to the Sale of Historic Properties. Staff will continue to work on draft legislation, will work with interested parties from the historic preservation community, and return to Council at the December meeting, or if it is not ready then, to the Council's legislative subcommittee at a later date, with an amended proposal; (2) Item 14. Making the 3rd Violation of a Protective Order a Felony. Staff will incorporate this into the study that is called for on Item 13 that is a study of issues pertaining to protective orders; (3) Item 20. Revising Virginia's Hate Crimes Laws. Under a revised item, what will be called for is that the state's hate crimes laws be amended so that they cover crimes directed against persons because of their sexual orientation; and (4) Item 27. This item, which is to oppose any legislation that would limit the City's ability to adopt and implement a living wage ordinance, was added.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

13. Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to amend Section 10-105A)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance to revise the standards for approval of a certificate of appropriateness along Washington Street. (#30 11/18/00; #17 11/14/00) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

Councilwoman Eberwein announced that she plans to withdraw the proposed amendment to the ordinance, but not because she doesn't believe in it. It was a simple amendment that was very tightly drafted for two specific sites, and it would have given some flexibility on two very difficult, triangular sites and encouraged good architecture. The amendment respected and tried to actually implement the intent of the Task Force. She met with some members of the Task Force and they agreed with the design points. What seems to be driving the merits or facts of the amendment is a fear of past actions by the local governing body or its committees and boards, which she finds sad. She thanked the Task Force for the time and effort spent in what was a difficult civic duty.

City Council finally passed the Ordinance on its Second Reading and Final Passage. ORD. NO. 4175
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

14. Public Hearing and Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Alexandria Union Station by the City of Alexandria. (#16 11/18/00; #13 11/14/00) [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

Mayor Donley suggested a public hearing on whether to have a study. Then if Council wants to go forward with a study and having a public hearing on the study, Council could also have a work session with the City Manager to work on the scope and incorporate public input into the process of the study rather than just an objective look for a consultant. After the study was completed, Council would have a public hearing.

Councilman Speck recommended that Council have a public hearing in which Council invites the public to suggest anything that they think should be included in the study so that it is incorporated in the design study, but not to rule anything out -- range of sites, issues that we think are important, traffic considerations, shuttle systems or anything else -- and that will be incorporated into an RFP.


14. (continued) The City Manager will come back to Council probably in January or February with a recommendation, perhaps worded the way Councilman Speck talked about because it is a little bit more open-ended, and will schedule a public hearing to discuss potential sites and the scope of a tourist center so that Council can get some input.

Councilwoman Eberwein would like the scope of the study to include some potential other uses for the Union Station site that might be valuable to the City.

Councilwoman Pepper confirmed her understanding that the RFP will not go out before Council has had the public hearing.

City Council concluded the public hearing and adopted the resolution which: (a) approved the acquisition of the Union Station property, (b) approved, in substantially final form, the contract for the acquisition, and (c) authorized the City Manager to execute the contract and any additional documents that are necessary to complete the transaction.
RES. NO. 1986
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

15. Consideration of Requests for the Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival for 2001 - 2003.

City Council: (1) approved the use of City facilities and personnel for the 20th Annual Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival on June 8, 9, and 10, 2001; (2) approved the use of City facilities and personnel for the next two festivals on the second weekend in June of 2002 and 2003 based on the same framework and conditions that are approved for the 2001 festival; (3) approved extending the closing time of the festival one hour on Saturday evening; (4) disapproved the Red Cross's request to place a banner on Route 1 North and South; and (5) disapproved the Red Cross's request for a sponsor contribution to the festival.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


(a) Councilwoman Pepper explained that she is a member of the Eisenhower Partnership Planning and Transportation Subcommittee and they have been interested in having coordinated signage up and down Eisenhower Avenue. City Council approved a one-time gift of $10,000 in fiscal year 2001 to help support this effort, but the private sector is really going to be financing this. These are directional signs that would possibly be monument signs or signs on the public right-of-way and will require a text amendment. Without Objection, this process will begin and it will be docketed for the next legislative meeting.

