Back to FY Dockets

Office of the City Clerk
June 12, 2002

At 6:00 p.m., in the Vola Lawson Lobby,
the Robert S. Rixse Foundation
Reception was held.

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - - 7:30 p.m.

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1. Calling the Roll.

The Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Donley, and the Deputy City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present except Councilwoman Woodson who arrived at 7:35 p.m.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

2. Invocation -- Moment of Silence.

City Council observed a moment of silence and then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council:

(a) The Public Hearing Meeting of May 18, 2002; and

(b) The Regular Meeting of May 28, 2002.

City Council approved the Minutes for (a) the Public Hearing Meeting of May 18, 2002; and (b) the Regular Meeting of May 28, 2002, as submitted.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

4. Report of the City Clerk.

City Council received the report of the City Clerk.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

New Business Item No. 1: Without objection, Councilman Speck acknowledged the presence of visitors to the Council Chambers of past scholarship recipients and people who are involved in the Robert S. Rixse Foundation. Mr. Speck explained that the Rixse Foundation has funded over twenty four-year scholarships as well as other endeavors in support of issues related to education and youth, and he thanked them for their efforts.


5. Presentation of the Human Rights Commission Second Annual Human Rights Awards for High School Students.

Mayor Donley introduced Human Rights Commission Chair Jenkins who in turn recognized the recipients of the Second Annual Human Rights Awards for High School Students, Saadia Yasmin, Luisa Reyes and the LABYRINTH Magazine Staff (all students from T.C. Williams). Councilman Euille presented each winner with a plaque and a check of $500 from the William D. Euille Foundation.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

OPENING (continued)

6. Recognition of the Senior Eight and the Lightweight Eight Girls Crew Teams at T.C. Williams High School for Winning at Stotesbury and Their Very Successful Season.

As part of the City Council's youth recognition program, Mayor Donley commended the members and coaches of the T.C. Williams crew teams which he described as an incredible group of athletes.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

7. Presentation of Proclamation Proclaiming June 2002 as Safe Graduation Month in the City of Alexandria.

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

8. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing Retiring Alexandria Harmonizer Scott Werner.

The audience joined Mr. Werner and other Harmonizer members in singing God Bless America.

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

9. Presentation of Proclamation in Recognition of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Endependence Center.

City Council endorsed the proclamation.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

10. Showing of the Valor Awards Video.

City Council viewed the Valor Awards video to provide an opportunity for the general public who did not attend the Valor Awards ceremony to view the video. Council congratulated the Chamber of Commerce and Video Solutions for putting together the video as part of the 2002 Valor Awards Program and extended its sincere appreciation to the men and women of the Alexandria Police, Fire and Sheriff Departments.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

New Business Item No. 2: Rabbi Jack Moline, 1109 Crestwood Drive, president, Alexandria Interfaith Association, addressed the Interfaith Association's statement of moral principles for affordable housing presented to City Council by consensus of the Interfaith Association. He spoke to the need for Council to be responsible for meeting the need for affordable housing in Alexandria, to hold developers responsible for building those units as a condition of development or by making meaningful payments to a superfund for housing, and a redefinition of the function of the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority.


CONSENT CALENDAR (11-18) (28-34)

Without objection, City Council removed docket item nos. 13, 29 and 30 which were considered under separate motions.

11. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Commission for the Arts
Leslie White

12. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Caen Exchange Committee
1 Representative of the Business Community

(b) Alexandria-Gyumri Sister City Committee
1 Citizen Member

(c) Alexandria Commission on HIV/AIDS
1 Representative From the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority

(d) Alexandria Commission on Persons With Disabilities
2 Citizen Members

(e) Alexandria Community Policy and Management Team
1 Parent Representative

(f) Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission
1 Representative of the Business Industry, Labor, Religious,
Welfare or Other Private Groups and Interests Certified by
the Commission

(g) Alexandria George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee
1 Citizen Member

(h) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission
1 Representative from the Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission

(i) Local Emergency Planning Committee
1 Representative From Law Enforcement



(j) Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
1 Representative From the Alexandria Landlord-Tenant Relations Board

(k) USS Alexandria Liaison Committee
1 Representative of the U.S. Navy League

13. Consideration of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Coordinated Rail Car Procurement Funding Agreement.

