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Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - - 7:00 p.m.

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Present: Mayor William D. Euille, Vice Mayor Redella S. Pepper, Members of Council K. Rob Krupicka, Andrew H. Macdonald, Paul C. Smedberg and Joyce Woodson.

Absent: Councilman Ludwig P. Gaines.

Also Present: Mr. Sunderland, City Manager; Mr. Pessoa, City Attorney; Ms. Evans, Assistant City Manager; Mr. Jinks, Assistant City Manager; Ms. Fogarty, Director of Planning and Zoning; Ms. Gordon, Public Information Officer; Ms. Boyd, Director of Citizen Assistance; Mr. Johnson, Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Mr. Neckel, Director of Finance; Police Lt. Uzzell; Ms. Collins, Director of Human Services; Ms. Collinson, Recycling Specialist; Robby the Recycling Squirrel; Mr. Kincannon, Director of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Mr. Eiffert, Deputy Director of Housing; Ms. Davis, Director of Housing; Ms. Barnett, Deputy Director of Program Operations, Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Ms. Vosper, Landscape Architect Supervisor, Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Mr. Penn, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator; Ms. Smith-Page, Director of Real Estate Assessments; Ms. Triggs, Deputy Director of Finance; and Mr. Lloyd, General Services.

Recorded by: Jackie M. Henderson, City Clerk and Clerk of Council

1. Calling the Roll.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Euille and the City Clerk called the roll; all members of Council were present except Councilman Gaines.

2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance.

City Council observed a moment of silence and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council:

(a) The Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of October 16, 2004; and

(b) The Regular Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2004.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Krupicka, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council approved the public hearing meeting minutes of October 16, 2004 and the regular meeting minutes of October 26, 2004. The voting was as follows:

Krupicka "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Woodson "aye"




4. Presentation by the Senior Services of Alexandria of its Calendar for 2005.

The calendar was presented by the members of Senior Services of Alexandria to the City Council and staff.

5. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring November as National Adoption Month and November 20 as Adoption Saturday in Alexandria.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 5, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council adopted the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

6. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring November 11, 2004, as Veteran's Day.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 6, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Macdonald, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council adopted the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Macdonald "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Woodson "aye"

7. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring November 15, 2004, as America Recycles Day.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 7, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Krupicka, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council adopted the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Krupicka "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Woodson "aye"

8. Presentation of the Parks and Recreation Accreditation Award from National Recreation and Parks Association Executive Director John Thorner.

City Council and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Activities Department received the accreditation award from National Recreation and Parks Association Executive Director JohnThorner.

9. Presentation of a Proclamation Recognizing the City of Alexandria Employee's Choir as the Recipient of the Employee of the Month Award.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 9, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council adopted the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

The Employees Choir sang two selections for the Council and audience.

New Business Item No. 1: Councilman Krupicka and Mayor Euille recognized Boy Scout Troop 129 and their leaders who were in the Chambers working on merit badges.


CONSENT CALENDAR (10-15 and 22)

(Resignations and Uncontested Appointments)

10. Receipt of the Following Resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees.

(a) Alexandria Commission for Women
Susan Lloyd Gilbert

(b) Alexandria Waterfront Committee
Wout Coster

(A copy of the above resignations is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 10(a-b), 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

11. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. Board of Directors
4 Business Representative Directors

(b) Alexandria Archaeological Commission
1 Member From Planning District III

(c) Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee
1 Member Designated By the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce

(d) Alexandria Community Services Board
1 Consumer (Current or Former Direct Recipient Of Public or Private
Mental Health, Mental Retardation, or Substance Abuse Treatment
Rehabilitation Services or Family Member (Immediate Family Member
or the Principal Caregiver Who Is Not Paid)

(e) Historic Alexandria Resources Commission
1 Representative From Gadsby’s Tavern Museum

(f) Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission
1 Member From Planning District II

(g) Alexandria Youth Policy Commission
1 Member Of A Profession Which Requires Special Training or
Knowledge In Issues Affecting Youth

(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No 11(a-g), 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

(Reports and Recommendations of the City Manager)

12. Report on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 1, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

13. Consideration of Authorization of Listings of Delinquent Taxes and Authorization to Advertise the Listings and Write-off Balances of Less Than Twenty Dollars.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 2, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 13, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

14. Receipt of a Grant Award From the Virginia Department of Emergency Management From the Homeland Security Grant Program.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 2, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

15. Introduction and First Reading. Consideration. Passage on First Reading of an Ordinance to Convert Four Designated Positions on the Sister Cities Committee For Representatives From the Police Department, Fire Department, Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association and the School Board to Four Citizen Voting Members.