(b) Councilwoman Pepper pointed out that Dr. Hawe, a veterinarian with the Alexandria Animal Hospital, died recently at age 49. He was very active in the animal welfare community and had done a great deal to see that the new shelter was put in place. He is very much going to be missed.


(c) Councilwoman Pepper congratulated Councilman Euille, who over the weekend received the Rose Award from the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, a Masonic body in Alexandria. The Rose Award is for recognition of service excellence, and Bill Euille has given so much of himself, not just the money, but the commitment to and involvement in the community.

(d) Councilwoman Woodson remarked that she had expressed an interest in September or October in talking to young people at T.C. Williams about what they want to do. She thanked Melissa Luby who arranged this for her. She spoke to a group of young people in Mr. Jolstead's band class. They were not shy with ideas, and they had terrific ideas. She has a list of 24 suggestions; one suggestion that she has followed up on has to do with a teen center called the Old Fire House in McLean which provides a lot of the things that the young people asked for. It is funded by the taxpayers in Fairfax County under a separate taxing designation. She is going to meet with them and tour the place to get some ideas and will report back to Council. She thanked the kids for sharing with her. She shared one suggestion, "The City has to show some interest to show that it's serious about doing something for teens, and they don't want any lip service."

(e) Councilwoman Woodson reported that she met with the Hotel Association last week and initiated a meeting with T.C. Williams to create an awareness of hospitality careers because the Hotel Association complained that there didn't seem to be much interest in that but yet they had not really pursued anything at the school level. They did contact the T.C. Williams principal, and they were going to be moving in that direction.

(f) Councilman Cleveland was very happy to report that at the tree lighting ceremony he ran into Commander Kirk S. Lippold of the U.S.S. Cole, the ship that was savagely bombed in Yemen. Commander Cole is back in the City of Alexandria. Councilman Cleveland knows him personally and he lives in his building. Councilman Cleveland commended Commander Cole that what he did saved a lot more lives by closing the bulkheads; otherwise, that ship would have sunk.

(g) Councilman Speck announced an effort in Del Ray to do some fund-raising to send a burned child to the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp. Over the next few days there will be specially marked boxes on Mt. Vernon Avenue for the deposit of aluminum cans. On Saturday, December 9, if you fill your gas tank at Yates Automotive and then get your car washed at Yates Car Wash, both of those businesses will donate a portion of their sales on that day to fund-raising for the program. On December 11, the Del Ray Civic Association, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mt. Vernon Recreation Center, will honor Pat Walker, the Code Enforcement/Fire Department liaison for Del Ray, to present to her the proceeds collected in recognition of her contributions as well as raising money for the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp. Councilman Speck will have copies of the flyer distributed to Council.


(h) Councilman Speck requested an update on the King Street underpass. The City Manager reported that they have an estimate of the costs of doing the painting, have transmitted those costs to CSX and are waiting for some reply. If the response comes back as it has in the past, then it is up to the Congressional level. Councilman Speck inquired if it is lead-based paint, what level of a health problem does that pose for people either walking or driving routinely under it and can that issue create a greater level of urgency for resolving this? T&ES Director Baier responded that the biggest issue for lead-based paint is its becoming friable and being ingested. T&ES and the Health Department have looked at the peeling there and it is not of concern because it is not friable.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

New Business Item No. 2. City Manager Sunderland introduced the new Planning and Zoning Director Eileen Fogarty and welcomed her to the City.


16. Consideration of a Resolution Providing Local Governing Body Approval of ARHA Issuance of Tax-Exempt Bonds to Finance the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Potomac West Apartments in Alexandria. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

City Council: (1) adopted the resolution approving the issuance, by the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), of up to $4.5 million in multifamily revenue bonds to PW Alexandria Limited Partnership for the acquisition and rehabilitation of Potomac West Apartments, a rental complex in Alexandria; and (2) authorized the Clerk of the Council to complete the proposed Certificate of Resolution.
RES. NO. 1987
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