14. Consideration of a Grant Award from the Virginia Employment Commission for Services to Workers Impacted by the Pentagon Attack of September 11, 2001.

15. Consideration of a Grant Award From the Department of Criminal Justice Services to Fund a Toy Boat Entrepreneur Project for Court-Involved Youth.

16. Consideration of Submission of a Grant Application Totaling $114,373 to the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Office on Women’s Domestic Violence Program.

17. Consideration of Submission of a Grant Application Totaling $52,913 to the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Office on Women’s Domestic Violence Program.

18. Consideration of Submission of a Renewal Grant Application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for FY 2003 Pass-Through Funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the City of Alexandria Air Pollution Control Program.


City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented except for docket item nos. 13, 29 and 30 which were considered under separate motions. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:

11. City Council received the resignation of Leslie White from the Alexandria Commission for the Arts, requested the Executive Secretary for Boards and Commissions to send the appropriate letter of appreciation and to advertise the vacancy in the usual manner.



12. City Council: (a) reappointed Mary Ehlers as a Representative of the Business Community to the Alexandria Caen Exchange Committee; (b) appointed Zachariah Brevis as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria-Gyumri Sister City Committee; (c) waived the residency requirement and appointed Marcus Smith as a Representative from the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority to the Alexandria Commission on HIV/AIDS; (d) appointed Sharon Christopher and David Kaszowicz as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities; (e) appointed Sheila Anderson as a Parent Representative Who is Not an Employee of Any Public or Private Program which Receives Funds from the Comprehensive Services Act to the Alexandria Community Policy and Management Team; (f) appointed James Ablard as a Representative of the Business Industry, Labor, Religious, Welfare or Other Private Groups and Interests Certified by the Commission to the Alexandria Economic Opportunities Commission; (g) reappointed Kathleen Kelly as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee; (h) reappointed Clarence Henley as a Representative from the Public Records Advisory Commission to the Historic Alexandria Resources Commission; (i) waived the residency requirement and appointed Peter Crawford as a Representative from Law Enforcement to the Local Emergency Planning Committee; (j) reappointed Fletcher Johnston as a Representative from the Alexandria Landlord-Tenant Relations Board to the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners; and (k) appointed Duane Tollaksen as a Representative of the U.S. Navy League to the USS Alexandria Liaison Committee.

13. Councilwoman Pepper spoke to the need for the region to expand mass transit. She expressed her opinion that Councilman Euille, who represents the City as the alternate to Arlington County on the Metro Board but does not have a vote, should have a proper voting seat on the Board.

City Council approved the Rail Car Procurement Funding Agreement ("Agreement") in principal, authorized staff to negotiate any needed changes to the Agreement, and authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City when the Agreement is finalized. (Separate Motion)

14. City Council: (1) approved the grant award in the amount of $1,974,774 for services for workers impacted by the September 11, 2001, attack on the Pentagon; (2) approved the establishment of eight full-time, grant-funded positions (one Employment Training Supervisor, five Employment Training Specialists, one Management Analyst I and one Account Clerk III) and the conversion of one currently authorized 0.75 FTE Employment Training Specialist position to full-time to operate the program. The positions will terminate upon expiration of the grant, and the individuals who fill the positions will be notified of this condition of employment and will sign an agreement of understanding with regard to this condition; and (3) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents as may be required.

15. City Council: (1) accepted a grant award for $22,200 from the Department of Criminal Justice Services to fund a summer boat project operated by the Court Service Unit; and (2) authorized the City Manager to execute all documents that may be required.



16. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit the contract renewal to the Virginia Department of Social Services for funding in the amount of $114,373; (2) approve the continued funding for the existing grant-funded, full-time Social Worker I position (1.00 FTE) and approve the continued funding for the existing grant-funded full-time Outreach/Prevention Specialist position (1.00 FTE). It should be noted that there are no monies available in the City budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expended. These grant-funded positions would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individuals who fill these positions would be notified of this condition of employment; and (3) execute all documents that may be required.

17. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit the contract renewal to the Virginia Department of Social Services for funding, in the amount of $52,913; (2) approve the continued funding for the existing grant-funded, full-time (1.00 FTE) Volunteer Coordinator and for the existing part-time Social Worker I position (.75 FTE City/.25 grant) which was increased to full-time with grant funds. It should be noted that there are no monies available in the City budget to continue these activities once the grant funds are expended. This Volunteer Coordinator grant-funded position would terminate upon the expiration of the grant and the individual who fills this position would be notified of this condition of employment. The Social Worker I position will revert to part-time and the individual who fills this position would be notified of this condition of employment; and (3) execute all documents that may be required.

18. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit a renewal grant application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for FY 2003 pass-through funding from EPA, in the amount of $43,730, for the City of Alexandria Air Pollution Control Program; and (2) execute all necessary documents that may be required.

28. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, June 15, 2002.

29. Councilwoman Eberwein complimented City Manager Sunderland and Assistant City Manager Jinks for reaching out to the business community in this matter. Mr. Jinks responded to questions relating to the site plan process posed by Councilwoman Eberwein, and Mayor Donley participated in the discussion.

City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, June 15, 2002. (Separate Motion)



30. Councilwoman Woodson raised her concern about the lack of information on this item. City Attorney Pessoa provided a short explanation of the background on this issue and responded to her concern.

Councilwoman Pepper requested that information be provided on unforeseen circumstances that might arise from the enforcement of this ordinance to businesses providing dog training and to people with disabilities who need to have their dogs on an electronic leash.

Mayor Donley suggested that staff receive some comments from some of the organizations such as the Old Town School for Dogs and the Animal Welfare League.

Councilwoman Eberwein related two issues which staff needs to directly address: (1) the enforcement issue and how difficult it is to enforce the leash laws when a leash is not visible, (2) address whether an electronic leash is effective, and if it is effective, could this be cruel and painful to dogs, and (3) look at a clause that would allow legitimate, professional dog training schools to continue their current business practices of training dogs both on- and off-leash on the City streets.

City Council deferred this item and staff will bring it back to Council in September. (Separate Motion)

31. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, June 15, 2002.

32. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing on Saturday, June 15, 2002, and Second Reading and Final Passage on Tuesday, June 25, 2002.

33. City Council introduced and passed the ordinance on its First Reading; set it for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, June 15, 2002.

Council Action:_________________________________________________________


19. Verbal Report on the Status of Proposed Improvements to the CSX Overpass at the King Street Metro Station.

Mayor Donley reported that he was contacted by the Virginia Railway Express which has apparently had some discussions with CSX about CSX's inability to procure a contract in a timely manner. CSX has asked VRE to undertake the procurement faster, and the Mayor stated that he indicated he has no objections, provided that VRE is not undertaking a financial obligation or financial exposure. If CSX will agree to pay the costs and VRE can contract and get it done quickly, they should do so.

City Manager Sunderland and T&ES Director Baier responded to inquiries from Councilman Speck, and it was determined that if the contracting work is completed in the next couple of weeks, then work can commence following the July 4 holiday weekend. The City Manager stated that if the contract work is not done, staff will know by the next Council meeting. He will docket an update for the June 25, 2002, meeting.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

20. Verbal Report on the Status of the Datatel Building on Mount Vernon Avenue.

Assistant City Manager Jinks stated that staff met with the contract purchaser of the building and suggested to them improvements on the streetscape or to provide retail frontage on the building as staff thought these changes were necessary and important so that the building better meets the Upper Potomac West Task Force goals. The City's proposals were completely rejected, and they have no interest in them. Mr. Jinks reported that the City has begun negotiations to purchase the building with the intent to demolish it.