(A copy of the informal memorandum explaining the ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 15, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.

A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 15, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

22. Special Use Permit #2004-0081.
Public Hearing and Consideration of a Special Use Permit at 2908 Valley Drive (parcel Address 1306 Kenwood Avenue) Agudas Achim Congregation. Consideration of a request for a special use permit to operate a preschool; zoned R-8/Residential. Applicant Agudas Achim Congregation.
Planning Commission Action: (to be determined at the November 4, 2004 Commission meeting.)

(A copy of the Planning Commission report dated November 4, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 22, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)


WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, City Council approved the Consent Calendar, with the removal of items #12, 13 and 14 and considered them under separate motion. The City Manager's recommendations were as follows:

10. City Council received the following resignations with regret: (a) Susan Lloyd Gilbert, Alexandria Commission for Women; and (b) Wout Coster, Alexandria Waterfront Committee.

11. City Council made the following appointments: (a) appointed Agnes Artemel, Scott Humphrey, Roger Machanic and Donald Simpson as the four business representative directors to the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc., Board of Directors; (b) appointed Janice Magnuson as the member from Planning District II to the Alexandria Archaeological Commission; (c) reappointed Margaret Gullen as the member designated by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce to the Alexandria Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee; (d) appointed Elaine Crocker as the consumer (current or former direct recipient of public or private mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse treatment rehabilitation services) or family member (immediate family member or the principal caregiver who is not paid) to the Alexandria Community Services Board; (e) appointed Ellen Stanton as the representative from Gadsby's Tavern Museum to the Historic Alexandria Resources Commission; (f) appointed Kenneth Basta as the member from Planning District II to the Alexandria Park and Recreation Commission; and (g) reappointed Heather Martin as the member of a profession which requires special training or knowledge in issues affecting youth to the Alexandria Youth Policy Commission.

15. City Council passed on first reading and scheduled for public hearing, second reading and final passage on November 13, 2004, an ordinance to convert four positions on the Sister Cities Committee, currently designated for representatives from the Police Department, Fire Department, Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association and the School Board, to positions for four citizen-at-large members.

22. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation.

The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines absent
Smedberg "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Woodson "aye"

12. Report on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004.

Questions were asked by Council concerning identifying priority projects, budgeting and planning for trouble in the years ahead, which were answered by Assistant City Manager Jinks.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, City Council received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Smedberg "aye" Gaines absent
Euille "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Macdonald "aye"

13. Consideration of Authorization of Listings of Delinquent Taxes and Authorization to Advertise the Listings and Write-off Balances of Less Than Twenty Dollars.

A question was asked by Council on proceeding with their judicial sale, to which Director of Finance Neckel explained that they list the top delinquent taxpayers, will work with the City Attorney and then will notify the delinquent taxpayers, which is based on years and amount due and how the taxpayer is responding to the City.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, City Council (a) received the listings of delinquent local property taxes; (b) authorized that parts of the delinquent real estate tax listing deemed advisable by the Director of Finance and having a balance due of $1,000 or more be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City. Also, that parts of the real estate tax and personal property tax listings deemed advisory by the Director of Finance be listed on the City of Alexandria website; and (c) authorized the Director of Finance to write off the uncollected tax balances amounting to less than twenty dollars each for which the Director of Finance has determined that the cost of collecting such balances would exceed the amount recoverable, provided that the Director of Finance shall not include any balance which he has reason to believe the taxpayer has purposely paid less than the amount due and owed. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Smedberg "aye" Gaines absent
Euille "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Macdonald "aye"

14. Receipt of a Grant Award From the Virginia Department of Emergency Management From the Homeland Security Grant Program.

Councilman Krupicka noted that Councilman Gaines is a big supporter of this and wanted to be here to vote for this item.