17. Consideration of City Council Schedule.

City Council accepted the offer of Sister Cities Co-Chair Beatley to move the reception for the Dundee Lord Provost to Saturday afternoon and as many Council Members as can be there will be. Boards and Commissions Executive Secretary Boyd will e-mail Council with the particulars; scheduled a work session with Congressman James Moran at 6:00 p.m. before Council's regular meeting on Tuesday, February 13, in the Council Workroom to discuss issues of interest to the City in the upcoming congressional session. The proposed 2001 work session date and time is Tuesday, February 13 at 6:00 p.m. before Council's regular legislative meeting. Assistant City Manager Evans reminded Council that the results of the citizen survey of library services community meeting is being held by the Library Board on December 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the Beatley Library, and that the budget schedule will be circulated to Council at the next legislative meeting.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________
OTHER (continued)

18. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2000-0110
Consideration of Motion to Amend Special Use Permit #2000-0110 to Change the Name of the Applicant to Conform to the Applicant on the Hyundai Dealership Site. (Councilman Speck)

Councilwoman Woodson stated for the record that she would be abstaining on this vote because she did not support it the first time; she doesn't want to vote no because it's ridiculous, so she will simply abstain.

City Council docketed the matter for public hearing and consideration at the December 16, 2000 public hearing.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


19. Alexandria Ad Hoc Carlyle/Patent and Trademark Office Livability Task Force
1 Representative From A Civic Association, Homeowner 's Association or
Condominium Association

City Council appointed William Harvey as a Representative from a Civic Association, Homeowner's Association or Condominium Association to the Alexandria Ad Hoc Carlyle/Patent and Trademark Office Livability Task Force.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

20. Alexandria-Gyumri Sister City Committee
1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Amy Wilson as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria-Gyumri Sister City Committee.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

21. Alexandria Commission for the Arts
1 Member Who Represents the Public-at-Large, As An Arts
Consumer and Participant

1 Member Who Has Expertise in the Arts, Either As A Practitioner of Various Art Disciplines or As A Professional Administrator Working in the Field

City Council reappointed George Chadwick, III, as a Member Who Represents the Public-at-Large, as an Arts Consumer and Participant, and Leon Scioscia as a Member Who Has Expertise in the Arts, Either as a Practitioner of Various Art Disciplines or as a Professional Administrator Working in the Field to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


22. Alexandria Commission on Information Technology
3 Citizens-at-Large

City Council reappointed Michael Dyke and Jeffrey Zack and appointed Mary Jo Johnson as Citizen-at-Large Members to the Alexandria Commission on Information Technology.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

23. Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission
1 Lawyer With Experience in Federal or State Environmental Statutes,
Regulations and Procedures

City Council reappointed Thomas Tyler as a Lawyer with Experience in Federal or State Environmental Statutes, Regulations and Procedures to the Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

24. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
2 Citizen Members

City Council reappointed Ruby Tucker and appointed A. Melvin Miller as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Redevelopment & Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

25. Alexandria Sister Cities Committee
5 Citizen Members

City Council reappointed Valda Anderson, Chris Beatley, Susan Brooks, Frederica Dunn and Jacqueline Manley as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Sister Cities Committee.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

26. Alexandria Youth Policy Commission
1 Citizen 18 Years of Age or Younger

City Council reappointed Patrice Green as a Citizen 18 Years or Younger to the Alexandria Youth Policy Commission.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


27. Consideration of Convening of an Executive Session to Consult with Legal Counsel Pertaining to Pending Litigation that Involves the City of Alexandria, Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344(A)(7).

At 9:30 p.m., City Council convened in executive session at this time, pursuant to Section 2.1-344(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel concerning a lawsuit pending before the Circuit Court of the City of Alexandria, styled GGP Ivenhoe II, Inc. v. City Council of the City of Alexandria.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

At 9:45 p.m., City Council reconvened the meeting.

City Council adopted the resolution pertaining to the executive session.
RES. NO. 1988

City Council authorized the settlement along the lines discussed in the executive session.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m.

This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council. Meeting materials are also available on-line at
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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As of 11/20/2000





  • November 22, Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District, 7:30 p.m. - Live
  • November 28, City Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m. - Live
  • November 29, City Council Meeting, 6:00 p.m. - Replay of the November 28 Meeting

    This Schedule is Subject to Change