City Attorney Pessoa related that he will have a contract for Council consideration by the last meeting in June or will come forward with the resolution to continue negotiations, and if those fail, to acquire by condemnation during the summer.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

21. Verbal Report on the Status of the Commercial Properties at the Corner of Union and King Streets.

Planning and Zoning Deputy Director Ross reported on the three vacant spaces at the foot of King Street and the efforts that staff has undertaken to deal with the prospective tenants and purchasers of those buildings.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

22. Receipt of Community Partnership Fund for Human Services FY 2003 Grant Awards.

City Council received the report and thanked the members of the citizen review panel for their assistance in the FY 2003 grant award process.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

23. Consideration of Proposed Planning & Zoning Fee Increases.

City Council approved the proposed fee structure (Attachment I to the City Manager's memorandum).
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


24. Consideration of Proposed Parking Rate Changes for City-Owned Parking Garages and Lots.

City Council endorsed the recommended fee structure for all City-owned parking structures and the proposed free holiday parking program.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

25. Consideration of Proposal to Remove Certain Restrictions on Council Administrative Aide Salaries.

City Manager Sunderland responded to Councilwoman Eberwein that staff will be coming back to Council on June 25, with the process for looking at the compensation of City Council.

City Council amended the Special Regulation on City Council Administrative Aides to permit the six Council Aides to receive the cost-of-living increase approved by Council in the Approved FY 2003 budget.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

26. Receipt of FY 2001 Workforce Utilization Analysis and FY 2001 Applicant Tracking Report.

Councilwoman Woodson commented that there are references to strategic plans to increase applications and to increase identification of prospects and in hiring, and she requested a report on what is actually being done in this effort. How do our existing employees break down into these targets that we're looking to address?

City Council received the reports and thanked the members of the Commission on Persons with Disabilities, the Commission for Women, the Human Rights Commission, and the Commission on Aging for the assistance they have provided in the preparation of the reports.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

27. Consideration of an Increase in the Voluntary Contribution to the City's Housing Trust Fund.

City Council: (1) Increased the voluntary contribution to the Housing Trust Fund from $0.50 to $1.00 per gross square foot by amending the language in the "Summary of the Affordable Housing Policy with Regard to the Housing Trust Fund" addressing the Housing Trust Fund contribution as follows: "It shall be the City's policy that a standard charge of $1.00 per square foot on all new housing and/or commercial development should be paid at certificate of occupancy in the case of office, retail, hotel or rental apartments, and paid at sale to the end user in the case of condominium or single-family houses in developments of five units or more. If the general assembly so authorizes, this charge shall become mandatory; however, regardless of general assembly action, this remains the City's standard to be negotiated by staff. Staff will prepare administrative procedures for implementing this policy for review by the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and review and approval by Council. In lieu of this charge, a developer may submit an Affordable Housing Plan proposing another means of meeting the affordable housing requirement, e.g., provision of on-site or off-site housing units, or a lesser fee in combination with affordable units, with or without receiving some form of incentive from the City. While selection of the method of compliance with the Affordable Housing Policy lies with the developers to provide affordable home ownership or rental units, in lieu of a monetary contribution, whenever

27. (continued)

feasible."; (2) Apply the increased contribution amount to all development applications receiving final special use permit or site plan approval by City Council and/or the Planning Commission after July 15, 2002; and (3) Scheduled this item for Public Hearing on June 15, 2002. Although a hearing on this recommended Affordable Housing Contribution increase is not required, staff recommends that one be held.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________




(a) Vice Mayor Cleveland discussed a draft letter sent to Council from the Consumer Affairs Commission in reference to the Washington Gas Light Company petition before the State Corporation Commission to remedy billing errors. He requested the consent of Council for the Mayor to write a letter of support. The City Manager expressed his feeling that it would be appropriate that we do a letter, work with Fairfax County, see what position the other local government jurisdictions are taking and then express that in the form of a letter from the Mayor to be reflected in the record of the Commission proceeding.