Questions from Council were asked concerning the $25,000 for emergency preparedness and how Alexandria should be evaluated for emergency preparedness, which were answered by Emergency Management Coordinator Penn.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Krupicka, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council (a) accepted the grant funds totaling $424,717 from the VDEM to fund equipment for first responders to better prepare for potential acts of terrorism; and (b) authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents that may be required. The voting was as follows:

Krupicka "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Woodson "aye"

New Business Item No. 2: Mayor Euille announced that Councilman Gaines and his wife Crystal had their baby boy, Bryce Ludwig, at 7:16 p.m. this evening.


16. Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission
3 Citizen Members

(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission)


Michael Carrasco
Michael Gaw
Matthew Mishkind
Adam Pearlman

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 16, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Michael Gaw and Adam Pearlman as two of the three citizen members to the Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission. The remaining appointment, which resulted in a tie, will be made at the November 23, 2004, Council meeting. The voting was as follows:

Euille - Carrasco, Gaw, Pearlman
Pepper - Carrasco, Gaw, Pearlman
Gaines - absent
Krupicka - Gaw, Mishkind, Pearlman
Macdonald - Gaw, Mishkind, Pearlman
Smedberg - Carrasco, Gaw, Pearlman
Woodson - Gaw, Mishkind, Pearlman

17. Alexandria Library Board
1 Citizen Member


Danielle Bush
Dorothy Koopman

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 17, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Dorothy Koopman as the citizen member to the Alexandria Library Board. The voting was as follows:

Euille - Koopman
Pepper - Koopman
Gaines - absent
Krupicka - Koopman
Macdonald - Koopman
Smedberg - Koopman
Woodson - Koopman

18. Alexandria Waterfront Committee
1 Citizen-at-Large


Marc Sukolsky
Jay Atkinson

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 18, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council appointed Jay Atkinson as the citizen at large member to the Alexandria Waterfront Committee. The voting was as follows:

Euille - Atkinson
Pepper - Atkinson
Gaines - absent
Krupicka - Atkinson
Macdonald - Sukolsky
Smedberg - Atkinson
Woodson - Atkinson


19. Consideration of Adoption of the Proposed Open Space Priority List Action Plan. (#5, 10/16/04, #18, 10/26/04)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 5, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 19, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Smedberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously by voice vote, City Council adopted the proposed Open Space Priority List Action Plan and instructed staff to begin implementation of the adopted Action Plan, with a change to the Action Plan as follows: On line 10 of page 1 of the Action Plan, to remove the line "(as may be consistent with the Waterfront Plan developed through the recommended planning effort.)"

Vice Mayor Pepper said she wanted the record to show that if they wish to acquire for protection purposes all or part of the site, they have the ability to do that and that is what is allowed. She said it is their intention, that if it is necessary to acquire one way or the other the whole or part of a parcel, that is their option and that should be what is obvious.

The voting was as follows:

Smedberg "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Woodson "aye"

Councilman Krupicka noted that Councilman Gaines indicated his support for this item.

20. Report on the 2004 Festival of the Arts and Recommendations Concerning the 2005 Festival of the Arts.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 5, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 20, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

Questions were asked regarding next year's plan, how 2006 will unfold, how to solidify the organization and having regular meetings, which were answered by Deputy Director of Program Operations for Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities Barnett.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council (a) received the report of the 2004 Festival of the Arts; (b) for future years, set the second weekend in September as the annual weekend for the Festival of the Arts and endorsed the concept of a month-long series of arts activities occurring annually in Alexandria in conjunction with the Festival of the Arts and Art on the Avenue; (c) acknowledged that the Festival of the Arts Executive Committee will serve as the management team for the 2005 event; and (d) directed the Festival of the Arts Executive Committee to further develop and enhance the Festival based on the experience and evaluation of the 2004 Festival. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

21. Consideration of Allocation of Housing Trust Fund Monies to the Seller's Incentive Fund.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated October 22, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 21, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Krupicka, seconded by Councilwoman Woodson and carried unanimously, City Council allocated $80,000 in Housing Trust Fund monies to provide funding for the Seller's Incentive Fund. The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee will consider this request at the November 4, 2004 meeting. The voting was as follows:

Krupicka "aye" Pepper "aye"
Woodson "aye" Gaines absent
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Smedberg "aye"


22. Special Use Permit #2004-0081.
Public Hearing and Consideration of a Special Use Permit at 2908 Valley Drive (parcel Address 1306 Kenwood Avenue) Augdas Achim Congregation. Consideration of a request for a special use permit to operate a preschool; zoned R-8/Residential. Applicant Agudas Achim Congregation.
Planning Commission Action: (to be determined at the November 4, 2004 Commission meeting.)