Without objection, Scott McGeary of Washington Gas, provided some clarification of this matter, and he will provide Council with information on the outcome as soon as possible.

(b) Councilman Euille stated that in response to a newspaper article about the state's probation office being relocated to smaller quarters, he made an inquiry to the Governor and has been advised that the matter will be resolved very shortly. The predicament evolved as a result of trying to negotiate a lease with the property owner. The new lease is in the process of being awarded within the next 30 days, and the probation office will be relocated to another facility here in Old Town within 60 days with new offices and a full complement of staff and equipment readily accessible to them.

(c) Councilwoman Woodson advised of the letter she received from Ricky Ellison with the T.C. Williams football team. The National Football League has just awarded them a $200,000 grant to cover equipment, staff, uniforms, training, web network and anything else they need.

(d) Councilwoman Woodson announced a Juneteenth celebration scheduled on Saturday, June 15, 2002, at Charles Houston Center in the parking lot from 1 to 5 p.m.

(e) Councilwoman Woodson suggested to people who have expressed their fears to Council about the T.C. Williams renovation, that they relax until they see the renovation plans. She advised that some people are very nervous and upset, and they don't have any reason to be.

Councilwoman Pepper announced that the School Board on Thursday is going to have a work session to present the concept plans for the T.C. Williams renovation.


(f) Councilwoman Woodson reported that she serves on the Virginia Municipal League Transportation Committee, and the president of VML has also appointed her to be vice-chair of the steering committee.

(g) Councilwoman Pepper reminded everybody that this was a Red Code air quality day, and as a result of that our DASH bus system was free. She stated that if you go to the City's web site, to the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services, you can actually click on Real-Time Ozone Level and print out a chart reporting an hour-by-hour update on the City's ozone level. She explained that she sits on the air pollution committee for COG, and they are quite mindful that a lot of the problem we have is from dirty air blown into this region, and that is one of the things on which they are working.

(h) Councilwoman Pepper noted it was very distressing to see The Journal headline, "Gang Suspected in Shooting of Four Teens." The students who were interviewed in the article indicated that they felt very safe and secure. Ms. Pepper shared an e-mail from the City Manager regarding this incident in which he noted that we have not seen an increase in gang-related criminal activity over the past six months. In fact, gang-related criminal incidents against persons are down by more than a third over last year. The Police have not recently seen an increase in gang recruitment activities or gang membership in the city.

(i) Councilwoman Pepper raised her concerns about how the City is prepared to respond to a dirty bomb or a similar emergency. Fire Captain North and Deputy Fire Chief Whitmore addressed her inquiry. Chief Samarra and Health Director Konigsberg participated in the discussion. Mrs. Pepper would like to see some educational brochures made available for citizens. Police Chief Samarra assured Council that if there should be an unfortunate incident, that the Fire and Police Departments would be there for the citizens to provide on-the-spot information on what they need to do. He stated that every situation may be different, but Mrs. Pepper stressed that we need to be ready with a message to Alexandrians if there is anything that should arise. The City Manager participated in the discussion.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________



28. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to amend Section 3-2-8 of the City Code to increase the fee for processing encroachments to $150.

29. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to amend the water and sewer regulations in Title 5 of the City Code to increase the sanitary sewer connection fees charged for new construction.



30. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to amend the animal control regulations in Title 5 and Title 6 of the City Code to clarify that, except in a dog exercise area, or on private property with the consent of the owner, a dog must be kept on an actual, physical leash.

31. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to amend the taxicab regulations in Title 9 of the City Code to repeal the requirement that the name of the owner/driver of a taxicab be displayed on the exterior of the vehicle, and to provide that children under 5 years of age ride without charge.

32. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to amend Section 12-1-4 of the City Code to revise the boundaries of the school board election districts to reflect the 2000 Census.

33. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to make supplemental appropriations for the support of the government of the City of Alexandria for FY 2002.

34. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to make appropriations for the support of the government of the City of Alexandria for FY 2003.