City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation under the consent calendar as noted above.




(a) Councilwoman Woodson introduced Louis Hicks, the Director of the Black History Museum, along with his intern, Awantoh "Elsie" Ngwen-Nsoh, from Cameroon.

(b) Vice Mayor Pepper said there was a flag raising ceremony today at Covanta, the waste energy facility, and it was a nice event, and the facility has achieved star status, which means the facility is run in a very safe way. She said there was a trash truck coming into the facility that said, "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Double Your Trash Back."

(c) Councilman Macdonald said he spoke to the Health Department recently about their effort to distribute a limited amount of flu vaccine and he complimented them on their efforts.

(d) Councilman Macdonald said he read a story recently talking about emergency planning and how the weather service had a little bit of trouble predicting some of the ill effects of Isabel and it showed how difficult it was to predict the effects of the tropical storms and storm surge was one of the key elements. He said with the new river gauge and better coordination with the United States Geologic Survey and other groups, they can continue to provide a more meaningful risk assessment to businesses and residents along the waterfront.

(e) Councilman Krupicka said he participated in the swearing-in ceremony of nine new CASA volunteers with the Juvenile Court System this morning. He said the volunteers deserve their thanks for their dedication to the kids in the City.

(f) Councilman Krupicka said that last year, there was an effort in the General Assembly to attack and eliminate the open space tax credits that are being promoted in the City's open space plan. He asked that the legislative package include clear language to make sure the City can do whatever it can to prevent the elimination of the open space tax credits.

(g) Councilman Krupicka said he looked forward to talking about crime at the upcoming Retreat.

(h) Councilman Krupicka said they received a report from DASH, the transit company, who are off to quite a start in the first quarter by being up 850,000 rides vs. a little under 800,000 rides from the first quarter a year ago. He said that after the PTO Concourse was open, there was a dramatic decrease in DASH riders of about 67 percent, so it demonstrates that people are using the concourse and shows that the shuttle was working.

(i) Mayor Euille said the Council is nearing home plate on its selection of a new city manager, have narrowed the selection down to three finalist and more detailed information will be provided at a later date, with a goal of being able to announce that they have someone under contract on or about December 15.


The City Manager reported on the following: (a) laptops will be available in the Chambers on Saturday; and (b) he distributed a draft agenda for the Council retreat on November 20.




23. Consideration of City Council Schedule.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated November 5, 2004, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 23, 11/9/04, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, City Council adopted the schedule of Council's regular City Council meetings for November 2004 through June 2005, with the following additions and changes: scheduled its annual work session with the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board at 6:00 p.m. in the Council workroom before Council's Tuesday, February 8 legislative meeting; and received the revised calendar, which includes a musical performance, "Side by Side" by Sondheim, performed by six students from Dundee, the City's sister city, on Thursday, December 2 at 7:30 p.m., in the Lee Center auditorium; adding the Durant center as the location of the Monday, December 6 City Council/School Board work session; the annual Hanukkah Celebration at Inova Alexandria Hospital on Wednesday, December 8 at 5:00 p.m. in the Atrium; and the City's 11th Annual Homeownership Fair on Saturday, April 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines absent
Smedberg "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Woodson "aye"

New Business Item No. 3: Executive Session.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, moved that the City Council, or a subcommittee thereof as may be designated by the Mayor, convene in closed executive session from time to time, at the call of the Mayor, and within 15 days of this date, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(a)(1) of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of conducting follow-up interviews for the position of city manager. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Smedberg "aye" Gaines absent
Euille "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Macdonald "aye"

* * * * * *

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Woodson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council adjourned the meeting of November 9, 2004, at 9:18 p.m. The voting was as follows:

Woodson "aye" Gaines absent
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Macdonald "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

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Jackie M. Henderson, CMC, City Clerk

This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council.
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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