City Council introduced and passed the ordinances on their First Reading; set them for Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage on Saturday, June 15, 2002, except for docket item no. 32 which was set for Public Hearing on Saturday, June 15, 2002, and Second Reading and Final Passage on Tuesday, June 25, 2002, and docket item no. 30 which was deferred to September.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


35. Consideration of a Resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation for Regional Surface Transportation Program Funds for Renovation of Union Station (Phase II). [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

City Council: (1) adopted the resolution; (2) requested staff to forward it to the Virginia Department of Transportation; and (3) authorized staff to proceed with the planned capital improvement expenditure of these State grant monies.
RES. NO. 2030
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


36. Consideration of a Resolution to Revise the Fee Schedule for Permits Issued, and Inspections Performed, by the Code Enforcement Bureau, and Establishment of a New Fire Protection Inspection and Testing Unit in Code Enforcement. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

City Council: (1) approved the addition of three full-time employees, two overhire positions and the upgrade of one position to staff a new Fire Protection Systems Inspection and Testing Unit within Code Enforcement; and (2) adopted the resolution authorizing the increase of Fire Protection System permit fees from 1.2 percent of total construction costs to 3.5 percent of total construction costs, and for fire alarm devices from $75 minimum, plus $2 per device, to $75 minimum, plus $9 per device. RES. NO. 2031
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


37. Consideration of City Council Schedule.

City Council adopted the Council Schedule as amended by deleting the June 21, 2002, ACVA annual meeting which has been canceled, and with the change in location of the Joint Public Hearing Meeting with ARHA on June 24, 2002, to the Charles Houston Recreation Center. The City Manager will see if the Catherine Lodge at the Winkler Botanical Preserve is available for Council's fall Retreat on October 26 and report back to Council. Staff will look at another location if there is a scheduling conflict there.

Councilwoman Woodson requested that an item be docketed for a public hearing date in the fall for citizens to come and talk about items that they would like to see Council consider in the budget, before the budget is done. Mrs. Woodson also advised that she may be out of town on the July 6, 2002, dedication ceremony for Captain Versace and the City's birthday celebration.

Council Action:_________________________________________________________


38. Alexandria Commission for Women
2 Citizen Members

City Council reappointed Diane Cherry and appointed Leslie Herzog as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Commission for Women.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

39. Alexandria Human Rights Commission
1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Nancy Turner as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Human Rights Commission.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


40. Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board

1 Citizen Member

City Council appointed Marharis Holman as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board.
Council Action:_________________________________________________________


41. Consideration of the Convening of an Executive Session, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, for consultation with counsel and staff regarding specific legal matters requiring the advice of counsel.

At 10:30 p.m., City Council convened in executive session at this time, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel and staff concerning the amendment of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Settlement Agreement to implement a reduced urban deck and alternative mitigation.

At 11:13 p.m., City Council reconvened the meeting.

City Council adopted the resolution pertaining to the Executive Session.
RES. NO. 2032
Council Action:_________________________________________________________

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

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Note: The action docket is a summary of Council's meeting deliberations prepared largely for staff follow-up. Formal Minutes of the meeting, when approved by Council, become the official record of the meeting and of Council decisions made at the meeting.
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Public Notice

The Alexandria City Council and the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) Board of Commissioners will hold a Joint Public Hearing on Monday, June 24, 2002, at 6:00 p.m., at the Charles Houston Recreation Center, 905 Wythe Street, Alexandria, Virginia.

Three possible sites have been identified for the location of the 48 off-site replacement units that are part of the Samuel Madden Homes (Downtown) Redevelopment project. The addresses of the sites are: 423 South Reynolds Street, 1706 West Braddock Road and 325 South Whiting Street. It is estimated that 18 scattered-site units can be built on the Reynolds Street site; 6 new townhouse units can be built on the West Braddock Road site; and the proposal for South Whiting Street is to construct 24 units in three, eight-plex buildings.

The Joint Public Hearing will be held to receive comments from the public on the possible use of the above-named properties for scattered-site housing.
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This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council. Meeting materials are also available on-line at
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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